Show I Talks onBy on Snake Culture BY WALT MASON No 12 12 12 Out of W Work rk When a young man roan with a rich red breath reath goes forth to hunt a a. job the glad hand Is not extended to him by business men manufacturers or others who employ help There doesn't seem to tobe tobe toe be e a welcome anywhere for the Wandering Wandering Wandering Wan Wan- dering Boy He may have a pocket full of testimonials and he may be beable beable beable able to talk the birds off oft the bushes but jut the employer who goes up against st that embalmed breath doesn't want to know any more He shoos the applicant applicant cant away and then opens a demijohn of formaldehyde to disinfect his office There never was a time since work wa Invented when the Industrious willing young fellow had a better chance than I he tie has right now There Is always an anI I opening penh g for him and If he buckles down and takes an Interest In things thing's and behaves himself promotion Is as ascertain certain as anything can be but there ther 0 Isn't standing room anywhere for the young man whose Idea of a good time is to lean against a lamp post an ansing and sing Marguerite at three o'clock In Inthe Inthe inthe the morning In the mellow light of five dye five or six moons |