Show WORK ON O Tin 1111 Coed nood Ore Oro Or In n North CrOM Croni cut tilt on the HO Supt Prank Frank II U Work of ot the hannah inh mine reports that some good ore has hns been encountered In n the tha north crosscut on 00 the level about feet from tho tIm shaft A streak on tho the carries good values and aud small spots of lit ruby nab sliver On the there Is Ie u II streak vary Miry Ins Ing from 12 to 10 18 Inches which allows gOOl milling The Indications are Me that the crosscut cro Is III nearing the tM dike where the tho management expects to encounter n ft large body betty of good ore Good flood In 11 being made and nn an Important strike Is be likely to be re ro reported roo ported at any tIme lime The How of ot water remains at nt about gallons n a tiny lillY dayTha The Tha CUlt cast und and west wen drifts on the tho le level l of ot the MacNamara are each out about 35 a fe feet teet t nod and both faces continue in III a II good quality of ot milling Die are The Incline on the t 10 vein veli from tit level Is la down Ilon 30 feet tet curl the ore oro Is Ie of ot usual ginde graile with some Home streaks that cary enry very high ulues values The he crosscut to it tho the south from tho the ROO OO station lion Is l out about feet teet During the week seek theto thele was WaN wn a U divided change for lor the porphyry having up and now noli showing some quartz Con of ot ore ure of ot a II good Ioor grade are ara being belIg placed on all tho the dumps Minor Muter |