Show I Sale Ten Million Boxes MEDICINE LL sui t BOWEL PROVO PRO VO Tb Th Tha Dally Val New In II i delivered by carrier carder In II early ovary every v Sundays on 01 the Iho tin ni III n terms AI As I In iii II Bait aal Lo Lakeit 75 cents per por month All Al complaints requests for tor chall of ot n COd and ld pay I Qt of accounts IC should bt be mado to ft n J 1 IO m 72 vest North Ht lit Advert and MI ardon fur tUI church works work also aho T A Sure Thing It I Is said cakl that nothing Is In sure euro except death and Ind taxes but that Is Dot cot nl at together true Dr Kings N Now New w Discovery ery or for tor Consumption Con Is a sure euro cure tor for nit all err lung and throat thront troubles Thoun Thousands ands can enn testify test to that Mrs Mr C D 13 of ot W V Va says saya I 1 had a n cavern caso of Is and for tor a 1 year tried everything I t theard heard of ot but got fot no relief Ono One bottle botto of ot Dr Kings King I H New Now Discovery then thon cur cured curad ed od ma me absolutely Its Is Infallible for tor Croup Whooping Cough Grip drip Pneumonia mania monia nod and d Consumption Try Tr It I Its 18 guaranteed by Z C M N I Drug Trial Trial bottles bottes free treo Het sizes DOc tOc 1100 Cured of Mr H O 0 N V r 1 writes letor I started to u use UM Kidney K Cure Curl I had hart to got get Iet up P from I wolVI to twenty s A 1 night and I nil I 1 was wn nit all 11 bloated up with wih dropsy anti Ind my was so 80 Impaired I 1 could scarcely taree mr y te ee on one OM of Ut my 1 fondly family Iy across arross arroR the tho room j I Il had given up hopI of ot when n a I frit Idiot ml mended ole Kidney Cure Cure On rol lt bottle bote worked wonders wonder and before I had hAel taken the th third bottle bote the dr py y hud had hudone gone one an nH well veli wel as ns all al other symptoms of at disease F J Hill 11 Co LUOIN LUCIN CUTOFF EXCURSION Via Vin Oregon Short Line lino LIl Sunday Over Great Groat Bait aTt Lake by b rail railto to MidLake Leave Bait Lake Loke 30 a n am nn ain m in n Returning p m rn Hound trip nw 0 I A Startling Tout Test To save a 0 life le Dr T 0 Q Merritt of at No Pa made matie IMe a I startling test resulting In a wonderful cure lie Ie writes a patient won was attacked with wih violent hemorrhages coined caused by b ulceration ulers ton of tho the stomach I had often oten found Hitters excellent for acute stomach and liver flYer IIer troubles so en o I prescribed them The patient gained from the first and has hns not rot had an at It tack In 14 1 months Electric Hitters flitters are nt positively guaranteed for tor ala 81 Indigestion Constipation and Io Kid id noy troubles Try them thorn Only Wo tOo at Z 2 C M I 1 Drug StOIA Pianos PIAno and Organs Organ Tuned cleaned or repaired by Mr Gustavo Gustave Seo Se ee MUSIC CO about it I or phone thom either line lino Ino REAL EAT ESTATE MI N wanting deeds contracts agreements or other higal blanks will find the latest forms farina elal at nt tho the News Hook Uok store Quick Arrest Arnst J 1 A Gulledge of Verbena Ala Ale was twice In the hospital from rota a 1 severe savers caso case of piles causing 24 2 tumors After Atter doc dec doctors o coc tors tori end nit all remedies tailed failed Arnica Salve Balve quickly arrested further Inflammation end cured curte him It 1 eon con on conquers quers quere aches and kills pain 1010 lIe 2 0 at Z Z 2 C M Id I Drug Store Blocs Doctors said uld He Ho would not nt Live Peter Iry 10 Ir Woodruff Pu 11 writes write After doctoring for tor two Iwo years y with lh the but bet physician In anti And nd still 11 get It ItUni getting ting Uni worse worn th this doctors advise me mo If I I had any ni hu hJ to attend att to I hid had better attend alenel to 10 It at II once as I rould nut not nl pos poe A live le another n I its there thur was WI nn ni ni cure crl for tor rne me Kidney y Cure WON was recommended to mo me by hy a 1 friend and I Im Immediately mediately sent nl my rn son aon on to the Iho store storo torf for tor forIt forIt It and after Inking three bottles otte I begun beRAn to get batter and n continued to Improve until Co il fe I 1 won was WI entirely well wel 1 l 11 J 3 Hill 11 Drug Sin Made Jo Young Again One of Dr Kings New Life Lifo Pills Ils each night for two weeks tins has put mo me In my m teens again writes D n H II I Tamer of or Dempseytown Dempsey town Pa tho the best beat In tho the world worM for tor Liver Stomach and ana Dowels Bowels Purely vegetable Never Novar gripe ripe Store Only 25 2 cents at al Z C M lit I Drug Drue Doctors Plumbers Plumbers I Bills Bil Bills nis too often ofen result r for or clogged drains front from fron foul sinks 14 etc ec can positively be bo Red Re Seal Scat Lye Lo keeps prevented by b nn fill occa occasional drainpipes SIft elft into litto the oinks kills kilbi kli till all 01 germa gerni And of Red Seal Lye the naves ve doctors bills bils J plumbers persistent foe foel RED SEAL LYE l I Is the most mol powerful yen yea c un eso n ui use It I roe goes even of time Iliac eli re reach eu b It 11 routs route out s 4 and J seal t condItion hut 1 roua oua at 00 for fog ev 7 household bO bold tu tl we Sold Bold wry whit iun rv von 1 P O 0 TOMSON CO MIr pi P ml Hit STOP STOP HU S FLOUR FLOURIs FLOURIa Is Ia 11 fun In flour Clour In 1001 AU bl f That 11 All A I Ii Vou 01 iti i She Sh Tried Five Doctors Mrs Mu Frances L I Bales of at Missouri Val Icy ley i IB Ia 11 i writ I hA heel 11 with wih kidney trouble tUe yearn year earl had hd ev eve er re paini alna In my 1 back and Ant niti a I frequent desire tu to o urinate When riding I r experienced much pIn pain over the region of or the kidneys kidney I 1 tried trl fv physicians without III benefit soil and then titan concluded to try If FOrAYS Foly Kidney Cure tire After Ater taking three fLO 10 bottles I Co was wa 5 completely cured F 1 J 1 Hill Drug Dru I The Original Foley role Co c originated Honey Hone end Tar Ti us as a n a throat and In lung and andon andon an anon on Recount account of ot the tho greet merit merl and pop pcp popularity of oC Honey 11 Tar many mAn Imitation are off offered rM for tor th the genuine Ask Alt for Cor Honey Hone anti and In Tar ond refuse any In substitute offered otere as I no tie other oilier preparation will wi give the coins satisfaction len tion It r Is in mildly mUlly laxative It I contains no n lon opiates nail In is II safest att for tor children and delicate F z J Hill Drug Co OVER THE LAKE BY RAIL Excursion Next Net Special train trin I ae s Oregon Orton Short Line Lin depot lepot a n m iii Sunday for I sod and Ind return Round trip only Special H cial returning arrive Salt tako lo 50 A NO rn NI 1 a Holland Gaul Mining Company Principal pal ot of bui bu ln M Si Lake City Utah tah Notice Is ii hereby Kh given n that at 1 u Il meeting of or the Ih ib directors h hl held ld on Oi thu day of o July Jil 1001 in an In o m nt of ut f five 5 S cent cents per share Wil r vas levied on tho the capital stank of ot the th payable fIle on or before Ilda the day ot of August 11 to tr Q Cannon S S Sec o etan at the office of ot the th company SI 21 I l i Bouth LoUth uth St Bt Any n stock to k upon UI which this may remain nn lb paid on th the tIny day cf of t Au August ru t lS 1 will wili 11 be ba 10 delinQuent and adv I for tor sale sain In at II public auction Ruelon and Inc unless payment Is II modo before will wil will b be eId ld on Tuesday Tuu IY th Ih lAth diy duy dI of ot August AIU I 1804 I to 10 pay the tho de dp n i n ts tnt with lh the th cut col f t if nf r f sale tin HYI tYVr l i ij A H it C t iANN tANN IN N 24 Z n E South Sout Temple Tempi o at 81 at EXCURSION RATES Via Oregon Orton Short Line LineSt St Louis Luis and nud return UtO Chicago and return Chicago and return via In Ht St Louis Luis St St Louis Loul unit and return via Chicago Through sleeper via viI tho the U P I lines linen Limit CO 60 0 days daa limit ten days day do In each ech direction Tickets on Pale Tuesdays and Fri days day each week Stop overs ovora allowed AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES GUARDIANSHIP Consult County CUrk Clrk or th the respective il ncr fur for Information IN m THIS COURT COUnT PHO I bets bats Division In II and an for tor Salt Bait I Jko ike Coun Ino ty I of It Utah Ulah In the of ot tb Ihl the t aUla Ute ot of Frauds Francis holto Holo a U Notice lh lbs he petition of or bolto Arne for tor A tib to tl h of ot Letters of at In iii the tho of at Francis BOlt 1 has hAM set et for tor h hearIng on Friday l the th day of t July A U UP P I H II l 1 o clock ft it in I at the thu County Court house H In n the Court Room Bom ot of taut r Cou Court in Salt CIty Salt Balt Lake Coon HII CI COln ty l U Ulab ah ahll h ll 1 Jhc the Clerk CUrk of at saul said Court with jinn Ihl thi i seal thereof this at day of ot J title unc A u Ij U StIll V L o JOHN JOlIN JAMES Clerk Cl rk 1 11 David avid H Ii 1 Davia DAvila Deputy JAIS Cl CI Clerk rk rk oner A Attorneys for tor or rel ii Thu COURT PRO 1 T T bate Division ilon in and an for tur Salt Bait Lake T Coun IJ ly I of ut utah in the thu matter matUr of ot the matr estate te or of MatIlda A Junes June Dc De ceased cosell petItIon of ot Harvey Kemp of uC the caleb eluto of ot Mo Ma Mi A Jones Jopes JOlle deceased praying for lor an In order of ot salt sale Sl r of or real reni property of at call alil ami auth alil that all ni person Inter Interested ested appear al al the paid gAld ld Court to t show ghow ral why an order should not be bo granted to Seth cell to so 0 much as al shell bo be b Mt essary pry of ot th ibi following dc l real rM estate of o dac Hs d 1011 at a point In the center tIler of ot a y ot chains and SO 10 6 lInks south I slut ana nl 2 and M 81 Ii 8 links Ink we west t from the northeast corner ot of the or ot section 12 2 2 south rang 1 w west t ot of tho the Salt Sat lk end and IId ranle running thence south louth U lt t In the te center of wild saId road rond rOld 3 anti and In V t theco 01 HOlth 11 Lt d t S I CilIUM on nOd 95 I links Inke thone north W 12 degree l east eUI 3 uli n nail AM l lInks link J north 13 11 1 de do deFrew der Frew r went W It I 5 chains nod M links to tho tim 4 lot of ot 2 ana cr s anti and 78 76 r rods rode rol more morl nr or r lets IU Ith lh nl thereon luw hll bin been set t for tur haming on cli ul Friday Irl R the he th day of or July Jul A 1 U at II 10 clock 0 a i m ni it nt the tho County Court Hous In the 1 Court HOllm of lt saId Court In tolt oll l ako City Cily Suit Lake County Count Utah U h n tho the Clerk CUrk of ot mall EO Court with tilt tile n nl thereof theno affixed Any ay ot or Ju July A U D 11 eai JOHN Clerk Ily ny fy D II 1 DavIes Deputy Jel uly Clerk 11 ItU 11 Cott Cal Attorney for tor IN TIm THIS COURT COUItT PHO bate bato Division In and for tor Snit Salt Lako Lake County State of o Utah In tho tito matter mallet of ot the tho estate estale of If William W Foster Deceased Notice Tho Tue petition of J H n Halley Jr for tor tho the Issuance to himself of ot letters of or with wih will wi annexed In the estate of Wil WI Vii liam W Foster deceased has hns been set se fur for hearing on Friday the tho day ot of July Jul A 1 3 1 1901 1004 nt at II 10 a n m in I at atthe atthe the thu County Court House In the tho Court CourtRoom Room forn of sold said Court In Salt Bait Lako City CI Salt Halt Lake County Count Utah Witness tho the Clerk of If said raid Court Coul with the seal thereof this Dili day da of at July A D U 1901 1001 Seal Bra I JOHN JAMES Clerk Hv liv n fl Davies Deputy Clerk Cerk Hay Itay Ir Van an Cott Col Attorney Alore IN TIlE TI DISTRICT COURT COUnT PI PHO 0 bate DIvisIon on In and for tor Salt Bait Bol lAke hake Coun County ty State of ot In the tho matter of ot tho the estate Ilat of ot John H It 1 lark Deceased Deo No tIre tion tc Tho Tim petition petton of ot Samuel W Stew Blew Stewart art executor of ot the estate of ot John K R l Perk deceased for Cor ot of the thI salt of ot the tho described personal Twenty shares of ot the council stock tock of or tho the Barton Company for tor the tho sum of ot nod upon thu Ihu to nit Cash ns as up pears from the return of ot sale le flied filed fed In thu Court tin been ben tOt set 81 for tor hearIng on Fri Friday 11 day da tho the day of ot July A D U 1904 at 10 0 c clock a n m ni mo at nl the tile County Count Court House In tn the tho Court of ot said nl Court CourtIn In ht Utah Halt 81 aft t Lake City Salt Bait Lako County th Ih the Clerk of ot taut said hl Court with the th teal seal thereof ther t affixed this tb day da wih of at e Join Jum A U D 1904 Sel Seal a JOHN JAME Clerk Jy fly 1 15 n Davies Deputy Clerk Clork Stewart Stewart Attorneys for tor or Ks s tl T 14 ua The South Mining Com Corn Company pany PIU office and anit principal place ot or bust busi business bus ness bless Snit gait Lake City CI Utah Notice Is II leroy given Inn that at ot a meeting of o ton lbs Board of or cum of or th the South Colum Columbus bus hUR Mining Company held on the tho day lay of ot July 1014 an RI of ot oton one onn on c cent nt per share shuro waa Wil ns levied upon tho the capital stock of ot the rho corporation corolon Issued anti outstanding payable Immediately to tho thA Int at hl hi hll office rooms room room 9 Commercial Halt Bait I hake City Clr Utah Any ny stock upon which this may lofty remain unpaid on ott th the cia of ot ili 1 M be i and ald wi will ivill be b advertised for t r sale tain aall at lt public auction UC tion len nOd and units payment Is Ii mado macia before b tor will 11 ba he b sold old on nn Wednesday th the fl t day of ot August lWI at 11 tf 10 3 o 0 cock a n m at nt atthe atthe the tho Orte to 0 pay the delIn de In quint thereon Jy with the tho cost coot of ot advertIsing ln and II ns of ot sale 1 Ie fly Ily order of ct th Iho the Hoard Board of ot Directors c H IT e Bec Secy cy m TO of ot th tM Board of ot Public Work Salt Rait Lako City lly Jun June 20 o proposals will nil 11 b b be received r at this office until I 3 S p m rn FilM July K JON JOW J for tor th the work tork of ot grading gln paving South Bouth Street from tom State tu Pt to tj Seventh Zal Street accordIng to Plans nid nOti specifications In tue Iho City Office I he IB approximate of ot work to be dene done are II ns an lS 0 cu Embankment 1000 B 8 cu 10 1 Stone Slims Blon curbing 4 Inch bolt W V a tin In ft tt curbing Q o Inch So 8 lIre In ft f curbing cut to lol radii MO M ha n ft f stone tonn Ilone curbing lM 1 lIn In ft f Cement curb rub and Aid gutter 10 W bin In ft C gute toM block pavement foO fo F sq e 8 ydie 1 Asphalt 21 sq r yd Cement sidewalk Pavement Z J n c ft C Cement gutter glitter Along long curb t bin In ft f Cement C ment Kutter ln d curb U un In ft C Culvert with concrete covers bin ln ft tt Culverts with wih reinforced rc con orete crate covers cov rl M 10 6 un ft Culverts with cast lAt tron tren Irn coy cov covers C coyen In C ers IrB en 1000 10 io ho In ft tt catch bating basins wih whit ro re roI reInforced I forced n concrete covers 10 IG Ashier faced rubble wall wait or Achier Ashlar faced concrete wall waIt wil 3 cu vu yde dl Concrete le retting footing for tor walls 11 10 iP ru mu yde 1 Stone coping lono iceo Atol itse It PI 2100 sq ft c Stone cheekS for tor stone steps tt p 71 lilt I ft Ct Concrete steps 2100 20 10 sq eq ft f Concrete Conort ch ka fur tur TO un In n rt nALO ALSO ALiO ALO i Separate Sep bids bid M ilI I b b received at I the th same samo saro Ume and for tor tin the work of ot Kr grading CUI and nd paving Irl from rein State Strut Street tc to A Street t ing HK to 10 ports plans Ilan and an 11 In the City Office Tim nIB approximate of ot work to 1 l be dune done are ara a a as to follows low a Excavation Ex valon 1100 I cu d Asphalt pavement MM al s sq i yd lh t narrate Concrete gutter I 1 ft tt wide 2410 ha In ft tl Stone curbing 1350 1310 13 bin In ft tt or Concrete curb and gutter cutter 1450 2 tin In ft tt eel ami resetting 1100 11 un In tt rl to 10 |