Show The J SemiWeekly News 1 I i J JI I THE TUE GREAT aREA T II COUNTRY PAPER PAPE II OF TIlE THE WEST Is b IS Mondays Montay and Thursdays Thur I I find anti contains tn oil bli tho cronin of ilio tho thoI I Dally Daily and Saturday Nav We pay 4 per pcr cent cont Interest per annum on U 1 to Zions Having hank Dank It Trust Co Joseph Josrph V F o Smith dolit George M itt Cannon Cashier ONEST PLUMBER Electric Wiring 10 3 K I South Phon Excursion to ManU Manti Sunday July Jull for or the tho Scan Scandinavian Reunion Tickets 2 ZO good till Special trait trull returning Sun Sunday day cay night T t A 4 farewell party was vat 18 held last ova e In the Twentieth ward annex in honor bonor of at KIder lel W WrIght who vho leaves Wednesday next to fulfil n a mis ml r 1101 on to the tha th Southern Jim ns an Ij t I he JIO Is In familiarly called was waH born horn I j raised In the Twentieth ward ant and the people turned out In goodly numbers to RIo give him a II right royal send off Mt The I audience was tM a ft II moat enthusiastic one i The program consisted of or songs recitations I readings violin tolas olos etc and anil remarks from the tw departing missionary I A A neat sum Bun WAI s u collected 1 and to J Wright at nt the close of at the tho en on ont t with h best st wishes for tor hU his success and safe sato home coming MADE MAD BY IS JS TIm STAFF OF UFE Why not have the and cleanest that can ann be lie obtained 7 We have just In dialled a modern steel plant for tor mak makIng Ing bread brend and aro arn prepared to put on the market the tho very ven best Vienna 4 Model Bakery 19 9 1 K E 1 3rd So Genuine ROYAL pure puro and andears Vears ears our label with the At nit nil 2 and first class clani Restaurants John Stable for tor stylish light livery liver carriages s boarding 23 BICYCLE RIDERS to Ogden Ogdon July Jul 17 via In Oregon Oron Short lAne Lino Hound trip to 10 Ogden leaves Halt Lake 1000 n 1 m rn re to returning reo turning leaves leae Ogden O llen 1000 p I m rn Re Ito Refreshments free tree on train Iraln 40 fast talt bicy bicycle cle riders will ilI participate Ie In grand competition races Trout and chicken dinner will bo It served sonell nt at the Hermitage In III Ogdan Canyon A t Rood good time Is as al assured for to nil all Reporter Co Job Printers 21 K E O First South St lit Salt Snit Lake Jake City TWO DAILY TRAINS TO 10 BINGHAM In order to accommodate the large volume of o passenger the Rio nil has haR arranged for tor two dally daily passenger trains und antI a 11 faster tAster schedule between betell the old reliable camp and Salt SnIt Lako City effective July Leave Salt Bait take Lake n a m a Leave Salt Lake Lako p m in Leave a m in Leave Leavi Bingham p m Arrive nt lit a n m in Arrive at al p II m in Arrive nt nl Salt Bait Lake Inke 1050 n a m in Arrive nt at Salt Lake o p I m in WORLDS PAIR FAIR EXCURSIONS Via VI Denver Denvor Rio Klo Orande To lo St Bt Louis and anti return To Chicago and return 1150 To St Louis and return via Chicago or vice ice Ico versa Selling date Tuesday and Friday of each week weekS k Stopovers Stopover S allowed 1 Final Finni limit GO 60 0 hays 1111 from date dato of ot salt sale Pullman l anti ami tourist sleepers through to Bt St Louts Louis without change Choice of at routes See any D H n n O I Agent ent LEGAL mANI S a 11 full tull supply SUlp nil all the latest forms torms at the Deseret News Hook store VInn CHURCH CHUR The Tha regular meeting of at the home mis of at Liberty stake will bo be held iteld helda nt at a t the tho vard meetinghouse on Wednesday July 13 iDOl at p m in mAll mAll All the home missionaries In said stake are arc requested to bo be present ARNOLD II PHILIPS MAYCOCK Presidency W WV SCOTT WEILER Clerk I 9 IJ w TEMPLE NOTICES ihn The Tho Th Salt Lake take Temple will close clos on Friday Frida evening July 1 I and reopen on Monday morning AUK AUIt 8 1901 JOS JOB F SMITH The Temple will VIII close Friday evening July Jul 16 15 1904 and reopen Tuesday Sept 6 at nt 8 S a n m in JOHN JOliN D T MCALLISTER The Tue Logan Temple will close cloRe on Fri Friday Friday Friday day July 22 and reopen on Tuesday Sept 6 1004 at nt 8 S n a m in mM mM M r W President p m in mOVER OVER WATER BY RAIL RAILA A Novel Hovel ExcursIon A trip trill to 10 MidLake on ot the Great Grent Salt Snit Lake Luke by hy tall rail Sunday next Special train leaves leaven O 0 3 S L 14 I depot a II m 10 return returnIng returnIng Ing tag arrives Salt Halt Luke Lake p m in Round Roundtrip trip hair Specialists Specialist For ladies Indies and gentleman Miss lIs char charlotte Charlotte Charlotte lotte Lyngberg and Miss Carrie Leaker formerly with wih Dr Nell Nel C Drown rooms roms to 10 42 Constitution building Phone noo TELEPHONES For 20 outgoing calls per ncr month No Na charge for tor Incoming Incoming calls 2 2140 20 o for tor ex cx cesi c u calls 1200 TELEPHONES TEL For Residences Unlimited service ROCKY rOCIY MOUNTAIN DELL BELL TIThE TELE PHONE InON CO Happy Eyes Eye Make Malio Happy People A testimony of at those having their glasses fitted at John Daynes Sons Son M A J Mitchell In charge optical de do department 26 24 MaIn Ht St I MIDLAKE EXCURSION l x Sunday Bund Via 0 O 8 It I 1 Enjoy the novelty of at a n aride arIde ride over Oer Halt BaIt Lake by rail Leave Stilt Halt Lake n a m rn returning 60 p pm pin m in Round trip 5 f SOLICITOR WANTED TO PIA J ON oi Til TIlE MARKET T A Stereographic History of at the Mormon People showing In and Printed form torm their travels travel from New 2 cw York to 10 the Grent est Elder II I IIIi H U Roberts Hobert has leon been Ien appointed d to write tho the Descriptive accompanying this set Met of ot To T enterprising young men this offers special Ip In Inducements l c celent references news nary lt Apply In person peron or 01 In writing to tol Parry l A Templeton Halt HAl lAke CIty rily AUCTION AU N ERMS ON 10 10 ON 10 NO 10 10 Interest on furniture carpets carpet ranc curtains baby haby carriages carriage and I IX ITa X U Ta I Furniture Carpet installment House Complete CONTRACTORS US UTAH AND JOn JOU general contractor of ot all kinds of ot new ne or repair work ork stairs stair store fronts fixtures and buildings R It II H R Brock l ock t Son Ben Props U 41 1 South West Wet Tempi Temple WALK WITH EASE PROF PROP A D n 1 CORN COnN Doc Doctor DOCtor DOCtor tor paInless treatment tr 13 So Main I u o Half the failures in life comes comas from pulling puling in ones onos horse as he fie is i leap leapIng Ing I and more than hall half the tho jail fail failures lai ures in business arise from untimely line ly Ip curtailment of o othe the advertising ap appropriation prop nation FOR ESTATE y TUB TOTE CREAM An elegantly furnished room double house hour In the heart henrt of the city all strictly modern moden lot clY rou 1111 fine al lawn garden gardon and anit shade cash ment balance small mol payment easy terms Another one A modern mOler rl L P I oil al finish h full basement fruit rule shade finest view on tho tIm Ih east enl eastside eastside side lot on easy ns terms U A now new roo frame cottage east cast bench near th f IL lot JH 00 cach balance 20 per month acre Rere form farm orchard new now building 1111 plenty Rood good water ens terms pre ed brick cottage and andus us 5 feet lots lota of ot shade AhIe on 3rd 8 B n nr th E 1 Est Ht AI very ver cheap Croom proceed brick cottage and ami lot shade hade on al 0 vast east modern garden rarden and mm REALTY H CC Ce F M POWELL Mgr If 18 l I 17 1 over Walkers rs hunk Dunk Tona Ione Iono RANCH nANCH For VOT Jor quick sale we wo cnn can offer you the tho fin finest fn est et little ranch much In Consists Consist of ot 15 1 acres In II lucern lucer 14 U acres In Ingrain Ingrain 3 grain ani two to or more moro acres In young fruit nil au nicely fenced 6 0 room rom hr br and R fr tr dwelling al II no bArn and hay sheds nr all nil farming implements Implement hay tools toola tool etc elc 2 horses 1 I cow hogs and Ind thickens hl hl kens ken go o with wih place 10 tO 0 hours water r per IJ r week w ek If It I not eold shortly will vIli wi be taken off ar market for tor tItle year yer Buy liny now and takA advantage of ot growing crowing crops REAL n t ESTATE INV IV CO COn IK IV n YOU WANT TO A or 0 lot or for tor Investment tea coo BO me ma I have hav some lomo bargaIns 0 O V lr Peterson M 03 b W 2nd nd a B UNQUESTIONABLY L TIlE THE TIE mST place to 10 bu bl homes or vacant property proper CO 6 W 2nd South IN TOWN Sells Bella Real Reul Estate etall Loans Lall Money Mon Writes Write Sels No 11 12 1 ft ii IJ First Firt South Bouth Ground around Floor MODERN BRICK on North Bench I hl floe location modern moer lot furance bath electric lights WE SELL BELl REAl HEAt ESTATE all ni Tuttle Uros Drol red ball bal signs 19 Main SU St at atIF StIF IF IF YOU vou An ARF ARE FOrt Fon A HOMB or If It you OU wish to I cell ell I your our rent real estate holdings holding It will wi be to your advantage to 10 call al on me A RIchter 1 ID W Vt lIt let So Tel Tel 61 84 RANCHES FARMS ACREAGE HIO IG ll list t In our real estate paper tree free at l Harrington Courtney CurtneY 15 W Second So flo BEE sm HOUSTON THE TIlI TI m ti Main Street ct NEW MODERN s 5 ROOMS cor cot lot best bent location In will wil sell ell I for tor fors lass s than co COlt cost t Owner leaving State In Inquire InQuire quire at nt premises 1 South Ih Knit East Wit WUI BELl YOU AT A vacant recant lots a 1 cottage or cv a 1 model hou houe house In any part p rt of the Iho city SeC Jat K It 1 Shaw under Walker 1 Dro Brol bank REAL ESTAT RENTS TANS INS INH Hill mi Investment Inv nt Co Ui S 8 West Temple WM M B VI M I IFOR FOR RENT OR SALE SALEy y NEW 5 S AND HOUSES 8 from U 1950 to esy eu terms term Apply 41 15 South Bouth West Wet Temple St 81 FOR RENT rm mod bit bIt bIt Itt SSI Sl E 0 mod bl hV bi i W V Ho So 1500 Irm fm mod b 13 n i Ih So Grm mod mOl A di 1 E 2nd Inch 80 to 20 close In Ho So Main 23 Zo CO mod cOIO bk 4 Amos AmoR Terrace Terace Z Grm mod br cots cot Ml 3 E g 1 So tb tr 00 mod bk tk E D 1 So rl mod rood m ITO 3rd St at W 21 W V th So mOO O Grm So Main nOO rm br hr tot rot at tilt 91 t r g Park Avo mOO H R K 1 i W Vt Mh Rh So I SC Store and rooms for tor rent TIlE So Bo Main TOnE STORE II WI LI cd ed Id South Temple near 1111 We est t Temple Templo low rent rent CO 73 is W V 2nd South mUCK 3 InO CLOS TS StI MI State Thona CHEAP TWO 1 DOOM FLATS nil all modern Improvements Improvement fine location Al 60 62 State St Bt Phone C ALAMEDA A VIi near South temple St Apply News Enquire at nt house houle 1 South State SI St N ci i Ef 2 lEU m IO White Office M 25 2 W V 1st hut mi T NEW MOD MODera era rn r No East Enst 2nd So 80 r at MUle houie from 8 a to 8 I p p m in WE VE HAVE TEN Hants nante for tor cheap hOu Call at Hill ll In Investment vestment Co No lit It South W Vest t Temple Bt St At Phone Ok mA E HOUSES AT AIL ALL tIn J 1 D B Deans 34 Main street Phone 1083 VACANT hOUSES TEL TJ 21 2 20 2 AND ANn Tuttle ulia hiros Dros I 10 MaIn fit St lt red ball sign signe CAM CALL t UP tr TEl TEU Tl V 27 2 FOR FOIl JOtA BUSINESS CHANGES CHANCES FurnIture of ot n a 1 house for tor sale ell cheap rent hS a good bargain If It sold old In 11 3 dl I near It I O U Depot Furniture l lease lea Me 9 rooms room strIctly modern to keep krep li U boarders roomers roomer a 1 bargain tot for to the not few alays A room hotel hole I modern best location re HI this thin week at Half Price 2 and Confectioneries stores Mores close p r In for tor sale Inlo cheap cn Furniture and m 4 year lease leaie lele bent beet Id loca bce tint Inn ton In the city Ott It li 36 l rooms all a I full ful must Mil eCu Mi Immediately owner leaving city cly A Restaurant and two barge Ursa IUle Grocery Store must sell sIll good location goO Furniture and leno of ot n R Vroom room house home hule modern morrn rent cheap every thing to keep kep 15 If 1 boarders has barn etc cia Dont Don I fall to tea sea eo this The Th greatest bargain In town lease anti and fine furniture of at a room house antI and andr lease 1 furniture cost COil t 11 nl and w will sell for tor Jim nOi r nort nl long IanI lon lease l nA given nl to wi a n lel re respectable r party who will wil take good care of ot house houie cnn can make nake easy terms term If it not nt having baring the lle whole amount sea seo eo me at Rt once owner leaving the city cl this week Numerous torIs and nM hou hOI s for tor rent In al cli II parts part tarl nf ot the city cl 14 1 rooming mornIng houses for or sale lole also alfo other business place If you No have contract to to sign sell Il or rent l list t with I me Rents R a specialty CO 1817 Isn No 8 W W d So phone Pione l t 1 I C FOR SALE CHEAP Al fOAl nOAD 1103 model address U 1 WI this thin Wlm I 1001 AS All M NEW 15 It North First West Veat Wet 1 3 i AND ANt I 4 horsepower direct current for tor sale nalo Ialo at nt n a 1 bargain Apply News Office JERSEY cow iron FOR SALE HMO 4 years old ohl 3 a mouth ago ogo Enquire l Id N West St SI SIG I t G LARGE AND OUTFITS sell sel all 11 or part m K J 1 Fifth South Southa S a BECONI HAND In first nt dais class clas condition Price right It t sold lold quick Address t Knight I t City Cl 1 VERY FINE PIANO HOX 90 0 ELECTRIC MOTORS S 8 4 AND ANI AN t a power for tor sale salo fit at n t a 1 bargain Apply Now Nowa Office Once OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR FOIl WRAP WhAt lna one rent pent per p r pound Apply Newl ws Office u J WANTED ANTIM I N AND WOMEN WOM N TO TObo TObo TObe bo be their own dentists nil fill your own teeth and save lao dental bills bil 11 tend end for tor particulars lars Dr r Wm Indiana Are Aw Chicago III Ill I m E TO AIl AUt HIDE and ald junk i dealers dealer T and p indIviduals Individual T In city anti nM country countr The fhe Great Western Iron und and Metal Co Inc here hereby hereby nc capital 12 here by hy announce tho Iho opening of ot the thc lamest hide hillo metal and alil Junk YAr 1 this nId of 0 Chicago Whore they the will wil be he b glad to 10 quote quota you 01 tho the highest h prices for tor PeltS noun wool beeswax furs also scrap Iron Irol motels metals bottles bottle rags rubbers ruh n etc It I will willbo Wili be bo to your our Interest to or wrIte wr to totor for tor irlee lIsle llito Wo We defy competition an ni to 10 Ilta frt prices Had fair dealings Wo We 0 guarantee correct weight to every ery ono one on Large lots our specialty zt 20 to 10 South West St 61 J 7 YOU Tol vi T YOUR CREDIT Is 1 Rood good Tr antI Youths Youth Suit Cash Cah weakly or monthly payments You got get suit eull with wih first payment down We Wo nl also aleo o trade milts chits for tor groceries meat eat hay hy or anything else ebie Hub flub Clothing House 23 West Wed Sou BOlth South Templo Street INTERMOUNTAIN denier dealer In la all nil klaus kinds of t lank lunk Carload tots lota totsa a Ial Kg 6 a HAND WANT rd l S B State Phone 22 AND A MIE MIEto to In n roll t ll I fruit trees Liberal terms Cash every week Outfit furnished Pioneer Nurseries Company Suit Lake UTAH tITAn jiNK co paid for tor scrap Iron rag bottles bote rubber rAf Copper hr ss etc et n 3 ti E Ith So TI MALE HELP WANTED a A OFFER IN tile the th barrier barber trade Moler r harbor College K ra t Kast Enst South Street FEMALE HELP WANTED nm TO ASSIST IN II lj South West Wesl Temple emle I St Bt ami Om TO ao GO TO T AT ATon on co with n a small family Apply 83 13 S 2nd street Girth WANTED FOR FOIl FOn housework fOl 61 East First South Bouth St TEN TI N DAYS oun charges will wil bo ho only W M r per cent regular office omco fOe fee for tor best h 1 position In city ct Tiring Bring this ml nil 2 Atlas flock Block y SITUATION WANTED WAnED YONG MAN ANTH POSITION taking earn care re of ot power alid light Call Cali at nt HP South State Stale Street u JOHN J 1 A CO D n F Walker Salt Ball Sni Lake collect debts everywhere references r Walkers Rank Bank TOMBSTONES TOM ES ESTI n TI MONUMENTS MONC AND street tombstones Write for tor prices prices m 12 State |