Show Another SeIzed London Feb details have yet ret hen received by the In reference to 10 the ot of the DrU lh lab steamer from New York wIth a miscellaneous cargo which al as corn Port I Elizabeth was al b by the gunboat Thrush and brought to Delagua Da Day on suspicion ot of having contraband of war r on bOi board The A Associated Press is II officially r I ip formed that It if she he curries nn an American calo cargo Ih she will i probably have to under undergo go 10 to the tho steam steamer er was WOI by the prize court and It contraband court I n no ot of war Js Is found on her she he wi will be handed to 10 her owner owners The foreign alIke om em vials daIs fay say that In the event ot of American Interests being Involved every consider r caro atlon cargo will m b be shown hown tb the oner owners of the |