Show HOT ONIONS FOR PNEUMONIA dread disease robbed of its lt terrors by simple remedy owing to the tha prevalence pie valence of m 0 nia and the great mortality which bich tends attends t its ravages during the winter and spring several boards of health in northern new jersey have been tak ing measures to protect the citizens of their towns from the disease the health blaid of washington N J has published a remedy which is said eald to be a sure cure foi pneumonia and other health hoards boards are looking into the matter with a view of liming the same thing published for or the good of tho the general public this la Is the publication li as it has appeared in the pa pers pera of washington take six or ten onions according to size elze and chop fine put in a large spider over a hot fire then add the same quantity of rye meal and vine gar enough to faini a thick paste in the meanwhile stir it thoroughly let ting it simmer five or ten minutes then put in a cotton bag large enough to cover the lungs and apply to chest as hot as patient can bear in about ten minutes apply another and thus cont continue Jnue by re heating the poultices and aaa in a few hours the patient be out of danger this simple remedy has never tailed failed to cure this too often fatal malady usually three or four applications will be sufficient but con dinue always until the perspiration starts freely from the chest this rem edy was as formulated many years ago by one of the best physicians new england has eier eer known who never jost a patient by the disease and won his bis renown by simple remedies |