Show fanciers fancy fancier bantams 1 or to be honest my wife have recently acquired three new ban tarns tams for our flock elmer the proud cock of the walk and his two tunes clementine and adelme bantam raising Is a real industry in the united states among my ac quain most people raise ban tarns tams for pets elmer clementine and adeline had hardly gotten out of their crate which brought them all the way from ioa iota to florida where they are now ensconced be fore the ladies were leaping up on my wife s arm and eating a piece of bread right out of her mouth the industry breeds the birds tor for exhibition and fancier sale striking specimen of a blue cochin bantam rooster bred for its beauty A bantam is really just a little chicken bred down by selecting the small ones in a normal breed and mating them with the ponies as a i t i they call the undersized but healthy and handsome roosters the cocky ones the bantam breed Is centuries old in china they produced minia tures with long and flowing tails to grace the gardens of the danchus great estates in europe have been decorated for hundreds of years with these delectable little crea tures kept for no purpose other than the beauty they could impart to the landscape |