Show SIOUX WAS AS STRONG ON I CALL Tho The dullest market markt for or many months was experienced b by ua traders ers on tho the local exchange this tills morning A total of of stock W was vai K sold old with a market markeL marke valuation of oC only Oi The total number num num- ber of propositions s traded In was eight and with wih a a single Mingle ln lo exception there was not one of them that transferred rell as many as ns 1000 shares To all al appearances es It I was al alne ono ne of or the tile most mORt discouraging d markets that has hu Peen keen seen since the time limo previous to the rich discoveries In Colorado Sioux bioux Sioux and Iron m. Blosso-m. Bosom Only one ono cause Cause 1 Is given ghen for Cor the sudden change In conditions condition L Lato to yesterday af afternoon afternoon nr- nr the tho board bar of ot governors of ut the ex exchange cx- cx chan change 1 held a protracted Jo meeting and nd d discussed dis cussed the wash ash sale transactions that ons ha have been beel carried tarried on so o Indiscriminately for a long tm time It developed that ome of ot tho the supports of oC the ex exchange o have ha been warned that t the pr present methods meth oils od are arc fast driving tho the business to ruin and that one of ot tho the prime rca reasons ons Corthe for Cor forthe or orthe the public at large not participating In stock stack transfers Is that they thy have havo been ben In Informed informed In in- formed that the tho market quotations are oC often n doctored doctore to suit tho convenience of oC Individuals A lu e was 35 passed to check there In 10 11 a 1 measure and now the tho dissatisfied members member are arc attributing to this fact tho the sm small I amount of oC business business busi busl- ness nes done during the morning In the future special lots Iota will 1 not bo be bl given givon the preference ov over r bo board rd lots where It Is b that two or morn more small Imal lots are re tal taken en which h in the aggregate amount to as ns much as a t board lot Another An An- n other oilier matter mater that Is I. left largely to tho the of th Ih caller raier Is ih whether ther or not nota a trade trae wb when h n made Is h hona honc Ode fide The feature of the time call cal this morning morninG was al Sioux Consolidated wh which I h. h made transfers at th the tho advanced price of 36 6 cents Closing quotations on tho the call cal were ere as CALL CAIL I Jr Hid I A Arke I fleck Tunnel I 13 8 Hi 15 Amalgamated I 04 Black Bleck Jack OS iS U Bullock 01 04 Camp Bird O 01 Carig Carls 20 Talisman Cedar t 11 1 IU 10 Colordo Colorado Mining 35 36 3 Columbus Con Consolidated 18 15 Crown PoInt 0 03 05 03 Daly Jud c 05 5 I Dra Dragon on Iron 1 20 O East Fist Crown Point 91 01 I East Tintic ConsolIdated FA East t Dc 0 og i 02 rast Tintic Gold King M Em Emerald J 15 21 1 I Grand C Central i 71 10 Jb lb x Gold i 1 1 03 Indian Queen 1 I 1 01 Int Pet Vc Oil 01 10 Blossom 89 90 Ming Kino 03 03 05 0 Jo Joe flowers o nr j OO 01 Keystone oi 04 05 King ld Dk I 01 Cing William 10 Little Bell Del 65 80 Jower Mammoth 06 10 Mason al Valley 9 50 I 1000 lla May DB Day Mineral flat t 01 Mountain Lake Lako 03 Mountain Lake Extension 03 Mt 30 30 31 Nevada e da British 40 Nc Nevada Hills His 2321 Newhouse New York 02 O Ohio Copper r. r 10 o 16 16 IS Poche Metals I OS O os 1 06 I Prince Consolidated 1 65 70 Richmond Anaconda 12 12 j Seven 05 Sliver KIng 1821 04 Sioux Consolidated 35 3 36 3 I South Columbus Con 09 South Iron Irn Blossom 00 01 On Swansea Consolidated 0 05 OH Tintic Central 07 Tintic Combination Empire 0 Oj Uncle Sam i 45 5 I Utah Consolidated 03 Consolidated 62 70 Victor Consolidated 03 04 0 Western Nevada evada oi j io 10 Yankee Consolidated 09 12 1 Copper FORENOON SALES Grand Central sao 50 at i The c. c Iron Blosso at Nevada Nevada HIs Hull Hills fOO to at at 35 Sioux Siou Consolidated at Uncle Sm Sam OO at at OPEN BOARD Beck Tunnel 3 at lIe East Crown Point 2500 at at Jc lc c. c Silver King Sive at Sioux Consolidated d. d at TOTALS TOTAL Regular 1400 HO shares share for tor 1078 1078 Open shares for tor Total shares for 1890 |