Show Flowers for Veterans Flowers Fowers for the encampment ment was a feature which was gone Jone into lOtO early in inthe inthe inthe the season eason by a largo large committee committe of women headed by Mrs Elizabeth Co Co- Co- Co hen lien Thousands of packages were bought from the local seed stores These were distributed throughout the city and were planted by hr the citizens in the back and front yards In most of the cases the best of care was taken of the tho plants but they failed to grow as well well well-as as was was- was expected The early frosts killed thousands of the young YO plants and since that time insects and nd other things have ha killed many oth oth- ers The Tho government seeds sprouted but the plants did not seem adapted to tore the e i c sl conditions be belarge here re and a aar large ar e part of them died Th The seeds sleds which were bou bought ht from front local firms I grew much better botter than those furnished by the government The seeds were all planted at a time so it itras was ras fi figured red they would be in bloom for the encampment It is is now thou thought ht that the tho planting was too early and that had bat a great reat deal to do with the failure Nevertheless thousands of the plants came up healthy and are fully in bloom ready to smile upon theold the theold old soldiers durin during the visit here herc Outside towns including Provo Proto Springville American Fork Spanish Pork Fork Ogden Garland and Farmington have come to the rescue and will furnish furnish furnish fur fur- nish flowers enough h to make the the- encampment encampment encampment en en- a sort of flower festival The posies will be IG spread id profusion at the tho tabernacle assembly hall ball armory armory ar ar- ar mory hall hotels and the churches where the G. G A. A K R. meetings meetings' and receptions receptions receptions recep recep- are to be held On the tIle day of the parade c there willbe willbe will willbe be about buttonhole bouquets ts for distribution amon among the the veterans As the grizzled warriors warriors walk down Main ain street young ladies will throw flowers on them thorn This part palt of the parade parade parade pa pa- rade promises to be one of tho most pleasing to the veterans The ladies ladies' organizations of the I G. G A A. A R. R will also be A given Aen en bouquets of all nIl kinds and will be showered with flow r ers All in all the flower end of the tho encampment promises to be bo tho the best lest arran arranged ed of any at any of the encampments encampments encampments encamp encamp- ments ever er held Utah will prove that re regardless ardless of her famed arid lands there is a lar large e part o of her territory which w will 11 produce the smiles of nature in great eat abundance |