Show ANGEL PLAYERS WORK VORK RARE TRIPLE STEAL LOS ANGELES Aug ug 7 Three Three of the members of the time Los Angeles team recently recent- recent ly y engineered a 0 sensational and seldom seen play In the Chutes Chut's park in a game with Vernon It was in the time sixth inning with three on eu bases when whelm Dillon Beall and Wheeler work worked d a triple steil uI Dillon just nosing over the time plate plat and Basil Beall and shooting safely to thIrd atilt anil second respectively Time The play Is one which is rarely seen Probably the times it has occurred m in professional history could be counted on the tIme fingers of the two hands and It Is belIeved be- be to be bo the first triple steal in the history of the coast league Dillon had bunted safely and landed on first Beall forced Daley who had landed ahead of oC the Angel leader at home plate and thus titus gained first sending Dillon to second r was hit by a pitched ball which filled the bases Jud Smith went to the bat and as Pitcher Abbott of Vernon wound up for his delivery Dillon shot homo home sliding under the time Vernon catcher atcher and being called ailed safe by Umpire Mc- Mc Greevy It was a fast and amI sensational play pIa and was greeted with prolonged ap ap- lause |