Show Vaudeville at Louvre Fine Fino Acts Act Make Mae Popular Cafe Cae One e 0 Most ost Delightful Places in ia Wet Mansfield anti and Clarke who played pla j tho Orpheum for a week a short tm Um tint a ago o are arc one of tho the features at nt tr ti Louvre Loure this thi week week Their net et ct i is lent Int and will wi go o nn on tonight for the tr fir fir- time Will Till Wi Phillips the thc tenor will sin flin and Miss Millie Williams also will wi coi cor tribute 18 vocal numbers In 10 addition t I these three high class ao acts ts the tho I enlarged orchestra will i render classic and popular selections Tho The Louvre rf vaudeville anti and musical program COD con pares favorably fa with the afforded II liy by th tint the best vaudeville io theatre As Ai to the tie cafe it ia is il being operated a athe n n the tho hi highest het standard of efficiency quality of the viands anti and tho the leave o nothing to be tc desired |