OCR Text |
Show 1 1001 Odd things I1MS&H Will Sell For Christmas Cash Here ; : FL2 I So. Temple. i ' Classified Display Classified Display 66 Ad Sold $20 Junior Auto! Child ! ear. " aaaeM. ",I?t', horn. "able. Bell or trade. 36 7U1 Ave. lit 74-R. Ad Sold PiU .1 Cashabl.al Dbl. bed. prlii mtllrw $5: 'p-bed. 'p-bed. eyrtnae. maltreea. WM: Bale, bed. aprlnfe, 1: email table, l. 3-w. oek and leather eet. 10; "hlte enamel trim portable lube. .S0. Hy. (Ml.' I A JOY FOR LIFE YOUR OWN HOME BUY NOW ON EASY TERMS A, I HERE ARE THE BEST BUYS OF THE WEEK "PICTURED ABOVE" tremendous saving on -A-HOME-FO-CHRtSTMAS" HOWEftEFINEMENT" THAT WILL LAST THROUGH . THE YEARS $10,500 Not onlr en-tare la look Architectural!, built at aoat a I1T,. at: not only a maaterplece of OOO ,lgnt Mra ago Now priced for architecture and ninilnirllnn, . n.. ...... but a borna that rer-reeente tha Ja located amor nneet home, ultimata la erranarmeut, com- la city. Sparloii. living room, delightful "il'Xl'tt aur- a-J..n. In Ideal new cast bench reel- onto Intriguing pat to; breakfast Mom dential section, Haa six roomi wnfc bullt-la china closet of provincial WmAK - - room, auxiliary lavatory and out hitch with tile drain and tmpli powder room. Beautifully fin- ewphoerd spec. Very fin amusement (shed in oak, til and enamel; "vv".,. ample eloMt space and other room wtth front an trance, laundry and detail of construction and maid' mora In basement. Hot water convenience too numerous tn stoker-fired furnace. Garag built under mention, For full detalla, price - house. Unusually well landscaped lot. i'.d-itrmfv eai' toAH 73xisn. Full grown shad trees, formal TVrca. HY. 0519. HT. 8218. roe garden. Term KEYSER HOGLE I viLI INVESTMENT COMPANY REALTY COMPANY n 'h "" realtor w.a tt ,YLZ L yv-"vrv" Iveninta and Sunday.. Hv H74-J ar Wallear Bank Bid. Waa. 3M3. Waaalck W 43 FARM GARDEN Produc. APPLEd Job-thane, lame, ertep. lutcy. No worm. TV bu. 1011 E. 27th So. 45 SOIL rd Frliliif HT. 1143-W. Lanoae eat eoti. l.AO: ere tied fenilizer, eacki SI, If railed for. Will trade. Ed. Butterfieid. WHT nut buy the oeit rertUuet and eoU? gmeet Bntermtd Hy 2445-W IkLaCK mtn. aoil. ferUHMf. 'sand. ravel. Truck in B. Raa Hy . 4722-aX:AKN. 4722-aX:AKN. FERTILIZER' tnt. sail. rorkT Mud and gravel. R. Davie. 690-ht WAV. 2937-M Bcreetied 'ferttllaerT 1 bu.. 12: ao, 11.50 yd Cj.p. landacaplnev . BLACK mtn. aoll fertiliser, vend, gravel , Trucking. Keaa Hy. 4722. MOUNTAIN aoll. (1.50 yard; fertiliser, 1 aacka. HI; aaod and graveL Stuard'a. , Hr. H990. PLANED, ar retried fertiliser. C. V. Nel- aon. 1233 E. 13th Bo. Hy. 15Q0-W. 46 LETS SWAP VTTioT irhiTewr ra2efor White L. chicken. 62nd Ho., 18th WeaL L. A. Cook. 47 FUEL DEALERS Otto's Coal & Wood Yard ABERDEEN THK BEST COAL. KINDLING WOOD. 7 HACKS gl PROMPT DELIVERY ANYWHERB 267 No. let Weat Waa. P435 HIGHEST QUALITY COAL MARTIN COAL CO. Waa. 620 49 So. Mala 47ASTOKERSJOttjAI F irtOKKRS fi59 5t intiailad. par mo. Srhradar Plb. Hta. Co- Hv. 4MS. 47DAITanrOir NORTON COAL CO.. HY. 9971 p. dom. SS 90, ip.$ 50, at. S6.V aut , P $5 SO. olV elk. 4 75. elk. 14 23 STUARO COAL CO., HY. 8990 DoaeetK. !V0: aut, $5.70: atoe f 2h: p.. I5.2&; lp to 50: oU elk.. 4.75. Dom. Lump, $S.S0, 2-Ton Lots au te.23: pea. S5.29: on nach. 4 .W: nut, $5 50. Lythgoe Coal. Hy. 4618 Spec. Dom, Lump, $5.75, Hy. 6887 PEA. S4.T9: viae. S3.75: Spnna Caovon furnace lump. S6.25: nut. S5 0 HPRIJMQ CANYON OR PEERLESS COAL. Dom. lump, 6; atove or lump. go. 25: nut. So: oil-treated Hack. 4 2" JACOB HON CASH COAL. Hy.ff5l. SPEC. LOW PRICES HY. 10268 PKERl.EH" AND BLUE BLAKE NUT ;(JO SI 75 ton Si 75 at. ui lp. ftOO, SI 95; ton. S6 50; pra nut. ton. S.V .ood. St. Lue's. Was. 3017. PINION PINE fireplace (one, la. bunrttea kii'dlmic. for gl. Hy. 4720-J. Hy. 1008W. SPRING CANTON rnal. S6: Jesse Knight. S 50: oU slk.. S4. Uy-Tesl Coal. By. S485. SPECIAL nut and lump mixed. $5.26 oea S4 alack S3 25 Hv IM HP RING CANYON coal. JJ. lump. S6; atove. lump. $6 25 81. S3 75 Hv 6041 SPEC. Spring Canyon coal. 2-ton lota. d. Imp.. S550 ton, del. Hy. 9440. "RAILROAD COAL HY. 8456" 2-ton lots, dom. lump. $5.75. Ton tote, stove. $6: dom.. $5 90; nut. $5 75: ctt alack. S4.65. Hl-Grade Coal Co. Was. 7251 Harlter Coal Co. TORAOE PRICES. $5 50 TON Stove. $6.75: out. $6: pea. $5.50' lack. $4. Was. 7251. DEER CREEK COAL CO. rumaca lp.. $6.50: stove, $6-25: domesttc lp. 625: out. 5.75: pea. 550: oil slk. 4.50: elk. $4. W 2068. 714 W 2 So, SO. SALT LAKE COAL 4 LUMBER CO. SPECIAL SALE Lump, at ore, pea, net $5.75: oil slack. $4.50: dry slack, $3.75. Hv. 4273-N-W. Was. 2903. 47C Building Materials Misc. SPKClAT-o'lid knvtih' eef tarof" 2x4. $2.80 per 100 B. M f Pa int. $1.73 al. H. 7459. NATIVE LUMBER. 2287 8. Main. WHEN you remodel sea Decker-Bradley Lbr. Co. 45 Favette ave. Waa 4017 16 APARTMENTS FOR RENT L COVEY INVESTMENT CO. Invites you to tnapect its newiy remodeled re-modeled apartment, beautifully decorated deco-rated with soft vintex stippled walla. coed ceilings and soft Indirect tights tog Enjoy the restful, homelike surroundings, sur-roundings, beau 1 1 f ul flow e ra an ru ls and apactoue lawns. Win parlors, front porches, glassed-in sleeping porches. ' Canyon breeie that keeps the smokd from tbo Hillcrest and Ken-aingtoo. Ken-aingtoo. this means enjoyment of clean, fresh air and clean, comfort-able comfort-able surround i nrs. 1 to I room furnished fur-nished and un furnished. Incomparable Incompar-able atrvJca, price reasonable, adulta only. Owners and operators of 350 apart' men is snd cottages. 2K garages. 219 E. So. Temple at." Waa. 5671 KENSINGTON APTS. MAIN AT 1ST NORTH 4 and 5-rm. apts. Excellent condition, front porches. Ribbon mahogany trim. Indirect Dentin Dent-in fixture, free cooking teas and ro frtgeration. Out of the smoke district dis-trict We Invite you ta see these beautiful beau-tiful apts. Prices reasonable. Adults. COVEY INVESTMENT CO. m E. o. T.mplt. Waa S6T1. Waa. !Jn MARYLAND 839 EAST SO. TEMPLE SALT LAKE'S FINEST LARGE FOUR-ROOM APARTMENTmV Completely rtMnlshed and redecorated. Alt alec trie New kltcben. Tile bath and shower. Elevator. Adults. Was. 5433. WUJLN TOU MOTE phone REDMAN Was. BIS. Ouarantead servica. Hem-eat, Hem-eat, safe, fast men. Utah'a oldest, largest company offering you local and long f1'"-l Mnvpir UnnMbnldl " gooTli storage, packing, shipping. $32 3 Rrns., Newly Decorated Modern apt. Hardwood floors, garage. . Hy. 4.113. Hi Bo. 5th E.. gr furn, $37.50 HiGH. PK. 5-rm. mod., auto, hill, hi-ll, w.. range, basement, gar., out of smoke. 1233 Stratford. Hy. 617-N-W. $45- 3-ROOM modern new apt-, ground floor, beautiful view, auto beat, modem mod-em kitchen. 310 11th ave. WESLEY APtS. 217 3RD AVE. Wss. 837T-R. Lares living rm and kitchen. 2 bsdrme., tile bath and alnk, newly dec. Light, cosy. Close in. ij6 3 RMH , elec. rge., refrlg.. heat, hot, water., hdwd firs, tile bath, beautl-fully beautl-fully decorated. 323 3rd East !3t5 3 NICE. It. rrns. Stoker nt.. gas rge.. air cond. 340 So. 5th East. EXCLUSIVE. Urge new 4-rm. apL home. at. best, h. w.. B11 S. 9 E Hv 746-W BADGKR RENTAL SERVICE FREE transportation and service. Was. 3330 Wss. 2K85-W. PRESCOTT APTS.. 575 E. 2nd So. 3 rmi., lower floor, newly decorated, all electric. Waa. 4Q94 R. Waa. 3047. $253 RMh!. porrh. Mod. Ht. wtr., atoker ht. . gaa rge. 13H N. 2nd West. l2"t-4-ROOM, partly renovated, gas eqnlpt. Janitor sen-Ice. 202 K st. $35 3 RMri . breakfsst rm . range, re-frlg., re-frlg., heat, hot water. 1105 1st ave. FAIRMONT 50 E. 5th So. Attractive four-room mod., sleeping porch. W. 2H.tS. W. 30Q0. $35.504 LGE. rmi., gl. sip. pch, will heated, clean. 273 E. 6th South. MIDGLKY 4-rm. bedrm.. also wall bed. NEW MIDGLET 3 rm. 621 B. W. Temple. WHITE FAWN 167 No. W. Temple. fl7 room mod. Exrellent cond. W 9475. FILLMORE Comer 2nd Weet 2nd So. Attractive, small, modem, new stoves. refnreratora. Close In. Waa 3733. BROADMOOR. 936 E. 3rd So., 5-rm. mod.' Lota space, light, all electric 5-acrs playground, equipped for children. Trees, buahea. ahade. sun. (Exclusive.) ATTRACTIVE 6-rm. mod. duplex, el. rgsw. refrtg.. gar. AduMa. $40. Hy. 6966T MEREDITH. 2 blks. " from Hotel Utah. 4 rmi., glass-ln alp. pen., refrlg. Reas. rent. Adults. 160 1st ave. Was. 7383. BOULEVARD Car. 9th E.-l it so. , 5 rm.. mod. Funk a UTrfurn. Excel, cond. Hy. 2090 BIGELOW. 225 So 4th E. 2 and 3 rm. mod- lots space, light, all alec, axclu alve. $26 5t up Adults ! $37.50 4 RMS., all else., free llghta. beat." hot water. Garage. 1007 lat ave. 4 RM , ground floor, beat, gas. refrlg. Garage. U03 9th E. Hy. 224-M. $J0 NICELT arranged 3 rma,. front, waaher. heat, hot water fum. Adults. 23.1 Bo. 11 'h Eaat. $1S 4-RM. mod. apt., partly fura. Hy. 2866-W 875 Weat 2nd South. $27.50 2 RM.. front, sip. pch.. mod., heat. hot w . refrtg. 303 E. 6th South. 1203 Rk sT6kER HT. hot water. Clean, new paper. Adulta. 1450 So 4th Eaat. COST 3-rm. art Kit., gas stove, lino., coal healer. 267 Q St. PROGRESS. 110 SO. 3RD E- WAS. 2"01. 4 rrns.. mod., 1st fir. romer, plenty light, heat, tri. rear porches. Adults. VERNON APTS.. 480 E. 3RD SO. $47.50. Mod. S rrns. Adults. l7parfmenH FURNISHED LA FRANCE 250 WEST 3RD SOUTH 4 rma, with sip. pch., completely . fum. for feakpe., hdwd. floors, tile ' hath with shower, beautifully fura., $49. Unfumlahed. $43. Adulta COVET LNVEtfTMKNT CO WAS. 4S71 OR WAS. 8552-W. SHUBRICK HOTEL APT. RATES BT WEER OR MONTH Where location convenience, service aasurs you a very pleasant home. 2 and 3 rm. mod. apta., completely fum close In. 72 W. 4th So. Wss. 44H2. $49. 50 BEAUTIFULLY furniaheO front apt., living room, bedroom, kitchen, bath. Including refrigeration, cooking heat, (sundry facilities In' basement. Csll Was. 267$ or Hy. 6118 R. Holland Hol-land Furniture Co. 73 East So. Tsn pie. Apt. 1. ; NEW WOODRUFF. 235 2ND EAST $45. Newly fum. Living rm.. 2 bedrms., dinette, kitchen, bath. Frig. Incl. 1st firs., aouth and eaat expos. Adults. $20 TO $322-3 rm. mod., new furn. Close tn for business peopis. 37 Canyon rd. BiOKL6w. 225 So. 4th E, 2 and 3 rm. mod lots space, light, all alac, sxclu-slve. sxclu-slve. $33 50 up (Adults. l5-$30 1 AND 2 room cottages. Heat. II KM furnished. Salt Lake Auio Para. Waa. 97 7 S. MURRAY Hill. 454 3rd ave $42 VI; at- ract. 4 roome. sip, pch Adults. WHTTE fAWM, 167 No. W. Temple. 3-rm. mod., nicely turn. Was. 9475. $30 3 RMS. front, tncl. UcbtA, gas, hot water, washer. 233 Bo. 11th East. HOWELU 255 E. 51h So. Was. 804 4-R. Cheerful 3 rma.. 2 beds.plenty hi.. $.13. $1S 2 RMS bath, diaap. bed. refrlg.. rg.. phone. 161 4th ave. Waa. 7362-R. $30 3-RM. mod. Well heated. Everything vwrwr- JIM Ba ?iiil E. $20 MOD 2-rm. frtu let fir. Nicely furn. Adulta 632 Park. 1 tWHoieUepiiMj -ROOMS lncl. Park sp. 348 Bo. 3rd East. LARGE, nicely furn. front rm.. elec. Us.. ht xas fum. $4 wk. 124 So. 6th E LUE. aingle frt, apt., grd. fir.- ht.. gas. Its., refrlg.: couple. 131 2nd East. 2 RM6 Ht.. Its., fum. Adults. 341 South 4th East. Hy. 1673. $16-UP 1 2 rma, kiU heat, gas it.. Wry. rm. 291 E. Bo. Tern. W. 731 1-R. ilO LARG RW COMF. FURN. Closs In. Was. 892T-R. 261 N. W. Temple. $14-$ 17 LARGE rooms, newly decorated, heat. Its., gas. Adulta. 816 7th Eaat. $12 NICE, larse basement rm.. Uahta. gas, heat. Adults. 547 E. 1st So. $25-2 NICELY fum. rma. Ground fir. Hest. Its., a a a. gar. 433 So. 4th E LARGE front rm., clean. Even-thing lurn. Adults. 266 East 4th South. 2 NICE, pleasant rrns.. on ground fl. Lta., gaa lncl. Gar. Adults. 353 E. 2nd Bo. LARGE grd. fir. rm.. bath. Everything fum. Ph.. gar., psrk. 661 E. 2 S. $1S. llS LGE. rm.. well furn Ht.. Its., gas. a. w. 71 So. 12th East. 1 9 ROOMS With BOARD ATTllAa frt. rm. for 1 or 2, clean bed. Home cooking 243 W. 4th Ho. I FlK'fc rm." for 2 men. Twin beds." Excel." I meals. 1055 E. 2nd South. I LARGE front rm . .suitable for 2 or 3. Home prlv. Brd. If dee. Hy. 420 M. $251 LARGE rm. for i or 2. Everything Every-thing fum. 225 So. 9th E. Hy 5372 J. $20 2 GENTS share rm. " Excellent meals. 36 H atreet. GOOD home, exrellent meaia. parking space. 940 Edison t 1 OR 2. in prlv. home. Car. 959 E, 3rd Bo. 1 Hy. 3930-R. FIRST class board and room. Oar. Rsaa. Was. 9269. 434 E. South Temple. REFISeB HOWB Excellent meals. References Ref-erences exchanged. Hy. 6384-J. AenTleUaM. BOARD anS ROOM. 602 Eaat 3rd South. 2tURNisTTEJROOMS g3.30 LOVELiTTm.. mod. fioroeTTrvery-thlng fioroeTTrvery-thlng furn. 371 E 7 Bo. Hy 10021-J. LOVELY large rraa, cross ventilation. Ideal location. 184 E. So. Temple. NICE rm. in lovely apt. Home privileges. 163 So. 5th EaaU apt. 21. BEAUTIFUL front rm. 107 lat ava. Grace. apt. 17. Was. 8009-W. LGE. rm. Newly fum. For 1 or 2. 16 Grace Apts.. 107 1st ave. Was. 8159-W. WELL FURN. rm. 1 or 2 genta. Mod. home. Very close In: reaa. 121 1st ave. $2 TO $4 NICELY furn.. prlv. bath. prlv. home, park, sp. 533 E. 2nd So. 'BEDROOM with private bath in w ell-heated ell-heated duplex home. Hy. 485. $12 NICE rm. for gentleman. Private home. Ref. 250 So. 2nd East. 27 ROOMS" IN HOTELS WINTER RATES NOW N EFPECT 2 AUCTION SALES , wTiCadams, a uctton e'e r 1484 TO 1466 SO. liTATE HT. 460f THAUH M DERRICK. AUCTIONEER. ' Htch clSa SM-lr.n it-t-e ' I J lOSt ANOJKJUND 1 fJGs'TliogV brown. whTtt rtp ringer span-j span-j lei. 7 moa. old. 2 brown spots on side Reward, was. 2831 or Hy. I 47.14-J. , , I FEMALE collie iost. Answers to Scarlet, Sable and white. $ moa. aid. Reward. Hy. 4932. LOST black cockrr spaniel. Ans. "Fell." 1461 State. Reward. Hy. 8256. TOT fox terrier, female, white. fr.'hi"fk spots. Nsme Penny. Rcw. H. T906-W. DOG Biton terrier, brindle. white spot on bead, white paw. Ans. to Trotj. blea. 234 Moatroas ava. Waa. 6085-W. Reward. ! KEYS -On rTnX iL Reward. cTfi ! Waa 4873 LAbV s oRtJEf. WRIsT WaTcH. In pkj. Iat nr. Krea Co. Tuesday. Reward. Waa. 6652 R. Personals FULJ.ER BRUSH CO. wishes to warn the Eubltc against Im poet era selling mshet. Please look for the FULLER button worn by all authorised dealers, aa well aa the name Fuller on sverv brush They are than for your protection. pro-tection. DESERET'flYtf-WArV .424 . Enroll now. Enjoy better health. SWIM. REDUCE. Ccvnl." private coufseTls. Prof. Thornton. Waaatch hpgs.W 1732. 1NTEKMUUNTA1N Rest Hum. 1149 a." S. Alcohol um, colon therapy, thtra- penttc fever h vt rot hers phy H. 4676. DR. GRIFFITH, specialist fen men. Call 234 Booth Main at. waa. 5514. 5 MASSAGE AND . BATH . MAMEtJSE Baths, ruba SI. Mass. 23 E. 2 So. 220-21 Season bid. 10-B dallv. Bun. Nurse. MASHAGF Blake cabinet for reduclu$ retaiannn. Wti. 92ft Thr gpp. OPEN 10-10. NEW OPR Anna's Swe- dlsh or relsx maaaage. bath. 23 X, lai So. Rm. 301. VERY besi masaagt. not bain, alcohol and oil ruha Hrs 1Q-5 226-22T Atlas bldn. EXP. massage bath. Franco-American Ant. R. 315. 23 E. 1st Bo., Marls Moires. GOOD maaaage. d lux vapor bath, oil ai- cohn) rub Hra 9-6 334-335 Atlas hid PASSAGE, tub and cab. baths, otl ruha. K nurse. 268 S. Btkte. room 3J. Mrs 10 8 dally and Sunday. BWKMflH maaaaae. all, alco. rub. bath. Hra 10-8. lSSMj B. Main, room 205. 'sWTRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES rTw uAili siSVlcsT Effective Nov. 1. to LOS ANGELES $8 R. T. $14.40 TELE. WAS. 912 OVERLAND STAGES Depot: Wilson Hotel. "TRAVEL lNroRMATION"-a-173 So. W. Temple. Waa. 10444. Nits. Was. 14. 7 HELP WANTED WOMEN SPECIAL NOTICE THE TRIBUNE AND TELEGRAM atme to protect their readers anainat fraud, deception or Injustice. Readera are cautioned to make NO payment to get a position advertised In the help wanted columns. Ada In other column a which require In veal men t In slock a. samples, equipment or a cash bond should be thorounhly Investigated before be-fore paying out any money. All help wanted ads MUST specify the nature of the work and If the pay la In the form of salary, commission, or both. Only bona fids offers of employment with pay belong In the "Help Wanted" columns. Kindly report any exception to this nils to tha classified advert le Int manager. WOMAN for general housework. Wanes. Private room with bath. Cottonwood district. Raferancaa. Box M 35, Trtb. Tela. OIRM for rsre of apt., plain cooking. $10 mo. Room, country girt pref., city rets. Box N-38. Trtb. -Tel. BUB. or university or full time Vlrl for gen. hswk. Stay nlshta. Wants. H. 1406 before noon. , , , , THIOL housework for Isdy. ' stay' nights. After 9 a. m. Wsges. Waa B353-W. WOMAN over 20 veara for'neoeral houee work: own room and bath: experience; references: nood wagea Hv. 551. ifAtD for general housework, experienced and sells bla No others need apply. Good boms. Oood salary. 1425 Parry ave. GIRL for gen. hswk.""' Ref. ' rtq."' Wagea Hv 7521. SOLICITOR for home modernisation. Lady i with car preferred. Top comma. Call bet. 9 and 12. 45 W. 4th South. GIRL for gen. hswk. Stay" nights, Wagtl Hy. 3123. EXP maid for gen. nswk." Wages. Hy." 9678 StKL for gen. hawk. Stay night a. Wagea 1696 So. 5th E. Hy. 7407. $32.50 -4-RM . gl. alp. pch. frt . rear pcha. Frigid. Oar. 100 W. 2 No. WGIFTSWRALL CHRISTMAS GIFTS TiCYClB " Low as $22 50 Easy terms. HOUHE OF HOPPER 140 E Broadway ALL kinds of pets and pet supplies BAILEY & SONS 63 E 2nd So. Waa 365. 1 XMAS burgs Ins can be bought If you gel $3-$10-$23 today from Employee Finance Co., 715 Cont. Bank bldg. NEED $5 or more for Xraas shoppmgf Call at 715 Continental Bank bldg. tfiYS tricycle, $1 39; child's table, chair j set. $2.49; doll carriage, Wind I 1 1 Wlfi?l'tl8' FURNITURE fcolfi 34 'SL i State. t TABLE model radio, $11.95; console model radio. $39 95. Both be aut lea. Western 1 Fwrw. Co.. 13f So. Slate " GIVE a refrigerator. The most uaabl gift. Only $5 down. No payments until March 1, 1940. Montgomery Ward Basement. HAVE HIS or 'HER watch cleaned and repslred for that XMA8 SURPRISE GIFT. $2 flat rate. MEYERS JEW-ELRY. JEW-ELRY. 58 East lat South. 4cVMISCELLEOUS For Sala Radios Your opportunity to buy a new standard radio for leaa than you or-dlnarllv or-dlnarllv pay for a used radio years old. Rig assortment of Stewart war ner tsble and cabinet models. Ballard pistributino Co. 377 SO MAIN. WAS. 2211. Refrigerators Whv buy a cheap, inferior refrigerator refrigera-tor when cou ran buv a brand new Ktenart Warner 6.5 ft. box for tha wholesale price of $119.95? Term, Ballard Distributing Co. 577 so. main. Was. 2211. WHOLESALE CAFE SUPPLIES Maettte note! rang. Wear-Ever ain- minum. atoola, dishes, complete Hn cutlery lutre txlrsctors, safea cash re ki ft era. electric friers and griddles, complete bar equipment, new and used. WESTERN FURNITURE CO 135 SO STATE. WAS 8152 RANGES Coal atid caa combination $27.50; Heatrola with 4 to T rms 4 $29.50. DEPENDABLE APPLIANCE CO.. Ill E. 3rd South. NEW wsoher and Irotier. quality makes. S39 50, Special Xmaa rf'scou-'ts on all appliances. HANCO FURNITURE. 701 Slate. REFRIGERATORS AND RANGES Clearance of all Floor Models . $25 to $60 OFF Q K. and Kslv. Terms. The Paris Co. MUST be sold. L. H. elec. 'range.' perfect' cond. Cooker, broiler, $225; $40 Leonard frig., $30. 4336 Wander Ian. 1 PR. 7-ft . 1 pr. 6-ft.. 2 pre. 5-ft. skis. 1 Underwood all-cap typewriter, excel. for menu work: 2 prac. new C-man gas lamps, 1 Frlgldatre, excel, cond.: 0 complete 5 rma. of fum.: assortment dishes. 833 So. 8th Eaat. SINGER SEWING MACHINE. Reasonable?. 1040 Ho. Main. NEW heatrola. new alVporcelatn coal ranna with cast Iron oven. Must sacrifice. Will sell time or cash. 658 Jefferson. 4 TRUSSES, span 35 W ft. : 4 trusses. t span 38i ft.; 2 tnisaes. spaa 37 fL Plenty of steel columns. MONSEY IRON METAL CO.. W. 4763. $5 BUYS good used suit or' o' coat, ladies. child, cloth. Pahl'a, 31 B. W. T. WE bnv buildings to wreck, or anything In' bldg. material!. C. J. Ketchum Wreck see Co.. 2320 So. Msln. Hy. 2627 BEER equipment, steam tabic, carbonatora. coffee urna 0.8tcnacl Mfg. 149 E. 1 8. i HOOVER vacuum.- like new. Must sell.1 $14.50. Coat when new about $80. 46 Went 27 1 h 80. ELEC AUTO. CABINET IRONER. $25. Coat $135. 963 E. Bo. Tern. Hy. 1674. BEER snd bat equip., soda fountains, steam tablea elec carbonatora stools; terms. Moaer-Hartman Co.. M P O. Place. DUCO lacquer paint, spray a compressors. floor landers sold, rented, repaired. A. C. Whlttakcr. 546 B. Btste. Was. 4360M BOOTHS, restaurant counter pore, meat display case, flower box. Very reas. 32 Richards st. Was 3210. CasH legisler adding ' macntni" "and tvpa- writer cheap 247 So. Btata M KRAALS Ref. Co. Meat count era tfooi- . era doors. 642 N 2nd W Wss 3561 FOR remodel inn materials. Decker-Bradley Lumber Co.. 45 Favette ave W 4Q1T XMAH TREES. WHOLESALE AND RB-' TAIL. 1117 E. 27TH BO., HT. 8990. GAR. doors, tracks.gasolina pumps, bargain. bar-gain. W. S9S6-W Suiu Mid. 1$ wk, days. 27-JHOUSES FOR RENT 4-5-ROOM STEAM HEATED, MODERN COTTAGE with gaa range, electric refrigeration, re-frigeration, hardwood floors, beautifully beautiful-ly decorated; no rharga for cooking (as or re frige rat ton. Adults only. 37.50-S41 50 month: Janitor service. Call Co.ry Investment Caw. Waa, 5471. Waa. 8552-W. $45.00 5 RMS.. Capitol Hill Auto, hot air gaa furnace. Newly decorated. 2 finished rma. In basement. $450O5 rrns.. southeast bench. Hot air heat, newly decorated. $30. OO 5 rma., southeast Newly dce rsted throughout." Hot air beat. Glaaesd-ln alp. porch. HOGLE 1NV. CO ,132 So. Mam. Was TT. 1992 WINDSOR.. -6 rrns.. $35 OO. 1474 Logan ave.. 4 rma, $13 00, 10R7 So. 8lh E,, 5 rrns.. $27.50. 952 Bo. 10th E . 4-rm. run.. $27.50. COOK REALTY CO. - No. 11 T. let Bo Was 2524. WHEN YOU MOVE telephone REDMAN. Waa. 618. Guaranteed service. Honest, Hon-est, safe, fast men. Utah'a oldest, largaat company offering you local and long distance MOVING. Household gooda atoraxe. packing, shipping. 4- RM mod. Disappearing bed. inq 221 Stanley place. 4 th-3 to So.. 2nd E. $25 DUPLEX, 3-rm.. sL pch., gaa rge. Inq 631 11th E. Hy. 7327. ' $30 5-RM mod. bungalow, furnace. tr rage. 1316 So. 2nd E. Waa 66. $33 5-RM. mod. duplex, fine school disc Out of smoke. 1146 Eaat 7th So. $25 6 ROOM duplex, newly dec. hdwd. flra.. gaa rg. Gar. 77 N st. W. 9200-R. 5 RMH.. sleeping porch, sarage, nice lot. $38. 922 So. 10th Eaat. 5- RM. brick, modern except beat. Rent reaa 1646 So. 21si E. Inq. 1707 21at ,ma Call Hy. 0192. $40 6-P.M. " mod., hdwd.. flra.. til bsth. jjouhl atiOflt fleiii..ll.-la $10 CLEAN 2 rma- basement. 731 Vh a 733i Bo. 2nd E. Hy. 5299-W. 2t-HOMES-TOR-tALl (CITY AND SUBURBAN) ffoTkTELXRSATN NEW BRICK colon is I 011 Highland dr. tn county. 5 rooms, 2 bedrooms, oak flours, ttle drain, fine basement, furnace, fur-nace, etc Only $3450: $345 rash. LOT 60x258. Cl easy new 5-rm. firebrick colonial with Round Oak furnace, near Highland dr. in county. Only $4350- 10 per cent down. ON E. 33RD SO . classy new 5-rm. colonial co-lonial $4100. Terma. NEAR SUGARHOUSE, fine lot 47x153 wtth large 4-rm. mod. brick bunsa-low. bunsa-low. 2 bedroom 1. oak floors, etc Only $2430: terma. CLOSE IN southeast, nice 5-rm. mod brick home, new roof, deep loL Only $2250; $250 cash. $1900. ALMOST NEW roof and furnace. 5-rm. modern, nicely papered, large eaat front lot, lawna, flower, gar-ace. gar-ace. $:t00 caih GADPIS INVESTMENT COMPANY 337 South Main. Wa-atch 730 HOME & GARDEN CO. REALTOR 40 So. Mala. Was. 974. $2000 Completely reconditioned home. Rain ted Inside and out. all of the 4-irge 4-irge room papered, new cabinets and linoleum In the kitchen, new toilet and . plumbing In good condition, and new bllnda throughout. No car far, and , easy terma can be arranged. $450O Surrounded by other beautiful homes Is this fine colonial stucco home with 5 rooms and breakfsst room. Oarage In the basement. malds room, deep lot with fine Mew. Located on Diestel rood and 16th East. Easiest terms. EXTRA well built 5-room brick home, newly decorated, lot 75x125 to alley. Easy terms. Mid vale 217-M. 2540 15th Eaat moVe RIgHT !n $1800 4-rm. frame. 12th K nr. 4th So. Terma Lge. lot Hy. 3094. Was. 6P9. 5 NICE RMS. NEAR 13TH EAST $3350 A GOOD brick home. Strictly modem. Newly decorated. Vacant. E. Z. terma. RIDEOUT REALTY CO. W. 1146. H. 7742. BRAND NEW COLONIAL. $4650 B rmi. mod., exceptionally llnht and cheerful, large rrns., hdw. firs., tile bath and sink. Insulated, furnace, garage. ga-rage. Fine lot. In lovely neighborhood. 464 Emerson. Easy terms. H. 1014-W. "DECKER-BRADLEY Lbr. Co. will help you build, remodel or repair. Waa 4017. own;r leaving, must sell 5-rm. cinder block home, 2 extra bsmt. rma.. stoker. Venetian shades, carpal log. drapes, landm-aplng. Inq. 2690 Beverly st. Hy. 5712-J. WORKING man's bargain, home, income. ! .mod. dup.. E. side, fin coud. must sell. Easy terms. Call Owner. Was. 6278-! $2750 MOD brk . 5! EI easy terma Z ion's Realty Co.. 32 ft. 2nd So. Was. 1825. SMALL down payment, easy monthly terms. 2 new 5-room modern homes. 2749 Bo. 6th E. Hy. 2691-J. 30 Property for Sale or Trade FOJ$ remodeling material. Decker-Bradley Lumber Col. 45 Fayette ava. W. 4017. 31 LOTS FOR SALE NOW Pen" Is" sure to movY" You'll pay" doub. this price for lot nr. 1 8th E.. 2 1st. So., by next year. Buy now and save Only 8175. Was. 8O6.Y HIGHLAND Park lots for cash or trade for bldg. mechanic's labor. Hy. 9303-R. CALL Decker-Brad lev for bulldinn plans, estimates or specification a Waa 4017 36 FARMS nd ACREAGE FOR REtift Southwest" " 2" acfea rra. house, elec trio lights, flowing well, barn 255 No. 1st W. Was. 8353-M TO BUILD, remodel or repair, see Decker Bradley Lumber Co. 45 Fayette ava. 37 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 'wh'ITe ' aidiVflTface rang rams. Castou Olaen. 76 N at. Hy. 6861. Bait l.ake RAMS. ewes. Crawford Meadowa." near I,crit nicsr factory Phone H. 1366-M SUFFOLK and Hampshire yearling rams. A. A. Call let cr. Vaa T035-M. 38 lesfcckanted 'WiiXVa li1" Bnd,JL pay cash tor 1 desor useless horses, cows, sheep and hogs. Call Waa. 5373 or Hv. 5573 rollacL Colorado Animal By-Product Co. WASATCH Kennel and Fox Farm pay highest cash prices for dead and uae-less uae-less livestock. Phone collect Mur. 2tt3. WELSH Fish Fox Farm pay best prices for animal, dead or alive. Mur 149. TOP prices paid for live horses, cows for fox feed. Call Erekson. Murray 240. 39 POULTRY and TURKEYS yjN7tXnTeyT roaster and nana. 3232 So. 3rd East. Hv. 9907 WANTED Llvs poultry. Will call for and nav top price. E. L. Madaen. Mur. 30. GAME CHICKENS. HY. 54. 40 HAY. GRAIN AND FEED , ATTENTION SHEEr MEN Cotton Mtd cak, and arain pclletla. Raaa. l,t crop balrd hay. 115 per ton. MAXFIELD FEED. I7 W. 3rd . W. 4I1 MAKE TITLE INSURANCE THE NO. I DEMAND WHEN YOU BUY A HOME INTERMOUNTAIN TITLE GUARANTY CO. 3RD FLOOR FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING CHANGE OF A LIFFTIMF lovki.t s-rook mn two-Mory wmta V-nINVC Ur f LirCIIMC ,,, wlln ,rw, mountain ai.d Ifa your opportunity to atart tha alley vlrw. 5'. hatha 4 laraa COR- Krchaaa of your horn, wltb txcw NER BEDROOlfft. stokar, Iwoar naily amall down parmant. faraga, aprutkllua avalaaa. Only io EVEN LESS THAN 10 .DOWN 'If?.! U.J6 J1 hn?"l FARaf BUT Cloaa In. n.artr (nod oondllloa (hrnuihout locfi bomt ,uM c.nntl bam.nt. n.arUlnlali acuool and 13tH Eaat furnara, M acraa of cholc. ! ahopptnf caular. ... (mud: 20 ahara Irrinatlon alr. Alder-Sanders-Wallace c- " "-Urn t REALTORS NEAR I'NTW. JIITY S-roora inodam I Tt . Mah,. Waa. 431T horn, r.mjntad baaamant. ga. , .raaa; pulf Bl l A UAkiC COUNTRY Cl.t'R DIHTRirT All-.hlta BUY A HOME NOW! jg -m cao, ui, ..TrhVrdRrf'ir. COOK REALTY COMPANY C",r?ilpr)e. r,d h....l- N. lift fy for a quick aal. Nearly new l w- tory colonial with 3 enormous . ... bed room a. 3 fully tiled baths, maids BEST OFFER TAKES IT room, sunny corner break faet nook. hot air furnace with blower and . . toker. Entire house fully insulated. 4 room mooern. Ntrnrnt A very practical and Unique room w ',rtr design and fliileh. imtpiwnL Located on East Bench new roof garage, large 14 with a -ay from all the smoke, on a lot exceptionally fins flo;t". 'n-r 85x170 feel wltb fruit tree and ,n m w,,r Eighth South t douM itnii I M 4 UrtsV r"" Listed for $23oo. sarnsje. ' aa Mrna. Owner will substantially discount C J H C 'lL , C ,,of Ntr Liberty park. Jlutfilrftr NEW GRAND REALTY CO. Trust Co. 15 E. 4th South Waa, 4193 Sfarn Fl. Wtwhoua Bldg. Waa. 3221. HOME LOANS 907. FHA FINANCING or OUR OWN LOW-COST LOANS BUY BUILD IMPROVE YOUR APPLICATION WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION TRACY LOAN & TRUST CO. 151 SOUTH MAIN ST. WASATCH 650 OBOAxttZID TO 8 in VI THI PUBLIC mGirrsmr CHRISTMAS GIFTS TuT"KETCHUM'S STORE ON YOUR SHOPPING TOUR 3-placa bath set $33.9S Deluxe full receas bath set .... 80.79 Swing spout sink fixture .... 4.25 Flanged fsucets. each ........ 1.33 42-in. drs inboard alnk 22 32 Toilet seat 3 95 Toilet combination whit scat. . 14.95 10x18 garage 79.50 Block kindling wood, toad .... 3 00 Cedar shingles, squar 6.00 Medicine cabinets. Ironing boards, light fixture, carpenter nd plumbing -tools. Linoleum drain boards natal lag, . ash. doors, windows. WeatinKhousa refrigerator, stove, water beaters, appliances. Any other number of gift. Ketchum Builders Supply 4TH SO.-7TH W. PHONE WAS. 3411. i-a,rn $4 PER WEEK J I DAY $1.50 DAIT.T RATES NEVER CHtNOE UUEST8' LAUNDRY FREE MILNER HOTEL "COA8T TO COAST Formerly Cullen Hotel WAS 14. 33 W. 2ND SO. PEERY HOTEL Winter rate In street. Room a low aa $20 mo. $23 with prlv. bath. D luxe beds. Good carpet Spactou lobby. No obligation to show you. HOTEL LITTLE 1T 10 MAIN BT.. IN THK HEART OF THE CITY. St TO $6 WEEK PLANDOME 4TH SO. & STATE REHTFT'U D Y 1 UP: WK fToO UP TUXEDO HOTEL. 44 . tat, at., reputable rln homrllh, rraa Ft, aar. to trana NtW Chester Hotel nw w tn.nt. 125 So. Blata. Rrawnabl. rat,. CAPITOL, 'all outald, rma Plenty hot ,L, H1M3.M vk. T W. and go. 22 FURNISHED HOUSES SgdTiSinblS 1 In CottonwoidTTruTly fur-niahed. fur-niahed. Excellent coodJtloB. Gaa hot .ater beatlnc plant. ... . 142 !VO S rrna. and bath. Capitol Hill. ataat and hot water furulabeo. HOGLE INVESTMENT COMPANY 132 South Main Ws. TT 5-ROOM naodera. well tunjiaoao noma: at oust beat. Ht. 2342-W m 26 4 RMS., sip. pch. Modern. H. 2907 -R. 747 Park st. '5-fUkT mod., 2 bed rma, refrlg.. with gar. 824 E. 5th Bo. Hy. 25 for appointment. 4-RM.' well furn. for elderly couple. Call Hv. 461 2-W. 3 RMS., mod., fum. or on fum. Adult. Wax. 3619-M. 323 So. 1st W. $2$ 3 RMS., insulated, duplex Basement, narage. 62 E. 21 it So. Hy. 961 W. 3-ROOM duplex, $29. Furnished. Heat- Gar. All new. Clo In. lnqulr J4 E. 7th South. Was. 2462. $30 5 RM . well fum. H. A. heat. elec. TrVgar., nr. E. high. 927 McClelland. 21- CLEAN 3-rm. mod. br. duplex. Coal ht.. gar. Adult. Ret. 51 E. Sth So. 17 Aparfm.nh FURNISHED badgeTapTTren Let us show you Salt Lake's choicest furn. or unfura. apta Any ise or price. No chars. Fre transp. 16 W. 2nd So. W 33.10 or W. 26H.VW RADIO Tourist Psrk cottar apts. and steam-heated rooms : garane, radio, heat, light, gaa furnished. $-0 $30 mo. 1O90 So. Stale st. Hy. 8402. $5 WK.. llvmx rm. and kitchen, saa. light md heat furnished. 124 Bo. 6th E. PETER PAN, 445 E. 3 So. 2-rm.mod loU apace, llghta, all alec $31.50 up. ( Aduital WILTSHIRE ARMS. 234 1st Ave. 3-rm corner. Beaut furnished, til bath, lame bedroom, new alec tang, fre refrlg. ; RHODES. 228 1st ave Cholc apt Frig. and gaa for cooking furn. Adults. $31.30 5t5 BO. 2nd E. 3-rm. nicely fur. frt. spt. Good ht- hot water. 2-RM. funi. apt, with het and Frig., $24. , 37 W. lat North. il3 1-RW , kitchenette; $30. 3 rrns, Clos In. 30 Gordon place. $24 1-RM.. kitchenette. Prlv. bsth. gaa, It., ht.. Frig. 678 Bo. Tth East. BEAUTIFULLY fum. 3-rm. apt., spactoua living rm.. tile bath, drain, good heat. 159Vj SO. Msln $ 20-821 3 ROOMS, private bath, wash mora. 334 Owen place, 3rd East, bs- tween 3rd and 4th So. $17.30 2 LO. rm.. newly dec. Real home. refrlg.. lights fum. Adu"- 774 E. 7 S. $25 3 RM9 7 $27 4 rrns.. newly papered. partly fdn, hdwd. floor, elec. rang. ptgy, bsmt.. gar. 1986 Douglas st. ATTRACTIVE 2-rm. front apt. HeaL llnht, nas. refrlg. furn. 154 So. 2nd East. XE.NI ZAT 254 So 3rd East- Newlv decorated 4 rma. mam floor. 3 closets, extra bed. Nicely fum. $14 $ 2 5 FRT., newly decor., nicely furn. Lta- heat, gaa 1105 Eaat 1st So. NEW wfLLAKD $1$ and UP. Overstuffed furn., nas. lights tncl. 113 j Regent st. CLAUDE AI4n 23 N. 1st West. Furn. apta and cottsgea $15 up W. 10361. R6Afcal60R. 930 E. 3rd Sc. 5-rm. mod. Lots space, Imht. all alec., Vacrplv- ground equipped for child ran. Trae. buahea ahafle, sun. ( Exclusive. $20-$6 2 RMS., kit., bath, refrlg .auto. ht 1110 E. 2nd Bo. Hv. 1484-W. $273 RMS- baUl, o. a furn.. gas, llnht heat refrlx. ISO Eaat 7th South. l lP 1 3 ru, modern, 751 W. North Tvmpla Aat LITTLE A8 840 a month give you the convenience, comfort and distinguished distin-guished address of the HOTEL UTAH. Accommodtlon suited to your needa and budget. Lat us pre it Call Was. IPO for full details. IH1.BI.INT. 426 So. 5ih East 3 mt 1st fir. Nicely fum. Adults. $30. aflCKNEY. 4 rmi., 1st fir., eouv. 2 or 3 adults. Ex. bed. 553 E. 4 8 H.3S9-W. EUGENE 2 rm. front nicely furn. All elec.Clean. Adulta 346 E. 4th Bo. $24-$ 2 1 AND 2 rma.. kit. prt bath. Iml. Its., gas, ph. Adults. 318 1st ave. $J5 MAIN tL. 3-rm.. sip. pch., prtv. bath. Tieat. Its, gaa 248 W. 4 W. W. 1164. CLAIRMOUNT, 446 E. 3rd So. Nicety furn. Slug's apt., $27.50 up. Hy. 8776. $30 dJY smile apt . nicely fum., steam ht. Free park, spare. Above smoke. NEW CAPITOL HILL APTS.. 417 Wall st.. blk west of capltol. tltj 2 ftW. terrace, semlhath. Family of1 2 or 3. Rr. 452 E. 2nd South. $22.50 2-RM. sptT with elec. rafrtg- Qpandale Apts. 341 E 2nd So. $2$..rO NEWLY dec 2 rma bath ' ht.. US.. frig Adults. 62 E. 1st So. $27. V 3 PLEASANT rooms with shower, heat, gaa fum. Adulta 44 So. 3rd E. RA.NiER APTS.. 213 Ird E 3 rrns.. mod.. with porrh. AduM only. Tw $-rm l pt 1648 go. 13th E. Dm am. S WOMEN WANT WORK Piece, lb- do. Men's shirts, 10c Call snd deliver. Hy. 3336-J. CURTAINS. 25c to 35c. Runa 25c to $1.5011 yr. exp. Call, del. H 62P7 t)tf." girl,haev.k., caking. Hra. famllyr 810 wk. Box N-S0- Trlb -Tele. 9 rlEN WANT WORK aXTructrlvVrw 4 239-W. Ask for Glenn. RELIABLE "young man want part time work for hoard, room. Waa 2753. 10 SCHOOLS TRAINING SOnnanimenngTost apechnd "vole defects can b cured. Public sneaking an expression. Consultation free. The Millers Speech Specialist Wss. 6K51 ENROLL NOVV. New claaa aiannig. Mi I.ER'8 BARBER COL. 17U Regent at. McElttSICK Beauty Scnool Enroll now. Liberal term 120 E 3rd S W 4012 RADIO-TELEGRAPH TRAINING Western Elec Col.. 246 So. Main. W 1016. 11 HELP WarrtetJ MEN ' THsTtTmirwir strive to protect their reader an mat fraud, deception or Injustice. Readera re cautioned to make NO payment to get a position ad vert teed In the help wanted column. Ad In other column which require Investment in stocks, nam plea, equipment or a cash bond should be thoroughly Investigated before be-fore paying out sny money. All help wanted ds MUST specify th nature f th work and If th pay is in I he form of salary, commission, or both. Only bon fid offers of employment with pay ton g In the "Help Wanted" eolumue. Kindly report ny exception to this ml to th classified Advertising advertising' saLesUaN i,,gV g 23-25. prefer man who haa studied or old space for newspaper or agency. Salary plus bonua. Good future for man wrth creative Idea. Give 2I reference!, state salary expected. Box B-17. Trfh -Tele. WANT to contract removal of arge poplar tree. Inq. Covey Garage. 444 So. Mini. , TRaVKUVg' aaat young man. 18 21 fre to travel U. 8. wtth Blu Ribbon Co. Salary lo start $13 waekly. Trana paid. See Mr. Anderson. Hotel Plasv dome. 4 to 7 p. m. ME (3 1 wltb cars $18 wk. to start or mmm. To call on customer for Home Products Co. Call ht 1-9 p m. 343 Denver st. WaNT ED Buahelman on men's flna clotfi-Ing. clotfi-Ing. short hour a, good wagea. 81 K ndrvrojy49, Trtb. -Tel. m 1 1 A Salsnmen, Agerrh Warrted lUToTintTco'tlon' dress salesman Wa-t Wa-t tonally known firm seek representa. tlv with proven ability In thu Hue, for the following territory : Utah. Wyoming, New Mexico. Artion and Nevada. Give full details la first letter. H Boms A Brother. .Mil W Altegftcay Avenue, Pailadvlphia. . Penna. fcEST roofing deal In city. Inaelbrle and . ash. a Wing. Top comm. Call betwoeo r nq W j Wet4jh South. ,,,,1 l2SlrTESSOpportunrti Wrj.Teqiilpped cafe Business cerrVer" Beat 22 Rent $50; $150 for Uaa . and stock. Box P-7. Trlb.-Tal. 1 6 APARTM ENTSroR-RENT ' (UNFURNISHED) p"EK-Af?w44T t. To:&risrxss . lets space, light ail el-. $2850 lip. (Adulta I NEW 4-rm. apt. heated, ga. 227 Bo. 4th East. KXSLER. near "sate e prt of, 4 and B arnuu awy fro amok. Was, SOtU. A, WESTING HOUSE electric range ...$24.50 2 pc. Ilv. rm. set good opud. ..$20.50 Used washers . $15 up H B. FURN CO 654 B STATE 3-HOI.E GAS RANGE. UNIVERSAL, $12. Caa heaters, $2 50 to $6.50. CAP-1TQL CAP-1TQL FURN. CO.. 136 So. State st. COAL rsnge. good baker, recontlltloned throughout. $19.50. BARGAIN BASEMENT. BASE-MENT. WESTERN FURN. CO.. 135 no at ate. SLIGHTLY damaged" West! 'refrlg. Big dl rount. 5 cu. ft. All Appliance Co- 122 F. 3rd South. WESTINGHOUHE elec. range, repossessed. Can't tell from new. Cost $170. Real bargain. $75. All Appliance Co., 122 E. 3rd South. 49 Furniture Houia hold GoocJi of FINE FURNITURE, rug, lino., elec. refrigerator, etc., all to hlgbeet bidder, Thursday. Dec. 7. 10:30 a. m , at 4.10 South State st. See Auction Column for list tBUY AT AUCTION AND SAVE.) ROLL A WAT bed and Spring, $6 93: steel bed. $1 95; wood bed. $7.95: used hester. $4.93; eirc.. $16.75; ore. chair, $2 95: Monarch elec rge., $39 O 5. CHRISTIANSEN FURN. 66 SO. MAIN. LIVING rm. set . 2 pc. mohsir In fUnT condition. Barcain. $49 50. Grande Furniture Co.. 1050 E. 2 1 st Bo. LASTING GIFTkf I 50 MUSIC rtfJ RADIO , Give Musical Instruments THIS CHRISTMAS We give course of FREE LESSONS LES-SONS wtth all comet a saxophones, trombone, guitars, accordions. eic and very easy taxma. Call and see. Glen Bros. Music Co. 74 Bo. Mam Waa 3333 PIANOS, RADIOS BOUGHT. SOLD. Horn Service Co. Was. 3749. 45 W. 3rd So. CASH for your used PIANO. UTah' MUSIC CO . 163 E- grd So.. Waa 81 GOOD practice piano! worth $50 on trade-" In. only $2V 371 E Coatavine ave. WORLD'S FINEST ACCORDIONS Reasonable price, easy terms. Prrrg. S. hof.1 of Muaic. 342 E 3 S W 441 LNBPIRAT10N TO GUITAR FLAYERg.' Beautiful new Epipbone electric Hawaiian nultara easy terma. Pro. hrol of Mneic. 342 E. 3 S W. 441jt 190 R. C A. radto. big disc.: aleo o'har on sale. Peterson'. 31 W. 1st So. j (ConUauad 'Following $ 8- BICYCLES ARE IDEAL XMAS GIFTS NEW AND USED $15 to $50 Iver Jhnons Brooio Excelalora. Ovet 300 bicycle to choose from. Durable model n trt cycles, wagon, handcars, sidewalk bikes, sleds, scooter. All kind of bike accessories. TOYS REPAIRED Guthrie Bicycle Co. "Headquarter for Santa Clans'" ,136-160 EAKT SND SO WAS. 859 LAMPS ARE IDEAL GIFTS! APPROPRIATE! INEXPENSIVE! APPRECIATED FY EUFRY MEMBER , or the j-aXily SEE YOUR DEALER OR UTAH POWER I LIGHT CO. Bicycles Tricycles Scooters HUNDREDS TO CHOOBB FROM Wa rebuild all wheel aooda lo lonk Ilk, new I-REB PICKUP BERVICal C. A. FOWLER n3 F. Bdwv. Waa 490 ZMA9 sal" at Bsiley'a Hsndkerthief. linens, baby gift a. beautiful selection at reduced price. Visit Ballay'a, Save! 43 8. Main. 264 8. Main. New Portable Typewriters Remington. Royal. Underwood. Corona. Terms. N kaUrast No carrying charge. ' Salt Lake Typewriter Co. 333 South Main. Was. 2761. WOLTERS ELECTRIC STORE THE ELECTRICAL GIFT SHOP Hot point Iron $2-43' elec clock. $2.50 up: decorative lamps, $1 20 up: tree lights. 29e up. COMPLETE APPLIANCE UMi. FREE DELIVERY 238 8 Stat. W. 670. AQUARIUMS Bird canes and atAsd. parrota canaries, lov bird. BAILEY & SONS 63 F, 2nd So. Wa 36S. GIVE gift that your dautrhter bas alvay wanted, ooe ah will always ram ember 1 Give her th training tn "The Bst Beauty School tn th West " QUISH Bcbool ul Beauty Culture 338-340 80. Msin. Was 100S. DOLL HOSPITAL 1746 SO 6TH EA6T THE WHOLE FAMILY WILL ENJOY A 5-POUND BOX OF GLADE'S . rvrrniAL a hi'mptt-dumptt choc OUR XMAS SPECIAL 77 Bicvcle for boy and airta, $34 95. Esav terma REED 8 AJTEWAY. 344 Sv Btata, W. B054. k CALL AN EXPERT ..jyRCES 8, STOKERS aTfOv"ETnimace repair, water laretXetcT Fr astlmafa. Work guar. Was. 54 7 T. lON WOkK-eNAMENTAL 'RAILINGS,' porch, stair and balcony misc. Iron work. Crager Wire a Iron Worka JEWELERS Gold, silver, nickel, copper, brasa. etc 960 SO. STATE Hy. 10J51 MOVING AND STORAGE LaA)A motor vans, city' or out or"' town haula Mollerup, Was. 15S2-TQ93. OtO tjrOtO WANTED tiers sv.b''ff dL0 butk si Mmriet: W. M. McCONAHAY, JEWELER rRINTErt5e-OQCtlNDIN6 cmTUKY PRIiTliN6 CO printing. tn-Ing. tn-Ing. ruling, 233 Edison st Waa 18U1. FOR private and public library binding, F." d Dust Co.. 221 Edvaoa st W. 187a PATENT ATTORNEYS fBSUtt"m' T0MXar8TTugVdT twin trawmga. Bn) uicjt .TWJ2. , f A IN TIN 'hVP A PE t N GC L EA N I N 6 ' WWESlt rloaa, axpsn papering, PinUngTj cleaning. Call Pearson. Hy. 1363. I RAO DELING, pamting paperliif. For bet J ter work at less money call H. 1513-WJ 660D papering, palntljin. one-haif pnee" Estimate, samite fre. Waa 9347-R. PAPKRHaNGING. painting! oast work. . Winter rate Waa. 6503-J. I Floor I. RENT A TRUCK SAW TftV.it a f RUMov."yoorST Gaa, oil furnished. Low rates. ' BAKER TRUCK RENTAL, INC 363 Bo. Wet Tempi Waa 6 ISA. - J Uft CllEAS -' -S xOMNEY Itu CatZJa ii" oiXno7" for the best ioi5 7tb tH SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS 81.50 SEWING machine repaired, guaranteed, guar-anteed, cleaned. Pan extra M. M. Appliancea 49 E 1H So Was 424 WINDOW SHADES j(4'f3Ehr ' WmtiSW-ggADuC ESwaaT price, fr ampte and cjootation Ailowanca mad en eld rellara ghadea nvaraed. $48 So. UM. Was. T99A. FLORISTS - Ceampiet floral sen tea fro greenhotia to you. 170 Sollih E. H 2169 ' 1 fT'NeRaC fToWerS Ring's Forget-M-Not Floral tIST High, dr. Hy. 6199. Ev. Hy. 89Q-W. SpJLAYS- $1 20 12 rosea Sam Taltelbaum'a Flower Shop. 17 E. Bdwy. W. 4370. : CALL AN EXPERT iUTTONl iUCKLES COVERED JuTTSIHOLXA' embroid.,' eoononrama? 6 raiding, aysleta. pleat, bemstllching, idd s Spec Shop. 4 E. Bdy. W. 999. THIICHEat TnUCa N1t5r'r fTiTaaTn e wpK?Trr h a a " Fowkw, 135 E. Bdway. Waa 496a J-00 LflNISHINft iLfcTftTrS WndImgacioea tor' rant and pottbor. gaolouts Btata Waa. 4948. TRffilTNE-TELEGRASI WANTADS BRES'G RESULTS ya Living Gift 41 DOGS, BIRDS. RABBITS ' ' BOStO BUtLBOLlJil FOX TERRIERS Maha nal rompanlou for the child ran. BAILEY & SONS 63 F. 2nd So. Waa 385 CANARY bird. A 1 singers. $3 29 up. Cscea dog hameseea collars, goldfish, aquarium! Sal asj glased pottery. porter-Walton co.. 42 w. ist bo. IDEAL GIFTS Full blooded cocker apan-lel. apan-lel. 8 wk old. 787 E. 48th Sq AMERTOYS 3-7 Iba New breed. 3 gor-geou gor-geou Sandapring cochera Mai FatiJ-!nn FatiJ-!nn Imp. "Dob" Hy. 7286-W. Quorto-IC Kennels, 23rd Bo.. 5th East REAL Ine. "niiaranteed. atnging ranarwa. . all kinda of tropical and gold flea. BAILEY &.SONS S3 E. 2fd Bo. Wa 368. 42 Machinery Pip$i Iron liwanTVdMp; trucTijfaTsTeTny tank Mousey Imn A Metal Co.. 700 " S-v 3rd Weet. W'aa 4763. USED PIPE ALL SIZE. PRICED RIGHT. HT. 888. 27 HOUSES FOR RENT (UNFURNISHED) gar. Hy. 2612 M. 1017 Dowwingion. 5-ROOM bungalow, al. pch.. gaa or elec. fur- gar. 6Q4 Bryan av. W. 6013 W. $1$ 3 RMS., hdwd. flra. range. pofTb7 prlv ent.. tt turts. 367 G street. $25 3-RM- nice mod. brick. Gar. 1330 McClelland st- 11 E.. 13 8.. H. 3379-J. $505 RMS- auto, heat and hot water. double gar., sprinkling system, finished , Ksmnt. 1341 Bryan ave.. Hy. 1336-J. 5 RMS- Frinid- alec rg- furn- im coop, bsemt 1121 A ah ton v $43 6-RM. mod. br- alp pch.. bamt. toker. gar., cor. lot nr. UltiUh school. 1419 So. 14th E. Was. 7TB1-W $22.50 WITHIN walking distance of town. 4 nn, .either 1 or 2 bedrooms, exc. cond . EdnemtMit ave. Inquire 253 No. 1st West or call Ws 633. $31 ELIZABETH St.. (between lit a. d 12ih E & room and alp. pch. Call Waa. 6.13, 110-M.COM mdern brick. East bench. Call Was. 2613. 3 RMS . bath. tncl. gar . ht.. ht -cold water. Frig.: free gas for cooking $30. 43$ E 17th So Hy. 1190-R. $40 FINE upper Yale ave 3-rm duplex. Atailabl Dec. 15. Waa. 699. Hy. 3QQ.4. ' NEW lovelv 3-3-rn mod . elec It r.. Bt. gar. J404 So. ih E. Hy. 3188-J. ! ' - . L. |