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Show Plan Makeup For Holidays By ALICIA HART You'll make a bigger bit at Christmas Christ-mas parties if: tween now and then. If you have been wearing the same coiffure season after eeason for more Beauty years than you care to admit, have a new one deaigned right now and see if you don't look as well a fael better. There' on bright touch in your get-up. It can be a sparkling pin in your hair, a bracelet of brilliants, bril-liants, a glittering sequin bolero anything you like so long a it is light-hearted, an outward sign of the way you feel, or should feel, inside. You spend the next ten days eating eat-ing sensibly, sleeping regularly and getting plenty of exercise. Health is ths foundation of tru beauty, and you can't expect your akin to be clear and smooth, hair ahining-ly ahining-ly aoft, eyea sparkling, if you burn the candle at both end all the time, seldom get any exercise, eat the wrong food and eat It at odd hours. You are brimful of the true spirit of Christmas. Take time to write notes on cards to old friends. Give a preaent no matter how email, to at least one person (outside your circle of frienda and relatives) who needs a bit of cheer in her life. Do a few little favor for people who do not expect them, then make up your mind not to expect or aven hope for gratitude or even adequate thank. You walk Ilk a queen, holding chest high, stomach in, backbone straight head up. Last year's dress will seem fresh and new and different dif-ferent If the figure It ia on atands tall and bandsoms instead of slumping slump-ing a It did a year ago. You put your pennies Into one simply cut gown and a few accessories acces-sories with which to vary it a bit. You've heard It before, but It's still true that one really fine, perfectly per-fectly fitted evening dress is far better in the long run than two or three little numbers which do not fit particularly well in the first place and look even worse after cleaning. |