Show ME YALE PUBLICATION PROVES f HAVE llA LONG LIVES St Statistician D ance M Mortality Standard Is Exceeded NEW Y Ew HAVEN Conn Jan 12 A l-A A refutation ref ref- of th the tho frequent charges that athletes die young has been published with statistics In the Yale Dally Daily News The Tho record of or athletes who won their theirY theirY Y r In Iii ono one or more of or the thc major sports between the years 1855 and 1 1004 04 has been compiled complied Tho statistics read In part us follows Of or the athletes 51 l havo have died since graduation The Tho causes were Consumption Con Con- 1 12 p 4 drowning C G hc heart disease ase J war and accident I died tiled from undetermined cau causes cs or disappeared disappeared p- p 10 from various diseases es such fOuch as foyers fevers fo rs cancer cancel paresis dissipation etc ote 12 Out of these 61 51 men IS 18 rowed on on the crew 16 played football 11 U were wro track athletes ami arid 6 played baseball The a ages ez e who o ha died show these theao extremes ex ex- tr mes and nd ie el Chew Clies 20 to lo 68 years average ages ases at death donth H j years Football 2 22 to 37 years average yea years ra Baseball 20 to 39 years average years I Track 21 1 to 33 years ears a average 24 4 years ears o. o I Jf the four our men who nho were drowned nned young while are eliminated from th tim the crow table tho the a average age Is to years c i Turning to the thc living lI athletes athlete those who have pas passed cd 40 may bo be grouped thus thu One hundred and thirteen men arc are b be between between be- be tween 40 and 49 years ars 86 6 men are are ho- ho tween 50 60 and 59 years 22 men arc 1 be between be- be 0 twe tween n 60 GO and 69 years ears It Is a R widespread opinion that athletes ath ath- kites letes are arc liable to heart trouble but bul only two Yale men of or these theBo athletes Is considered con con- to have havo died from this cau cause e. e It would 8 seem em more significant that thal of or the theM theM theil M il deaths 16 6 were wore due to lun lung affections the sports snorts en engaged In being foot toot ball 6 rowing 1 S baseball 2 and track athletics I 4 A life insurance exp expert rt is quoted d with the tho opinion that colle college p. p athletes barring track men show a better average eraso expectation ex ex- of long life than their non- non athletic classmates The Yale News New quotes a well known nn athletic authority as follows Dr Me Meylan has studied tho the Individual history of oC every ery oarsman paraman graduated from Harvard Hanard In the period of ot forty ono years cars ars between 1852 and IS 3 Tho The r results show that compared om pared with other othel men as s to longevity these athletes have havo had au an ex expectation expectation ex- ex of oC life barring accidental deaths In the list of more than five years longer than the tho aera average e of the Insurance mortality tables Of or the tho total number of or IS men whoso whose records were tra traced ed 1 3 were living JI In 1904 Not one was death In nn any nna a way caused by o In In athletics during college oars only two m mOss men n having died of Ir heart disease and rowing rowing- was as not In izu these cases casee Of the two thirty oarsmen n dead In moro more than half n a century six were killed In iii war two bv by accidents and only ono one died of consumption |