Show Noted Woman Lecturer Will Mill Explain Painless Childbirth irth I With Twilight 1 Sleep f Film 0 We w start star womanhood with a banka bank a account count of physical and nervous en energy en- en erg ergy says Wenonah Stevens Abbott novelist and poet who Is now devotIng devoting devot devot- devoting ing her time to spreading abroad the glad tidings tiding of the abolishment of the so c called primal curse of agony In birth All AU that we waste vaste in displaying displayIng display display- Ing needless grit by bearing avoidable pain is a waste of capital and such needless expenditure leaves us us' bankrupt bankrupt bankrupt bank bank- rupt of health energy and good nature when the real test comes she says Travail which we wears rs out the nerves nerves lessens a woman's womans womans woman's usefulness to the community and is an injustice to her husband and children to her prenatal peace of mind and freedom f from om dread are essential t to best results results' for mother and babe Mrs Abbott who is the personal representative of f the Modern Motherhood Motherhood Motherhood Mother Mother- hood league will lecture at the Liberty theatre all aU this week in connection with the present presentation tion of th the startling film Twilight Sleep a motion picture picture pic plc- ture of the latest discovery of science emancipated m motherhood The picture picture pic picture pic- pic ture will be shown for r an entire week at the Liberty coming here direct from New York where it has been the sensation sensation sen- sen sensation of the film fUm world for two months Performances are to be given twice each afternoon and ev evening ning the matinees starting at and and amI the night shows at and In an old Greek play continued Mrs Abbott the stat statement ment is made Sooner would I stand three times to face their battles shield In hand than bear one child The Tho drug used in the present day method known as the was in use by the anc ancients who knew that it would T induce the religious trance of ot ecstacy for the priestess of ot Demeter All down through history witches ha have hae e used this and allied drugs to in induce uce the hypnotic state The drug is not new and the German phy who experimented with it merely made Its administration scientifically scientifically scientifically safe According to Gauss the discoverer of th the present German method of ot administering administering administering ad ad- ministering the drug its first Irs effect is extreme weariness followed by light peaceful slumber from which pains rouse the patient In the second stage I the patient is conscious of pain J 3 but bu t the severity is much lessened Thirst Thies ana an characterize tit the third stage which is that in in which whit Von attempted to keep kee keethe the patient throughout Gauss however however how how- ever carried this further bringing about a state of clouded cOnscio consciousness from which stage on the process is to t some extent hypnotic There is a con a-con con of in in which the patient can continue to talk but her brain registers S no memory and her mental condition is quite similar to th the waking condition of ot a That is is' she perceives perceIvE's events but has no after atter recollection of them Tho presentation of the Twilight Sleep pictures in Salt Lake and the co lecture by Mrs Abbott are are expected to arouse an unusual in- in in terest Members the medical pro pro- in-I in I have have expressed expressed a keen interest in the subject For Tor the first four days das of the week the picture will nill be shown to women only The regular s system tem of or reservations and the scale of prices at the I will wilt remain the same during this special special special cial engagement |