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Show Sizzling American Association Race Finds Three Clubs Tied the second game Indianapolis upset the Blues S-4 In seven Innings. Milwaukee's champion Brewers whipped Louisville 5-2 in the opener of another night doubleheader. In the seven-inning nightcap the Colonels Colo-nels wsre on the long end of an S-J score. CHICAGO. July 31 trD Three clubs wsre In a virtual tie today for the leadership of the sinllng American Amer-ican association pennant race, Minneapolis and Toledo each had won ST gamea and lost 44 for percentages per-centages of .M4. Only one point behind waa Columbus, which had won M garass while losing 43. Tolsdo took two gamea from Minneapolis Min-neapolis ysstsrday, U-S and 11-t. A slight pitching edge for the Toledo hurlers proved the deciding factor. St. Paul kept Columbus from taking tak-ing sole occupancy of first place by winning the second gams of a double dou-ble bill 4-1 after losing the opener S-S. Kansas City defeated Indianapolis 1-0 In ths first game of a night double bia with Ted Klelnhaus besting best-ing Frsnch In a mound duel. In |