Show LATE LAFE LOCALS Concrete footings are being laid for tor forthe forthe the now no agricultural fair building at atthe atthe atthe the slate state fair grounds President P Wallace General Man Manager moor ager Murray of the tho lieu Dell Telephone company have havo gone to Montana on atour a atour atour tour of Inspection Contractor Morah resumed work to today day clay on the grading of First South street and anal Second East t streets preparatory atory aton to asphalting a aLoMI oMI LoMI showers Rhower arc expected clod tonight by h I the weather which will cool the air and anal make the time atmosphere more pleasant to say nay liB nothing of laying the dust duct The over oter head heRd wire viree of the nell neil Tele Tole Telephone TelePhone phone company In th the paved district IlI are f flit fact it and the thc poles will willbe WIlllie be lie h elthor either cu down In Imi height or removed ed cal altogether Pence of ot iloise la Is here her escorting some Ine w well ll eastern rn Investors around town In the th party are aro F 1 M It JulIn of Chicago C C Ault Auit of ot DelIver and anal anI Nelson Fretz ot of Denver Denv Denvert r rA A t local business home essayed this timis morning to lly ily n a It streamer advertise advertisement ment attached to n a I great grent grat cloth ov r Ihl he city ely hut but the time caught In time th wires wire and anal wa was WR torn lorn beyond redemption tion so en that thai the tha experiment caine to toan toan an ami untimely end Dr Odell has hu received Vet some seine money mone from fromn the parents of John K Iel ll whom he ite recently treated rooted to the tho latter The young mami to have lassa dropped out of ot sight very suddenly and anal the tue doctor would like Ik to final him to tUI tam over ovel the ii remittance Dr nr Byron r D I D K S a 1 Utah boy by who recently graduated with wih high honors from the Ann nn Arbor median school IK Is II In imi n this city cl to obtain a I a from Crom tho the state board of medical examiners He lie le use has not yet decided where he lie will wi locate lo ate 1111 bang up IJ his hlf shingle The Tenth and anal ward ware Sunday schools spent silent yesterday at La Lagoon In Lagoon goon lon much lull to the delight ht of ot hosts of th the little folk folkl races rl ts w nar r boating etc constituted con the days Itay Willie while In the evening par parents saiL ent officers and anal enjoyed themselves in tim dance till 11 n a I late la te hour The fhe Central station of the lie Utah Light company Is Ja being put In imi 11 audi Ruch perfect shape that when tile the nr 11 H complete It will be Ile PUle by any an other station In the lie United States Th The heavy hen fed I wires now how no strung trung overhead between the stat stR ticia toll and anal the street reel will wi eventually be I tinder ground and anal the heavy helY wires wire continued underground for far four tour blocks north and wid Ind south on West Weil Tem Tern Temple plc street C C F P J Annett the tM cal col expert II Is visiting In this city elt for fora a few days dIY and anal Is li stopping at lit 1 Sec Second Se ond onal street Mr Ir has hall perfected nn run Invention whereby the time same railway wire eon can bo las bl utilized either for telegraph or telephone purposes or both at rat the time theRme same name time and the Invention has hams been tested on the Short Line Litie Linen H n was Wa tried between Nampa and Pona tello telia and worked nil all right In tact fact flet the device has hns hn passed the experimental staige with Its Is adoption on th tho Illinois Central Central Mi 11 Annett Annet was wn formerly a resident In city and nn an official of the old telephone company allah mem macit member meI ber known of or the here Alta 11 club so 10 that ho he hl la is II well wel |