Show stockton pioneer died saturday was 96 years old mrs mary ellen arthur AhI ahrstrom strom 96 pioneer of 1863 died it at the family home in st john Sat saturday arday of c luses incident to age sh ohp I 1 ad lived in st john for 50 yea a born in north wales december 28 1850 she was a daughter of evan and katherin james arthur and came to bitah with her parents as member oi or a pioneer she was married to john G aai strom november Ne vember 20 1870 in the old salt lake endowment hot hoise se cf the L D S chi arh mr Ahlstr ahlstrom orn died in june 1925 active in the church all hr life she was one of the oldest nem bers of the ward and had been a member of the primary and oe lief society most of her lif ha surviving are three sons wil lam 1 am ernest and elmer dahlstro n st john two daught daughters erg mr AI al vin caldwell cardston bardston Card ston albecita canada and mrs john mcintosh salt lake city 27 grandchildren 17 great grandchildren and five great great grandchildren funeral services were conducted tuesday in the st john ward chap el with bishop vaughn arthur of fic lating burial was in the st john cemetery |