Show F femoral services F for or mr fidler phillip fidler 74 a resident of grantsville Grants ville for the past 51 years died at his home saturday at 8 30 p in july 26 1947 of a lingering illness born in berkshire england november 9 1872 he was a son of william fidler and mary ann chamberlin Cham berhn he lie came to tooele thoele at the age of 10 years and lived there with his grandfather phillip fidler he mar ried annie E anderson of grants ville december 26 1895 they cele berated their golden wedding an niver sary december 26 1946 at the grantsville Grants ville high school auditorium he lie held the position of elder in the church of jesus christ of lat ter day saints besides his widow he is survived by five sons grant of pioche nev ada clyde of salt lake city and merrill floyd and wilton all of grantsville Grants ville four daughters mrs blanche fawson mrs gladys R rei el man of salt lake city mrs joyce russell of tooele thoele and mrs chloe jefferies Jef fenes of grantsville Grants ville twenty two grandchildren and five great grandchildren and one sister mrs mary pounds of ashford ashfor england funeral services were held wed july 30 at the second ward chapel at 1 p in burial was in the grantsville Grants ville cemetery from north hollywood came mrs milton anderson and daughter niva rae to attend the centennial celebration at salt lake city and to visit friends and relatives at grantsville Grants ville they arrived in time to spend the of july here they are the guests of mrs anderson andersons s sister and brother in law mr and mrs milan johnson mrs milton anderson and her daughter lollie of north holly wood were visiting at the home of mr and mrs milan johnson for the past ten days mr and mrs W A jensen and daughter connie of los angeles have been visiting relatives and friends through the centennial weeks celebration mr and mrs jensen were guests of mr and mrs milton anderson and mr and mrs milan johnson on friday night at promised valley mr and mrs jensen and daughter and mrs and erson and daughter left sunday to drive to their home in california mrs vera wanless an son don will leave thursday for their home in los angeles after visiting with mrs wanless father monte bar rus for the past ten days miss sueanne johnson spent the week in salt lake city guest of her aunt and uncle mr and mrs parley C woolley here are the results of tuesday evening evenings s softball games erda girls 10 grantsville Grants ville 1st ward eirls 5 st john girls 11 grantsville Grants ville 2nd ward girls 22 the boys did not play last even ing mr and mrs harry and children dick and kerra jane of idaho falls idaho are visiting at the home of bishop and mrs R sterling halladay delores and beverly hammond left a few days ago for portola california after spending three weeks visiting friends and rela tives in grantsville Grants ville mr and mrs james R williams left on monday for a vacation trip through the parks of sou southern thein utah they were accompanied by mr and mrs edwin chrissinger of mt pleasant iowa mr chrissinger was a buddy of mr williams dur trip the first world war shirley jean knowltons Knowl tons birthday was the occasion of a lawn party given at the home of mrs edna knowlton recently re fresh ments were served to 16 guests there will be a dance at the grantsville Grants ville airport on saturday august 2 1 I D bird birds s orchestra will furnish the music the prices are a couple and for extra ladies they are planning to held these dances every week or two at least during the warm weather come on folks this sounds like a good way to spend saturday ev ening let s go to the dance at the airport i madge and jim mills mill s of great falls montana visited friends and relatives in grantsville Grants ville recently mardge is a daughter of mr and mrs rufus marsh formerly of this city on their way home madge and jim will visit yellowstone park vivian sandberg and mary fen ton recently returned from a trip through the parks of southern utah barbara reed is again yi visiting sn in grantsville Grants ville royce green is visiting friends and relatives in the old home town |