Show NEWS SUMMARY physicians state there Is if no ino doubt of the i recovery of senator bailey of texas who bo is III in n new york city mrs mm charles smith of crescent oklahoma was as killed hilled as the result of the collapse of her cottage during a heavy windstorm the international convention of good template Temp lars in session at wash ington decided to hold the next trl tl enuval meeting at hamburg germany in 1911 william white a farmer was as stilled allied several farm houses were mere destroy el and property damaged firul a tot tor nado which passed near Wa Wat tenso engo ok lahoma A dispatch from tangier announces that 4 troops of abd el azil azaz the sultan havo hav revolted and taken pris oner a fience commander rad and three other officers nine workmen were killed by a pre premature mattire explosion of dynamite at chamber brothers camp east of winnipeg man on the grand trunk pa cefic road it has been announced by the oil chi c cago ago packets packers because of a shortage of cattle and canned meats that the price of beet beef and canned meats will be increased william davis EI eb the oldest alum pus of yale university and a member of the blabs of 1836 died at his home in providence R 1 I of heart fat failure lure aged 93 bears rear admiral robley D evans has haa gone to lake Alo mohonk bonk where he will spend the summer ahe Is feeling dahly well and expects to fully regain life hla health within a bem fem m weeks two persons killed and five others injured when an apartment house in course of construction in t the he fashionable section of washington coi lapsed all eie wor workmen kinen employed at the building william J dryan bryan it Is said will not go to louisiana in response to an invitation sent horn new nem orleans mr alt bryan has planned to rest at fairview and will not leave the state for mole moie than a month ed J julian county clerk of me intosh county oklahoma held beld forthe for tho burdei of general dunlap at eufala has made a full confession lie ile claims self defense stating slating that genei general al dun lap entered his room and firel first ten clobbers lobbers lob iob bers heavily armed in ill evaded the customs office at rus itus sla and killed the official in chaice and ills four assistants de camping with 12 the police pursued the tha robbers keling of them but tho others wu tingfang ting fang chinese minister to the united states last week toured the factory district of eolith benil bend lud ind by order of the chinese ImP ellal government his observations expect ed to biang about reforms in the tac fac torlef doriee in china the entire plant at albuquerque N M of the Contin continental etal oil company with ith the exception of the office build ing has been destroyed desti oyed by fire near ly loo gallons of coal oil basol gasoline illa and naptha were mere destroyed the total loss being about 50 mr and mrs airs thomas herth living near paleo kans were di owned while returning from a wedding while driving through a ravine their vehicle was caught by the strong current and the occupants drowned the bodies were mere found several hours later in a lall road wreck near journal To belgium live persons persona were iiii ld and several others wounded A pas train from mons mona ran off the track and several cars were demol demo lebed the wreckage immediately caught fire and abid was consumed two laborers lost their lives two were seriously injured ond property lobs estimated between and waa as caused b bi two explosions followed by fire in the docking pocking plant of morris co at riverside in kansas city kan aln frank floret millionaire bank pies ident and coal mine owner la is doad dad at lincoln from the effect of an assault by highway robbers march 9 the robbers secured 3 T two 0 of 0 the men are now in chester biary and a third is in jail awaiting trial representative A A wiley of ala bama a member of the poet pact four con gr grosses esses is critically ill at hla his hotel apartments at liot hot springs va mi all wiley who is about BO 50 years yeara old was 11 w with ith inflammatory rheumatism at hi his hotel in washington for eleven weeks ecks charles P corlett a prominent at ar and head of the corlett langl company killed ills his wife elizabeth and then ended hla his own oan life ife in a hotel in willot ahby a cleveland land suburb the double tragedy la is said to have been the result of jealousy I 1 robert watson a student of the south dakota state college was so BO seriously injured in a sham battle at the college at brookings S D that death resulted watson was captain of one of the militia com companies panics of the college which were entertaining edcur zionists ts oliver it P belmont aged so 60 tears died at his home to la hemp blead L 1 I june 10 after a apa tf n days daya illness with appendicitis oliver 11 P belmont was the son of the late august belmont the present Aue august tiBt belmont and perry belmont are his bl di BI others while bile a dozen terrorized men ond nd women bookel on from the windows 0 df surrounding houses in new york city two tao highwaymen beat to death and robbed a man cl ahring to be ba A al belt crosby crosby was on an actor tild bad been placing in n the road to I 1 esterday w |