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Show THTVOKEOf THE WEST I THUMDAJ. DaKCMIIR T . fl Ktn IntenwtkMUU New. 00 KflLr "It't Dance Time." XSU "Cjt)rtt Time." ;30 KHL iportj Preview. :4f KBl-'T,pelal)y for Tl.- 4:5 CB4Slmer Dmvts, pret new. TOO CM Major Bowta' Amateur Bour. . f :00 .K8U The OoodwtD Hoar. S :3V KSL IntwiTiaUon! Ntwc. f :45 Sir boosjd No la tnSt. :10 CBf IU4 Morvo maA hit H rboatra.. t:0-Bfl"Atk-lVBeukti. with Jtm WcWtl llama. 10:OO-CBS -Strsmfe Am It In mi a." rm- 10 -.tOF'bUliT OwOTui sind bta or-11:00 or-11:00 CbdPMtl allrru JUrttwa tlM iltv Khl rreddte Nuii'i erciiesftrm. 1:30 CBfl Louie Prlmm svnd Ma or- , - chaatrtt? 1 1 55-r-CBS Prcaa News. if ID NIGHT 3 2:00 Cfl Xrale Ueckabefa rctaeitrm. A. M. 22:30vCnft-.ArehM Blerefi rcAtvtre. l:OOKai Good WgbL A FRIDAY, DECEMBER :0i K8L Juet About Tlmt, KSL Fevrm Fiasihea. I :3ft KrtL Curtain Calla. :4f KuLf The fJonctrt Mitter. G;M Kajj Candid Eye procram. 7 :0O KHLr Internationa Newa. T:1 K8I cond Call. 7:30 KBL, Mortittiic Mtlodlea, f :5 Kl Breakfast Newt. i.ou CH-,r ratty Kitty Kelly. 1:15 KHL Bud Burnhaa and hla Mu-airal Mu-airal Bufkamoa. t:30 K8L The Liatenfnf Poet. 45 KSI Trie 8 rtnadara, t:0OK8U Prate nawa. 9 :0S Kais Orianettea. 9:13 KSL Ranae Rhythm. t 30 KhL. Land an Rar. 9:49 CBS "My Chlld. J 0:OO CBJ Kate Smith BMaka. 10:15 CB - "When a Oiri Marrm." 10:30 CBS Roraartca of Helen Treat. 10:45 CB Our Gal Sunday. 31:00 KBL ptfued for You. 11:18 CBS Life Can Be Beautiful, 11:30 CBS "ThU Day la Oura." If :45 CB1 Lanny Roaa, tenor. NOON 1 J rtrvCB Big ater. P, M. 13.15 CBt stout JatutTt True Ufa Btesy 13:30 CBS Brtnda Ourtla. "11 ;45 CBS "My Son and J." 1:00 CBS Joy oe Jordan. Girl interna. 1:15 CBS "Society GlrL 1 :30 CBS Praaa Newa. 1:35 CB8 American ScboaM of the AIT. 5 00 K8L Yiilctldinaa. J:15 -CBS Myrt and Marpi. :30 CBS HUJtop Uouae. tarrm B Johnaon. ?:4 8 C Bjb Bt etna other. :00 CBS "By Katiileeii Noma." 3 :1 5 CBS Life and Love of Dr. Buaaa. 3:30 CBS "It Happened In Hollywood." J :46 CBS Sratttriuod Batnea. 4 :00 KSL Rhythm by Appointment. 4:10 CBfl "Hedda Hoppefa Molly wood." 4:30 CB 8 B. V. KaJtanboni Edlta tbe Newa, 4 :45 CBS ""Today In Eorope." from Parle, Berlin end London. :0O KHL 8tory-Tellln Tleaa, . . 9 :1 ft KL Jack A rmarroni. 5:30 KHL Hawaiian Holiday. 5:45 K8L international New. :0O KKL "Mamma Bloom 'a Brood. 4:15 KSL "Celebrity Time. 4:30KSL- "Campua Commtnta" (Paid Advertltement) v4g NBC Station. "Dial 1500 Klloerelea Chanfea In proartrna aa Hated are due entirely to netwerlt oorractlona Biade loo late to Incorporate. THURMaOAT, DECEMBER T P. af. I 5 4 rUTAflreeide Melodta. B:60 KITTA International Newa. 6:00 NBC "The Green Hornet.'' 6:30 KITTA From Use sLatul of the Bunting Satlr" 6:4! KUTA Leat Wa forget. 7:00 KUTA Favorite Bumper Melodlaa. 7:15 KUTA 8kl Newa and Vlewa. 7:30 -NBC -America's Town Meeting ol the Air. S :30 -N BC Kerttal by Viekt Cbaee and Tom Tbomaa: orcheatra directed by H. Leopold gpitalaey. i t:f0 KUTA International Newa 9:l KUTA "Loat Empire" hielorVeai dramauiauori. 9 '30 NBC Lou Breeae'a Orcbeetra. 8 3 KUTA Utab Congreaa ot P.-T. A. preaenta David Gourlejr. 10 :00 KUTA "Mutiny on the Htjth 8eaa dramattilng the moat fa-a fa-a Dtoua mutinies ana biratea ol kla tory. 10:lfV NBC Lerry Cllnton't Orcheetra. 10:30 N BC En rte Madriguera'a 01x000-tra. 01x000-tra. 10:40 KUTA International Newa. ll:0O NBC Chuck Foatefe o reheat rail ra-il .Jo NBC Oarry Nottlngliaa'e orcliea-tra. orcliea-tra. 12:00 KUTA OootJ nlrht until T o'alock tomorrow morning. FRIDAT. DECEMBER t A. M. 7:00 KUTA Hillbilly Sainta. 7:1 KUTA "Eb and 7tt." country torekeepera. featuring Al Pierce. 7:30 KUTA International Newa. 7:45 KUTA Thta Rhytnmw Age. 8:00 NBC Joeh Hlrgioa of rinchviiia. i;lfL NBC The Morln Slatera. :30 NBC The Orifinaiitea. 8:45 NBC To Be Aanounced. 9 : 00 N BO Viennese Ensemble. :1H NBC "Toung Dr. Maioaa." 9:30 NBC Wayne Van Dyne, Unor. 9:4V NBC -Cbafies Ruayoa. vrgan muale. 9:69 NBC Arlington Time Signal. 10:t0 KT.'TA International Newa. 10il5 NBC Negro male quartet. xu:ai NBC NsUKMiai aariu wnd Jtorne bour, with Waiter Bieutuae' orcheatra or-cheatra and gueat apeakera tl :15 NBC Vlrgtua Haya. contralto. 11 :30 NBC 44Lb Coogreaa of Americas Industry. Noon 1 2 : 00 -KTJT A International Newa. P. M. 12:15 KTTT Ay Rarmony Ball. 12:30 KUTA Christmas Calendar. liOU NBC "Orpnana of Livorce. dra matka aketca, wltii Margaret Atv Klin. IAS NBO -The Chase Twme, - aoqnal to Peat) lee Takfa Char re 1 :30 NBC Anne Thomaa, Careoff Wife. 1 :4a NBC Between the Book Ends, with Ted Malone. 2:00 NBC--44th Congress ol American Industry. 2:20 NBC Normaa Clout lers Orchestra Orches-tra 2:30 NBC National Consume rs' Loajrua Program. 2:45 NBC Club Matinee. 5: Oil KUTA International New. 3:15 KUTA Matinee Malodlea. 3:30 NBC Allaire of Antaony. 3:45 NBC Denning Slaters trio. 4:00 NBC Bieeta Time. 4:15 NBC Bobby Parks' reheat ra. 4:2 NBC Associated Praaa nowa. 4: SO NBC Three Cheers, trio. 4.4& NBC "Torn Ma and ttia Straight Bhootera." BrOO KUTA Matinee Melodic. 5:15 KUTA Pacific Paradise. 6 30 KUTA "Jerry ef Um Circus," rhildren's program. 5:45 KUTA International News. 6 :0O NBC Don't Forget Audience Pirtlr IpeJloo prograia. with AISo rescottfaks Maater of Caremaclee. t Paid A riveTt ..veroent. M B C-RED NETWORK cum "THE Jff STATION' THU PUD AT, DECEMBER 7 f Listen to "For Men Only" tonight at 10.) P. ml. 6 : 00 NBC One Van's Family, a top dramatic feature. sj;3o -NBC Thuso We Love, a trae- to-life etory of ao Amerttaa lam - ttXi etarring Nan Orey. 7:00 NBC Good News of 1940 with Edward Arnold, Walter Huston, Fanny Brlce and McrediU. Wili- son's oirhcstra. S OO NBC The Musfe Hail wit Bins Crosby, Bob Burns, John Scott Trotter a musfe. 9:00 NBC Pleasure Time, with Fred Waring and his Pennaylvanlana. 9:15 NBC World Coverage iNewa aod laieit sport facts 9:30 KDTL Hillbilly Folltaa of 1940. with "By" Woodbury's orchestra, Uncle Latn, Uintah Aaiigera, broadoast from ED XL's Radio Playhouse, 10:00 KDTL Olft suggestloaa and ana-ale. ana-ale. 30:15 NBC Richard Hlmber's oKhaatra. 10:30 KDTL Mualo Tou Want. 11:15 NBC Ray Noble's orcfteatra. 11:30 NBC Carl Ravaaaa's orchestra. MIDNIGHT 12 CO NBC Freddie Martin's eirhesrra. 12:30 NBC Bill McDonald's orchestra. 1 :00 KTTL Bids Yru All Good NighL FRIDAY. DECEMBER S :00 KDTL The Dawn apreaa. sgusls for the early listener. 6:30 KDTL Ranch House, farm bo letliis and musto. 7:00 KDYL Favorite Hymn Musis. 7 :16 KpTLe- Rhythrnke Jtevne. 7:30 KDTL Breakfast Tabls EdiUoa of World Coverage Newa, 7 :4B KDTL Aoeordiana. l:0O-NBC The Man I Married, drama. 8:15 KDYL Musical Clock. 8;4& KDTL Morning Health Club-tv Your Ezerrlse Time. 9:00 KDYL Chrlatmaa Tree) of 1939. mlth shopping news and music. 9:30 NBC Against the Storm, drama. 9.45 NBC The Guiding Light, drama. 10.00 KDTL The Home Service Pre .... tViS BJ F.fKX Finch. 10:1ft NBC The 0'Nei!ls. drama. 10:30 KDYL Road of Life, drama. 10:45 KDYL World Coverage News. 11:00 KDTL Belle and Martha, drama. ll:lO KDYL "Today's Beat Buys " 11;15 NBC Ellen Randolph, drama. 11:30 KDTL Rffreahment Tuna, with Sin gin' Sam. 11.45 NBC Radio's Farorttee, Dr. Kate, B'lty and Bob. Arnold Grimm's Daughter. Valiant Lady, Betty Crocksr. cook ins hmu. 1 :00 NBC Pleasant Bour with Mary Marliii. Ma Parklna. Pepper Young'a Family, Vic and Bade. :00 NBC Thrilling dramas of Back- a. Wlf' Btt,t 1 :30 KDYL By" Waodlwrys orchestra. or-chestra. t:45 KDTL Inejulflng Reporter. 3 .00 N BC Olrl a lot e drama. 3:15 KDTL Ranch Boya. . 3:3 NBO Kitty Keen 0km. 3:45 NBC Edward Danes, baritone. 0 KDTL World Coverage News, 4:15 KDTL Maria Fontaitie. 4:20 KDTL Friday Jamboree. 4:45 NBC LI'l Aboer. drama. 6:00 KDTL Show of the Week. 5:15 NBC I Love a Mystery, a at :SO lTUMVr of Now and Tbea. 5 45 KDTL Muray Lions' club. :0O KDYL Campus Jamboree. 6:15 KDTL Sporta Round Table. :.0--KDTL World Coverage Mows from the KDYL Newa Rtioaa. (Paid Advertisement ' ! ott-iach) Dr -a power - faiesTr A featiaenoseca) I I Twicob Keys T Tube I I X B.iW Ceisswd twe Tdeviarioa loiaod- I LOOK WHAT YOU GETI This New 1940 0-1 aedle Model H-7J Plus $9.S 0-1 aesorsl Pleiyer, Model HM-3 rar oniyS95 leib art pries ye d xpt to pay fee the tfldjO ejojtal J, WHW TrUTf ult" aaa Ceberw, she tedtiest mnMJmm axisaiiy leVeaca at I !. eaa4 , chr roe soea-iei of aW rut -Crrwel s.4os. LMre m4 awwwa asiaetK tahini EASY TERMS! ' MUSICa4L K INSTRUMENT BaRGa4INS! . FRENCH HORN . .$89.00 FRENCH HORN. .$74.50 BASSOON 20 OFF NANO $39.50 12. Baas Accordion $95.00 Summf rhaysMusic Co. IT ST. lat Sa. Waa. SSSS SINGIN' SAfA J lkaaw aarf lova i e A-yar ""s Cee-Cele rr'fl TjJ lettSat Co. KDYL 11:30 A. M. j Tune In "THE HOME SERVICE PROGRAM for friendly raggestions on bomemBadnf by Kiss Nancy Finch OC30 KDYL Each Friday .10:00 to 10:15 a. m. KSL Each Wednesday t:30 to :4S a. m. liva7i:s7j7i-s-:-i-arlaT-allll'ajiliTt1llir Clarified Display I I0RUNST0N TBAILWAYI NaT aJR-CONDlTlONZD T Cjnr ICfJyCallrrjIlfU and tJTASI POfrTTa aaarab aeTPai 1 1 a SiBp .aratSlaaw e awaras Bra CBAPrrrsj isjTra-3Ai-T LAas-psnne ANTA n TBAILWAYS Btm.HAM STACC urns rajta ciTi st acs unc e ( ROUTES CAST e die One Isaacs n Anilbar OateSMi SALT LAKE BUS DEPOT SS teal lad Sewta) Wae-USf |