Show visitors al at ss iSlEa csome mr and mrs george L sm sin th chave have ther the r daughter and camly fam ly visiting them at this t me mr and mrs A G manderino Man denno and small son peter th s is mrs mander ino s f vis t home in two years also at the sm sin th home is mrs 1 S YI th s ler ter mrs T II 11 I 1 irv woodard dard of gait galt cal forma and I 1 er daugh mary lou and carolyn and mrs gordon E shop and her son A niece and family mr and mrs E E serg and son eugene fron san D ego vis ted here during the past week and have returned to the r home on sunday mr ard mrs S nith and their fam ly and guests here went to amer can fork canyon where they were jo ned by rela t ves from salt lake C ty and pleasant crove and spent the day pick mcking nicking in the canyon mrs alice switzer and mr and mrs claud bracken of denver colorado returned to their home on july 25 from a visit with their sister mrs cloyd dalton in too ele mrs ed redd ck and daughter mary have returned from san diego where they spent several weeks visiting mr and mrs J E reddick and infant son miss dolores sullivan daughter of mr and mrs gratten sullivan is remaining at camp red cliffe for the complete camp ng period of the girl scouts as a leader in arts and crafts she is returning to too ele after the camp closes in aug mrs F D williams and three children mrs max carter shar lene and david williams from mm min erhville ers ville were visitors in tooele thoele last week at the home of mrs williams sister mrs george hammond while here they made a trip to salt lake city with mr and mrs hammond to see the centennial parade on july 24 mr and mrs ray W morgan and three children returned to their home in burbank california thursday after a visit of ten days in tooele thoele with their parents mr and mrs J W morgan mrs margaret doremus of los angeles who has been visiting in tooele thoele for several weeks will spend the month of august at st mark s hospital for a short train ing and refresher course before returning to her home in los ange les her son richard doremus and family from los angeles also vis cited here early in july and were guests of mr and mrs john long dr and mrs joseph A ph lips of salt lake city vis ted old friends and neighbors in tooele thoele on satur day and attended the bevan fam fain ily reunion that evening miss vilate martin daughter of joseph martin of tooele thoele and miss elva peterson of salt lake city are visiting in san francisco this week arriving in tooele thoele saturday aft ernson from seattle washington were dr and mrs george rosen green and their two daughters they are former residents of too ele happy to see them again were their many friends at tooele thoele dr is now located in a cl n c at seattle with his brother dr J W he and his f fam am ly will make their home there after dr having been released from the armed forces and stationed at alaska for sev leral era bears they are visiting fri fn ends and relatives in salt lake city coalville Co alville and ogden they will tour yellowstone park on their return trip they will enjoy some fishing en route in logan canyon visit ng at the home of county agent and mrs A E smith during the past week were twin brothers of mrs smith and their wives mr and mrs lorenzo and joseph D depriest of manassa colorado mr and mrs alex bryan return ed to tooele thoele tuesday from a visit in enterprise their daughter miss berdene bryan accompanied and is remaining at zion national park for the month of august |