Show Others Get Millions We e Get Nothing f Federal Reclamation Mone Money Monet Spent in Other Sections While Utah Waits Vaits When Will ViII the Uintah Basin Basin Ba Basin I sin Receive Attention Reclamation of des desert rt lands has become less and less leas han handled led by private capital and more and more by federal resources This is is' partly partly part part- ly at least because the federal government has withdrawn from entry large tracts which it holds doing nothing until Washington advises it it and Jin in the meantime no private ti e may be em em- Reclamation Commissioner Dr Elwood Mead Mend gave the following figures on projects under way early in 1928 with reference to cost coat aside the of the Is is the capital necessary necessary I essary essaiy to handle tho the areas in the table below viz Advertising and placing settles upon the theland theland theland land 5 Clearing and preparing the land for tor cultivation cultivation tion Erecting houses fences farm building etc Farm equipment Cultivation and living expenses the first year Purchase of acres privately owned owned owned own own- ed The following table of projects and costs costa etc is illuminating to a Uintah Basin citizen For Instance instance ance the Owyhee cost coat to reclaim acres For Forone Forone Forone one fourth that cost we could reclaim re- re reclaim reclaim re re- claim that much land In the basin One reason why we wo are so neglected neglected neglected neg neg- i II ia because federal money has literally been poured out on projects in other states Note the table below Where United States Is Investing Millions I No of t f Total Settlers Acreage Requiring Needed Name Cost Settlement 80 unit Kittitas Owyhee Vale r r. r Payette 90 Minidoka- Minidoka Gravity Ext Riverton J. J Willwood Division |