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Show something abort good luggaow that ticklea the prida ol any man ... and whon ha packs his new Bondetrewtor lor lta tint trip, hell appreciate it even . mora. Two suit, hi wrinkle-fre. on hAnsara-iaavine, a entire faction for shoos, o&er apparel and aooeo ori. Let ua halp yo make prop,, mUctioa. Priced $25.00 and up Travel SHAPIRO Goods 152 SOUTH MAIN yil J XJrf M.' CTy jet git-ljl . start to Uniahl Beulai KM ssea's Wt v5J America's Number 1 Gift y I f Salt lake City's Number 1 Valuo r0M g J I3j With 0nlY 9 More Shopping Days Befora Christ- pV J " mew National Dollar Store presents a most Spectacular $ JT 3000 Shirts ... Just unpacked ... the JWullll lifllUltf i? 1 H NEWEST and most DESIRABLE $1.49 Ijj Mf, l . and $1.69 Shirts. r UD C'!WUmin J H CoH-A-Easa (raqulrat NO .tarcMng) Soft and if JlQ f 1 f BuHon-Down Collar Hi if y' T 3 Whita and Plain Colors. Deep Tonof, Dust Tonai j t tjliffltte- 'tjISv Fancy Pattern Broadclotht, Silk Stripes " "w . y .-4 Theve ara nof ordinary "ala" thirh. Jfou'd ba proud to give Mrh Ills theie to any- '' Nai sw one. The price it no gauge to their quality; wa made a special purchase months ago, """"4 y and have been saving this value for YOU! 3000 of them I The finest, freshest shirts I M you ever sawl Super-quality broadcloth, with a soft finish. Tailored like custom make! I Cut to fit. PRE-SHRUNK to keep on fitting! All new patterns; checks, stripes, clipped I en,,.,-!,! W figures. And white Jots of theml Sites 14 to 17. Sleeve lengths 32 to 35. f ' re-onrunKl l-jr Guaranteed , A Value That Simply Has NO Equal at $ 1 1 V Fast Colors! : : y M NOW! In Time for Gift Buying s IfeL Full Fashioned Hose " (, 1 rJ z? Pure SUk ,,RingleM" chiffon r I VJ r if rt$L Lisle Top Heavy Service ' S V J KaV 'V eOP Wool and Celanese Hose ' v A J y Ei V-l5rl Double Heel and Foot Feature J S h Wi Yvi GUARANTEED QUALITY rl M W -MVVV Qualities. FREE GIFT BOXES1 UUAnAHlLLeJ UUALIII )M k! V VC. Think of the greatest Hose value you ever saw, then think of one twice that great. l ' 27 ? ' """NW end you will have en idea of what these hose are! Every pair NEW. and of the tr k?J J4 K X finest quality silk! Every pair full-fashioned. Full-Knit. Perfect Fitting! Chiffons. Kf v YM.i M.inMwf4 X ..quisitely sheer, fashionably dull and beautiful in texture . . . Medium and heavy w lSJI 7" XT ) service weight for eitre wear! All with picot top and French heelsl Sues i'j K JjtSpy 'J jV IO'j. Buy for gift tomorrowl S fLe1 N 54 CS SheerCW"" I tM Smoke Ambertan The kind of bose you're proud to give and the kind the loves j j PI Neutra Towriwear X to wearl Beautifully sheer, clear, flawless! RING- fTf J Avenue Gypsy Brown VV LESS genuine crepe! In all the newest Winter V TT J W P.prik0.rk Gunmetel VfrO '"d- SilM 8' ,0 FREE GIFT BXK- A tf tS M FREE GIFT BOXES Chfitfm" s'u TU fc; S DOLLAR :GIFTS ft or women L. who love pretty things! J? Proving that a dollar can buy gifts of real 3 beauty, daintiness, and practicality . . . here Vi are suggestions from the "little shop of lovely things." Gifts that any woman would be de-A de-A lighted to find beneath her Christmas tree: SLIPS: JZ Dark and light, silky Slips that are $ II i properly cut and smooth-fitting U GOWNS: jf Dainty rayon crepe Gowns in pastel $ 11 colors and prints, nicely finished U g PAJAMAS: Rayon crepe, two-piece, daintily styled; m aJ l also clever tuckstitch models, cozy and 9 II j3 fnuggly for cold winter nights U Ifi PONGEE PAJAMAS and ROBES: 5f Popular styles, gayly printed. An en- $ II M semble makes a delightful gift! Each MANDARIN ROBES, PAJAMAS: Dark bright rayon brocades with touches $ II of exotic embroideries. Ever so gay!... U DANCE SETS: All-silk crepes and satins, with lacy or S II tailored finish. Dainty colors U PANTIES: All-silk crepes and satins. In tearose, $ f white, and some turquoise U HOSIERY: Fine all -silk chiffons in the smart shades S II for daytime and evening wear. Pair.. U g (jPROSS I CORSET SHOP . Cjj 61 East Broadway alslBBieBaaeaeae ' Precedent-Ruled Party I Season Opens in Capital) WASHINGTON. Dec. 14 W A cabinet dinner will inaugurate : tonight the White House social ' season two months of formal functions that precedent rules with an iron hand. Temporarily, at least, entertainment entertain-ment by President and Mrs. Roosevelt will turn aside from such informalities as ths atter's stunt party last Saturday night. At tonight's dinner and at four later ones for the vue president, diplomaUc corps, supreme court justices and the speaker, all the 0 to 80 invited guests will accept if tbey are in town and not ill. And they will arrive on time. Escorted past the red-coated marine band by military and naval na-val aids, guests will be placed mjioUr aaoordsnt to sank. Tradition abounds in the state . dining room. Decorations are the Monroe gold service or silver ones j centered by a ship. Small silver is marked "The President's House."-! All the china bears the president's seal. , Thursday night will be the first j of the season's five large receptions, recep-tions, each of which attracts from 00 to 1500 guesta I DEAR DADDY-I Stric foej'T? been away, mother mru4 ! twine Cutecura Soap oa baby brother. H kMNM st-aad Ool-doea he am II ood' Mother my W the purrat. aweeceat aoap ahe'a ever vmJ - and wete all Oaunjr it now. Love, Mry-AAB. Soap Oaatment K. FREE ampta. I jWntf Xutacura'. Dcpt-ll.Maidro Mam. 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