Show FRYERS FOR SALE 35 cents a ib lb S S miles N 1st west 81 FOR SALE trailer include ng stu d 0 couch 0 I 1 heater and 3 burner gasoline range 19 west 1st north tooele thoele ax FOR SALE motorcycle 1940 indian chief with saddlebags and buddy seat down total 97 N ath st tooele thoele utah call aft er 4 00 p in FOR SALE lead manganese min ing property situated in enck erick son mining district tooele thoele co over feet of tunnel work 3 T con on nor west 1st N tooele thoele ax dance at grantsville Grants ville airport t saturday august 2 at P M 0 1 I D BIRDS orchestras ORCHESTRA amr 51 1 per couple 25 extra ladies FOR BETTER RESULTS ADVERTISE IN THE CHRONICLE uncle sam says everybody knows it pays to buy U S bond but not everybody knows how much it pays by invest ing as small a sum as 2 50 a week in U S bonds your savings will be 1440 1 81 84 in ten years take savings of 3 75 a week by 1957 you will have 2 45 there are two easy ways to save automatically have a regular amount of money set aside from your pay each week for bonds through the payroll savings plan or if you re not on a payroll but you do have a checking account you can have your bank automatic ally charge your account for the purchase price of a bond each month U S treasury department BRING YOUR CLEANING ta ANNS SHOP be cool and fresh as a daisy in garments kept clean and fresh by our quality CLEANING the price Is right CLEANERS 7 N main tooele thoele WOMEN BUY e 9 but men do the eating and most men are particular about their food that is why we carry such a wide variety of food so you can find what HE likes best QUALITY ECONOMY fihs ihs Y COURTESY these are the three words we arc are always conscious of whale while servin serving 9 1 you these are the reasons we w make satish satisfied aed and hold them QUALITY always conies first for without quality foods no meal ineal can be lie a success when you shop at YOUR FOOD CENTER you know you get only the best hest ECONOMY also means enuch to our customers so they naturally buy where they can save we have quality foods at economy prices you will find our courteous clerks ready to help you with your food problems ask chent for helpful suggestions 0 in food selections they will be lie 9 glad clad to serve you personally so nally P your food center genter 79 north broadway tooele thoele utah open from 9 00 A M to 10 00 P M week days 10 00 A M until 8 00 P M sundays |