Show F farmers Far critters meBs are still prosperous Pro serous 17 soaring living costs particulars ly for food mangles the income of the city office worker smelter hand and their bosses but the farmer who supplies the table largely from his land is as yet much better off it is to be noted however that here and there a note of caution has come lately to the farmers buying A des moines iowa store recently marked down a leading maker s home freezer by 10 percent because f farmers spurned it at the I 1 st price A distributor of dry goods in six mid western states say rural people are beginning to blaken their buying in anti cipa tion of price cuts increasing consumer resistance to high prices was reported by the national retail dry goods in a recent survey of stores throughout the country according to the new york times 95 6 per cent of the stores reported definite consumer resistance 65 9 percent sa dun d unwillingness to buy was ap in all lines of dise and 34 percent limited price resu resistance tance to selective laness 1 nes s tance to both price and quality was noted by 67 3 percent of stores covered in the survey most of the consumer reaction had to do with goods which are plentiful wit with h only 6 62 2 percent of the stores re porting complaints on scarce goods accord ng to the new york times A total of stores reported they were using mark downs to sales in slow moving lines lew hahn president of the na dional retail dry goods ass n in commenting on the study warned if prices continue high there will be a tremendous drop off in busi busl ness while automobiles products for the home and clothing hold a high place on the farmer s shop ping list it is on farm machinery that he has to spend the most cash the shortage of new equip ment is feeding a roaring fire of activity in the used machinery black market farmers once the soul of thrift now have to hurry to snap up second hand machines at prices far above what they cost new if the small retailer will take P ad vantage of the things that are his by circumstances know and pur chase for his customer customers s needs and be sure his prices are in line there is no more reason to fear the fut ure than there has been in the past 12 40 0 three members of one family were killed when a truck collided with their sedan ironically the immediate cause of the accident was a top stop sign which the truck first hit before ricocheting into the family car ear basle basic cause of the accident was disregard of the stop sign safety central control devices are put there for a purpose obey them for your safety and the safety of others |