Show COLONIA MEXICO A COlONY Ibe Wiio Aro Not AfraId of Special Correspondence Mexico Feb colony recently established by President A V situated the bend of the Yaqui river where it turns southward to the Gulf of Mexico is composed at present of colonists from Utah and few in number now will doubtless noon become stronger as its valuable facilities for settlement of acres of rich soil invite the plow much of it covered by grass from three to six feet tail In other portions by mesquite tim her valuable as fuel Colonize Oaxaca is miles above by the present wagon mend but can be shortened seven or eight ashes by making a road through the river canyon where it turns to the south The silver silvermine mine far affords it cash market for everything Oaxaca can pro produce duce in poultry eggs butter rumbles grain etc at prices po for instance selling readily at 7 cents per pound things are in Proportion as to price and without doubt this colony will have equally for all it can pro produce duce at least for a consIderable Period The soil will produce in addition to crops grown In northern climates sweet Potatoes liin peanuts sugar from the ribbon cane also figs and ales Sugar is produced itt time towns of and some forty or fifty miles above It i brown and is called INCIDENTAL hARDShIPS founding a new settlement Is not accomplished without hard labor toil and privation Roads canals fences rind houses must be built and nil op at the same time and land must be made ready for the plow and while timis is being done We must be deprived of many home comforts But Butin in the end the desert becomes a garden under the Mormon adaptability to pioneering and their patience fortl tude anti persistent effort ROOM FOR So to those wise are not afraid to face for a season this place pro cents a most inviting opportunity to tomake make homes in a climate Others more timorous or less hardy had better stay away and live as many do now irs Utah from hand to mouth And especially none are desired as settlers but such as are devoted to the of Zion no matter how numerous would only weaken in instead stead or adding strength There are facilities hero or three or mono settlements anti probably at no very distant date another Stake be organized in IsIs Part of the land of Joseph And so Zion spreads in the theland land landAll All communications or place should be directed to Colonia Oaxaca Sonora Mexico If the word Colonia is omItted a letter vilI go to the city of Oaxaca a thousand malIce farther south |