Show I POLICE MAKE MAK SEVERAL AL ARRESTS A Four Suspicious Looking Charac Characters Are Arc Gathered in iii Alter After Considerable rable Trouble MAY BE DAYLIGHT BURGLARS Were cre Overheard Making Plans After Arrest Tries to For Vor Liberty The police lied Imd a n busy buey time of It last evening In 10 shadowing arresting four suspicious looking characters One of ot them J 13 E I Driseoll Driscoll Is under charge of attempting to smuggle opium Into n a prisoner at lit time the city jail last evening Chief of at Police Lynch hoard seine omo one nt at the rear of the Jail bilking to a II colored prisoner Upon Ullon Investigation he be found that It II Will Driscoll who had imad been released release I but n a aday day or two before He lie went sent In n mi pair of ot 1 hose ho e to the colored man and wrapped neatly In tho the bundle hundle was a n quantity of what the police coil call 1111 It Is n a formation of gum and time the smuggling of time tile Into a IL prison In Is l a n felony Chief Lynch had Imd the time man shadowed sh placed tinder arrest A complaint has hall been blen flint him hint anal he h will have a hearing hen rinK before Judge Tanner ralmer Last night three men mamma giving the tha names of Will W V Mason Macon timid Kd Bd Harris were arrested by hy Raleigh and Chose Chuse tint and Taylor nai anel Ireece They are ure only old charged with vagrancy 1 II 1 hut but the tho Ore oro convinced that the men were wore contemplating plating n II big bis Job of ot burglary when nr or rested They Thoy were overheard talking over pert part of their plans plan and one ono of the tho was sas all saying to another We will have halve to do 10 that Job tonight and get out of or town ns as us as I have to togo toKO togo go KO to Ogden as I nave have something on there Thief Lynch nent ent an nn officer omler to shadow shado tho the fellow end and Detectives These nail took up III lii time the trail ThOy They lo io located rated the than men on Third South Houth between en K East st mind and West Went Temple Fear Fearing Fearing ing In that the tho mIll men might aught give them the slip shIl tim the placed them under ar nr arrest rest and took them to time the station While hiie In Iii the desk sergeants one of ot them feigned and tried to make his imis hl escape He lie darted behind the tue Jail and anal Hta for the tho alley Hut quick nn aim II he lie was he lie wan wall ai not net fast facet enough II for Or Detective Thc Tho made macate madea a It I jump for the hue Hewing fleeing maci mUll and amid caught him before he could coull get to If tho the street nearly n pulled till the malis head off n All of were worl landed behind time the bars on will ill be ho tried for vagrancy cy Y They Iho lire are part Dart of the thue gang of til ten team men macli arrested tell several tev days ago IlO anal given Iven Heaters by Judge Tanner The police pollee tire confident they have some come of the daylight In to the tha gang and It Is n me singular fact that since the fel tel fellows lows arrest l the time tinie there has haR not been 1 a i case of ot robbery reported |