Show a THE TIlE STATE CAPITOL i Governor Sr Sir r is urgent in his message that a anew ar 1 r I new ew stale state shall b be begun Vc We do not see h how w any member of the legislature can Ull fight bacic baek that proposition p people ople come to a state and und and then go away thc they tell of what they sec see If l tC were possible for visitors to Utah t to be able to Ja say when they depart that Utah h has s the fhe finest state capitol in many ways as ays in n th the union an and l by byall alJ all odds the time finest location for fOl a capitol it would lt bt something of a factor in stating the good poin points s so o 0 of the thc state There another is most important point If the could capitol be built and the archives ar ar- L. L chives of the state be Le safely loel locked c with within n its walls its w walls Ils there wo would be an added sense of security I given r to It to ajl the time because people many rc records olds which belong t to the thc state which it would be he a great misfortune to lose and s some of which could not nt t tany any price be replaced The Tue building of the structure I ture hire would woul l give ive ic a great many men employment It t. t would make mako market for fOl a many manufactured cd articles in in el C every wn way vas it would woul benefit and it will have to 10 he be built pretty prett soon SOOIl and uIl built h rc unless time the legislature its iu wisdom submits th matter lo to loa toa a it vote otc of the time people where thu they want the capitol b because the constitution fixed it at this point and i is the time only appropriate place for fOl it it the the only place within hundreds s of or f miles mills in iii either direction and while Ute tile should structure should no be he an extravagant gant one it should at the tho same samo time be just as us good gooda a a. a str structure as the thc state stat can possibly lY build and andt It t ought to be built with the tho t thought t that it is to bethe be he bethe the time representative of the state in many wat ways for years jears to come an and anil I ought to be in its design and in n nits its structure something that would be commensurate rate with the native nativo grand grandeur cur and tho the acquired wealth and intelligence of this state r We Ve hope tope this Jeg legislature slat re will ill not adjourn without autho authorizing iz- iz hig ing such stich a a. a Jm building or oi without without making making an un ap appropriation apro ro- ro prin tion sufficiently large to begin the Mh and ami carry it on until the people through jt as IS ISn an n object lesson can ean get a u I real impression of what it will be ho wh when m finished |