Show SCHOOL CHILDREN WITH MONEY one pupil in new york acted as ai the family bank chere W here do school children get all the money they take to school was aas sake ached a new york teacher who was worrying over the he frequent thefts from the pupils in her room 1 1 I don t know she said bald the situ atlon aaion la Is puzzling it Is it a fact that almost every child brings money to babool man of them have only a cent to buy a doughnut or a stick of candy hut but others carry surprisingly large bums not long ago the charges of theft were so frequent in my room that I 1 tiled to stop this universal carrying of mono I 1 asked the moth ers era not to give their money during school hours except in cases it was really needed to buy luncheon many arany of them rhem promise to cut cat off the tha allowance allow arice but the small coins continued to circulate just the SR same me A few mothers inot bers declared declai ed that eliy gave the children money for sate safe keeping I 1 learned that one girl in my class rame carne to school lay day after div wih horn 20 to 30 pinned in her clothes the fattier father spent everything he could lay hla his hands on and as the little gill a garments gar menta were mere the only place lie he could never find tho the vav mtv atre family hink h ink rhe plan seemed to so tar far as an the spendthrift father was concerned but it whirled the teacher |