Show AN 0 INCOME TAX G Governor Spry opposes a d t federal in income tax He shares lh tub the thought of thousands of people all rill allover over the countr country that inasmuch as th the federal government gO gov received nothing from the states c except what they yielded b by express grant and inasmuch as lS no su such such h grant Jias the right to Ie levy an an- income an-income income tax tax time the people of the states therefore a federal fed fed- eral cral law to that effect would be he invalid and the governor thinks it is within th the exclusive province of i a state to levy le such a tax taL We Ne ar arc very Yen much inclined to think thinly the governors governor's position is the time corl correct cor cor- l' l reel ct one The rhe matter has hns been munch much discussed COU congress less hait halted d in jn in passing hat Juat law because of Jib giave grave fears of Cf r so many members that the theO thein v ln O would be inoperative because of its in in case casc it were passe passed The law belongs somewhere and if it does docs not belong in ic the federal government nt then it does loe belong to the state and th tin state should see to it that it is exacted I |