Show I 1100 11 wk deposited with the Utah 11 Tit le Insurance and Trust company I 11 mil make you rich NOt Coal Cmoun I We wish to mtlfY our friends Ia Irons ant the public that Wo have i withdrawn from th Lllerbeek Morris l < Rnow Co and are nov engaged In I the coal buslnevn under the nome 11 1 the Lllerbeek Vital I Co nt ISO > South Main street Phone Jo 20 lard 2nd South and 3rd V > tALL T n mT11nnrCK 11 r IWDMJ Imerbk 31nrililt I Sao cALL c-ALL HINDI Ol IOAL AI run OJD 8TND Godbelm Corner 110 Main SDZ t Phone Ml n I lalorris 00 I W Snow N W Clayton W O Orldger James Jack I I foT to Ie ce Gd Security ZIon SaNIngs flank and Trust om pan No 1 3 and 5 Main Street Salt I Lake City ins an abundance ot money 11 I to lon on good security Call or < write for terms We pay Interest on sav l I Ines deposits Htart an account I ILFOIID WOODRUFF I President i I GEORGE M CANNON Cashier I UTAH COAL Cattle Gets And Winter Quarters I lump nut and slack Anthracite all sizes 1 11 V COAt COD CO-D J Hhorp Allent Office 3 South Main St Telephone 1 423 1 i WOwr Cent CTJIsy Sell 1 Weber Lump Coal Ilih < in I Stove tIM I Nut it I Clan 1 r1 f Lull Weight guornntoj T I 1011 111 Tavlor Dro 14 W ef I Stock and Real Estate Brk 1 2W 1i i Drt ChmJ d It line At Dye I Worlu lndl all I Atli Garments cleaned lived Arl 1 r I red Next Tribune 151 vIb W < A Temple 3111 I kyTIoCIthilrr A Uas ren 1 1 to 12S Main Strict where ne will be pleased to see all old q f Led runny new patrons I I ill Y Nil M I A Lecture rider Wlllard Done will deliver a I lecture 1 In the Fifth ward meeting house on Tuesday evening Sept 28th under the auspices of the Y M M I A Subject Spare time how to use I It Iutllc hulled 70 p m sharp Notice to Sunday Schools The mlannllol conference meetIng I meet-Ing ot the Deaeiet Sunday School Union will be held at the Tabernacle Salt Lake City Sundas evening October Octo-ber 1 H97 at 7 p m A full representation represen-tation ot a flicers and workers Is I requested re-quested OlUin Q CANNON irouoi OODDMID KAIU G MACSllt General Superlntendcncs Tho Bishopric 01 the several city word ot 6ve city vIII I please dloonUlluo their owning meeting In view ot the above notice nn the Zrd proximo ANGUS M CANON President ot Stake Fair at Lehl I Tho MIA fair which opens up nt Lehl next Monday promises I to he I n 1 big success The exhibits which Include I In-clude agriculture fruits flowers manufacture I man-ufacture needle work curiosities art cooking minerals poultry etc The special attractions will Include n baby show school day oratorical and singIng sing-Ing contests etc It Is I also expeitea that the member ot the Utah Ire association will IY a Visit to the tnl next Wtdne allay the 25th The fair will run for four days from the 27lh to the 30th Inclusive TEMPLE NOTICES Th FAIr Lake Temple will bo closed during the ensuing General Center once from Monday IIh to Wednesday Cth October 1837 Inclusive Thursday the 7th will be devoted to the performance ot baptisms for the dad mail on the two dar following Friday and Saturday October 8th and 8th the other ordinances will be attended at-tended to The change from the usual rules Indies t sit In the above notice are made with a hW to accommodating the Saints from a distance who will come to attend Conference LonnNZO sow President Tho Bt George Temple will close on Friday Sept 2th 1897 and reopen on Monday Oct 25th DAVID 11 CANNON President St George Utah Sept 8 1897 The tariff Temple will close October Octo-ber 1 18UT and reopen on the 11th JOHN D T MAIIIRTEIt President The Logan Temple will close on I rldas the 1st of October 1897 and reopen re-open on Friday the 8th M W MnnuiLL Mutual Improvement Ofliccrs There will be metlngs of Mutual In provnt alatlon officers on Sunday Sun-day next as follows For the southern district of Salt Lake Slake at Murray at 10 am For the northein district at the M I League rooms at 4 pm Primary Notice The Primary conference of the Salt Lake Stake will be held In the As nbly fall Saturday September 26 187 at 2 olock All Interested are In v Red l to attend Plem take notice ot chringe 01 tlmIILA IILA W IIYDfJ Secretary tucUnl I Atutlim On Tuesday iecrt ISth at It 10 an No Its W Air Hjulh street Willow and Kami fnin To Fine lledrnoi Sets Oak W 4Mtw Dell Lounge Set tPe Pliaw and < her lAmps Brussels uni th inxts Linoleum neW one Inmll 4io Hue Burner and other I HI rv Ww Burs Late Curtains I I is 1 nr fie Extension and Cent 7t Famous nnne Cooking I I t lI etc etc all In good I Cotell I llt and musi be old Patties leaving wwo K A ANDUIAVS I Auctioneer till Olo III I Vuetliul IOn IOn I-On W lnesd y Settember 29 11 30 fum at NO S17 1 list street Fill lot Household Goods Parlor lockers Still Folding Bell lln Lose Burner Oak xtenslon Table east Jj Center Tables two Ileln m Sets lot gocHI C ipiti and Bedding SI I r Sowing Ma hln Books VItl Dktlollary Cok Jo lot 01 Or nltp war China GI rd Cl h to ware aardn T Aa Ill hn Utensils Student aM no limattr Lumps Iok nollnlng Chair etc ellI ell-I A ANDREWS Auctioneer nd n Day hlondiy Sept 7Ih on account of Jewish Holiday V AULIHIACH imO II1I1t1I13 IOVNO AVA11131y n1 Chorh N 1 Training 01000 The Academy begin Its twenty eeond Academic year Aug 30 I nand n-and offers i instructions In the following depart monta I A Kindergarten aDd KlncrJor tn Training school 1 A Primary hool covering the eight Trades 3 A High hool iverlni tour years work t A Commercial college covering three irs walk 5 A Music departmen Instrumental Instru-mental and vocal 6 0 1L Domestic Science Department gIving Instructions In cookery and dome 7 A Ila Colleglato acts department over I Inrr four ycais work and offering courses leading to the following de gre a A Normal couo leading to the degree 01 Bachelor 01 Pedagogy 11 Id b Academic course leading to the degrees ot Bachelor 01 Science tli S Bachelor ot Letters B 4 and Bachelor of Philosophy Ih UFo U-Fo circular ot information apply to the Secretary Brigham Young Academy Box c Provo CllY BENJAMIN CLUrr JR remldnt Ill NV lit AND nrTtllN BSOOO I lot < lmn lo VtV liru It lll > r rOn r-On October 2nd and rd the nio trend 1Wteli Itr announces rate 01 J2000 to Den er unIt return fur the stUil ot Mountain and lain TiCk ets good until October 10th Crays Laxative Pellets cure Constipation Con-stipation Booth Lee Cray attorneys removed re-moved their otrus to 100501 Auer bach loek IllyMltll DHlilm Z C M I Salt ik JiF Sept ir 0 It > At the meeting of th r rrPd n the iGth Insl a elltiil d I of four > per ent for tha hall year w f dt IaMl upon up-on the capital took of this Institution 01 recoid Beptpmbef 25lh pivable on still utter October Hth nt to stockholders stock-holders personally upon pr s ntatlon or their stock certificates or upon their vrtttcn ordtr I T O wrnmn cretnrs mLTUUL OIlIItS CANION Excurflon i It n Short Line Sunday Sept 2Sth train leates nt alnlitluealc Id Septi 211tohb 9 15 M m Visit tho b I autlful Ogden Canyon and take dinner at the lleunlt age only 75ct additional Grns s Laxative Pellets cures Con tlpatlon Tnln far boost 1Id Leave Salt Lake at 2 15 and orrho at Salt Lake at tt5 Tare tor roundtrip trip 1 1ATTIP11 DAY SAINIS coltC And 1001 at TrIco 101cal halt 1aft city School sear opens Sept itb Fee for years work 110 Complete course offered In Kindergarten and Kinder gotten Training Music Kitchen Garden Gar-den Normal work with training nnd Ugh School I branches Collegiate course with degree Bachelor of Philosophy Ample building facilities For Information addrem WIILAnD DONE President TIm BUSINESS DEPARTMENT < Includes complete courses In Bookkeeping Book-keeping and Office Practice Phonogra phY and Typewriting Orammar Arithmetic Algebra Penmanship polling Etc and admll students 10 01 classes I of the Hlkh School course For Information regard1m the COMMERCIAL COURSE kddrefs file undersigned or call at 233 W North Temple JOS NrJAON I OnAcVciont 11 Stealth I nm compelled 10 Be 11 out m entire en-tire stock 01 Cents furnlsIiIgZb bents And slines It In I n chance 01 n ute time Monarch whit and colored shirts T5c each soft crush hats 40c Black 1edrorns 76c each 4 ply collars Pc linen cuffs 1ific pair heavy overalls toc pair heavy Dalbrilran nnderr 40c 11 M Jiurwltz 279 Main Street IlEXVLtt AND HITLIIN M2e > OO Vli I nlon inIllo ylm October 2nd and 3rd account Festival of Mountain and Ilain Quickest time unequalled service and molrn equll mut conlllng 01 Pullman Palace Sleepers Dining Cars Buffet Smok Ing still Library Care Find Ire lie c riming I Chair Car Tickets on sale and Information cheerfully given nt Union Pacific Ticket Office 201 Main Street nlLl IttAllO ZIATTER tt tnlon rutlll Ticket Office No 201 11n Street Ask for lonml ot the Overland Limited I Uloh nook Mme ur nook Sights an t Sconce In Utah Outdoor Sports and Pastime Slate Drawings 11 at t CI 7 General Agnt IMoIl I n YIn Y-In buln medicine as In other matter mat-ter It I economy to gt Hoods Sar parilio because Mole IH more mlI clnal value In Hoods harsiparllln han In any other Dry bottle ot floods Sarsai arllla contains 100 doses and will Average takelt according to directions to lat mqnth while others last but a fortnight Hood Pills are the only pills to toke with Hoods Sroporllla Lasy and Yet efficient r Avolel Ieohollu preps tn tionn for the hair they Injure It Hall Hair lie newer contains no alcohol Its rom patients are natural food to produce healthy hair I My boy came home from school ono day with his hand badly lacerated an bleeding and suffering great pain says Mr U J Sclioll with Meyer Bros1 Drug Co St Louis Mo I dressed the wound and PpllId I imberlaln Pain Balm freely All Ioln cnd and In II remarkable short limo i It healed without le < 1ng a Bear For wounds pain welllns aud i rheumatism I know 01 no medicine or prescription equal to It f consider It 11 household necessity The 23 und 60 cent sizes for ale by druggists Five years t ago 1 was taken so III with rheumatism that I was unable to do any work writes Peter Christen Pen Sherwood WI 41 took > three boxes 01 Ayers Pills and wn entirely cured Since that time I always keep hem In the house They are ny to Iale 11 So he lnoly Chllo Scavlew YaW have a splendid see on Chamberlains Cough Remdy and our customers coming from tr nnd near speak of It In the highest terms Many have said that their children would have died of croup If Chamberlain Cough Itcmedy had not ben glnnKllam Ourren Tire 15 and 50 cent sizes 1 for vale by druggists drug-gists A Core tor IIlIIn Call Resource Rervn Co GaI hare been subject to attacks of bllloui colic for several years Chamberlain Colic Cholera and IohoolO nemecty Is tire only Bure letter 11 01 like a charm Ono dose ot It given relief when all other rmdl fallG D Sharp For Bale by druggists INDEMIAL BUREAU Thirty experienced mIne wantd apply at 210 Whittinghain Block 0 t 1 fCK I ji ll J i h I rWlJ L OWN is 11 111Y f 1111 CIblt4 ruil Juilfly J f ro so W at M at 2 OhaFISilret hpedl ad fee if Cit lIL l toy an Iniond JOCIN R 11OLLIV4 tIo IANat Alto Uibtrrn rcprrncnlatlro fir other wel ltL o rlrVm o II I he all ponU euittimers Hoarse 9 end 10 prot1gove u uS t 1IIk mer Lce I litnihe l ILEEP MONEY AT 11011r DY IUCAo lho In nu Till m OME il fHRE 0 OF UFA j HEBER J GRANT CO General Agent TlU Your Wifo CItbobdPotxspvrD no are given I fr with each box a powdr CLASSIFIEM WANT COLUMNS Ads received after 200 P M will bo found on page 2 Hm HflnrL FsrATI M I IW nnicK iinuua Uolc building slim 1 Fit hhon hnm mol lot W IL ItutIb1d lu IS W 2nd Pot IIOMI W3 JU > t 0 S SO II010 fl2W tl r 400 II 00 51 r t tM V H tCOO LW od If gleal t VXI oe largaiti niouintyoutniiteI ultleh l am nt C1111nd < 0 u T I1m NZIONIOntrect I OUtVIIOMV Witt VI VII OKI A110MV I l wPI II ON r < ° t k farm 1 J all stronthl lIJ IOU scroll will Ill on W 11 ll at 11 ocoI Ill btf Ic houom unllml ture30ur crocklootiom iturillinIt so nere upp oiabocloKerlstl I iFlllWsYt I 1 b < ley Ok OAT I1OnI1 A 4 O < AClir HANCJt prowlntr I oruliarus and 1 some valuable Isnt 1 All nt trim kacrlllcc I Nrlto to c Isennl San I uls Itey California IBI ACm I VKVI coon 5 nooM JlH Ii i I IIE orchlo 1 400 tr gnool 1Otr rlh I 100 acr inalfalf It aI AIr lIltlotlo uno ot tho best farms InLarimer I coY nljjlns vltlaini of Ihrthond < l Itr further nirtleuliiM I lilm re J U Mmll Bert it tout I Colurad > mr KOIN VMTHMODHIN > SIMOOM 1Wo0 louse mil 1 collar In lira T i ntltll yard aullrul location and remarkably elaap AlJrrill till offlco AHTI T1OIIOMFSI > I > IIIIINO I to In Urn w on if tlielr n luimea either y gflXff 1 a fJJjJ Ir nJjJ 11 1 11 UjiliijtUn 1 oflt4o I ftlier I rr1 r lirllnSton i III orun tlio K U4 I llrlti I oiipiiUii Illiriy inrk nnil I vlll n iiki > HF1 to Mberl Jonr P hHH inn eleet It flnot I ift Inan 1 oF I whet in I II I I I I can Ve 3 jiH tr il Uco I nil HIX I UllOUSri I SEE ItlTTIl 1HOS loiatloin Price I I I I I4 Main unit MONEY TO fO ILS MONEY TO LOAN ON PA1014 AND ityproinrtylautal L Applylltali3l a1c111t11yo LIAn jorrrutIcin aal UII oetly I a company N cidefy ON 11111NI4 I LONG TIMI OITION TO tnyberirKlie t nil mil I I W 11 irnes llnnk i I l cor Co Unyslll lltnli McOUIlIIIN A CO S V liTlo HCOMl JI n I South havn to I Iw ruS L I negoor piL entatany tilliev HHlCIl I I HUNT roSOMMNKP lines cludern it J i y to I rut I 100 to 13 n y I I III 0 I 01 Iko r it le prowty elo In I cd 1IOIrIIT NOTES INWIlNCF Iollel 011 orvs warrants pI1VAoA o 1 to 11 naer Darling II W beerall Suoh street I LOAN M ly OWN MONFlirNCI NO dclavijo nilvertlainw attar uullt no com f nlsllin tt 11 JJ RUSL I 1 L TNACY Lomtnerclnl block = = = = = DOM III UHM 141111 Till MTFII STATES FIDELITY AND Otiarrinty glrI VTh EA I 4ottllij I el I a throughtut I It Tt I 0 4 onolny I II at ofarantlog bunI lOt ruin liyftVitc I nlultl i IbfcViuneo cut i If all ty fnrem el Inn i I plye I f liu IS il O c r Me i c iirt lau li Sn1eoI2k1LI7 I Y rrd t Itter Ogden viro II I 11e cmmlc fleece IVINTll4ISCEIIILNIIVS ATTENTION KTOMv VIFN > JOB OYSter OYS-ter 1 InbI ell fish In file se lhln In vision nX line I LO to Itrl linbecker a 2i liU t MhII i till Inrnim K 6malm leleplono I 11 Op n ull I I Illlbt 11 IIOIl < E < IATUmm AND I INTnili 1100 IIIrlIOnn rm AcIIt I 0 E2A nuh r J II air ea4i an Lust und Ilrth So uh I loIXn AIIIINTt Hn WAlmAr JURY oCbll HUfrf I TRACY ret1 I block v IIOPSVND < iHTiFin novi I 111 Irl I lit n roliva or ad llire 1 J 1II h t Jl tvo L It hmi 1 t and yet eureel V neiff < lls cowry A tKisltUoeure I liiirliitrid CUTOIIf A1 THE NEW CASH nno cery by II IV Nrohtntt I NN 1i1 11 Ill IRGfl Jri J F TO IJl P nlideveliiiivosieiind han III Iffoudt = tnte H VNTI IIMVIK III II fO WFFMVVIIVCliTIlNdi SALARY loinmlsslotiiexiKrl ne iiiiiieeessarylp I r niai entilncln < e tnii fct imps tnerlean Vil vcrtiiitiii Anseielatlon ht Luuls I ilo j VANTH1VILN AND 1 WOlF > IWO wlh Ra11 Paying 6mernment 1lIlom I how 1 B JIlo llK to apply val I Usamin1 I plrnl I V bodineorytte Atal1rr1 I free Aftdrc Tho cilerwa Compnd cnVo bcheMV Whloon I o IN IYIII LODGE AND I OMMUSIH I arent canvalier and oorebpotident Illfr pay really ni rk Addrebscutthera tlon Hnror Lulo I WAN1I IJMFN I Olt OVFItNNtFNT Ito ltlun as railway walleUrUieiirrlir > < irouif t rs I ir to ilor t ri to gr Oren m for V m JjnJIl i Jan E oler met Olt let I fro I lies I lnIN1j tSif ° iNroiiSi I TIUS llcpl Mliolnnitl O mLt WANTED IKI YOUVA NT IrTth < 110 YoU WANT lull Oo In IkTlci I Irulh X llcntli II Int eu f Qir CUt b0e1 k OU018t Uiililionn4l < nELtvrx fNFItOFTIC I MAN Oil HO U CIIU IIPIIun IIn utrt Co on p rlly nml tho llnnkers Mutuul UIo ei m zs Une nulled llfu unil 1 < 1 aecl < tgIlty I I I n elemuiiiU an 1 IK pulnr I anprr altf thninsurilurputille Aeldrc orcallMa c nlii tXfflPIsIIe1 UOKUin MAI IS AND FFV1ALI TO r otteri 41 SVftlia monthly leUlt d0 rends to advance Littlag 11 oil Ubjettl JuorWnJ r the world of atil silly but eaiuclallyliow lo live for our best lnlft li iilUulbyllr Ull Ilurnlsh A D Wvl I nl her o N J Il5to ns II R 1VLIK CAN UP MAli kln fire u 11drolnPlerrell win4l oil n UnlffilrUwlioIetlnii I I > to lIu I I < iospart h o urn tl oiigli may I o prolllably I call cited tin91 I timid upunliun tor I r sell clly I Irk 1 in well se untry llstrlets J E Alforel llth 1ln llree mhmond 1 Va l < Air < MVNi LUMIN018 MK1NS NAVll lliitex I street numberH + undublo durket nlKliln ft tuples freo Thomas Uo ttiffln titruopl wood ljll 1 WANTFK in Oil ESTABLISHED lUhliiK House In t bleaiei a penum ca uII le of W lollir I 111 I t karonKKlkuslitMBbll II 11 f I Hy Address W tl Illaek TIC 3M < 1 lloarUirn t iltr ctl Chic go AAV HANTFD 1o AM OMFN I vimilt and old rr work for us In their own 11 III I 1 pura I ta or oclilng Na i ly ftit i if Li in r week ISoennvnsilnir I Any pl i I fill ean IJ tho work tend sililre t I UKliiy A All a 1I r it at 00 II AIrlI UV uyk i = 11 E b rocI I A lOOI bUIILV 1 Ol RANGE DULLS Ol nllleef lre > ed < e liutti Tract slid tliornuli lrcu > Hli > li head If Iutlli reil lalloosy lo iSt Ilir n X lcal iIliluli UMKlinl VMillv Lctlbrlal bre < 1Ia l rigMvrtxf biilli loL 1 I llouuin llouMoiiUlk Slo or Jolml Hucliwortliu Ljchuuti Bulldluir Kaaltl Llty Mo t VL VNTI IIVUI E NT 4 I VN7FlAaFNT 520 TO rj A WPFK store to workers no cnj > Ital needed new ffueiils tmw 11 in i FelM at Klirl tl every family neiilll I IitlmN > tlF lllVin UJSI l llo 411 Llnclnnatl Ohio V VNrmTttITHIIlTIIV I Ht OV TO pmtk travel iorerelicc Itl Ii eielo Iiminlon Permanent Coca any I WLBtar I linlljlnff tulcairo ANXF1 > OOOI I1VJ AIHNTK I IN l b V cry lowni 1 lust thlnir on ilio market 1IB cl no calYaI 11 10 rvt Ilerlr It hh rolifIllel5tU1iiclIriOrrlor saiuiilo for the xUld fi 0 1 Enc i > IW fo Ntuplo n lId Invtructloni I ullree Hliarpo Cuux Mlchlirnn street Ilulalo N Y T AIJINltKLONDIKl rIVn MFS 10 11olt uleIUon for luck of it nra climi I irold I mlnlni et mpany eipiritloir In Mini II n splen ei iHirtiinlty lor hustlers to mako 1 ble money llrltlshAmi rlean I il 1 Mlnliij Louipauy C Vorld BuildIng Now York n OFNTi AND MEN OUT T ji7 W OKIe I If I sou want toknow wl ero to pet over two friA cmg tleI Ik ItIeet hlNil 1orf tofoV1 nYolrlilPluismis1 I i 1 Vu Cfchlll rl en F roim wlllYoairi Y I Tl 11 I J 11 I liir It 11 I r it i d 1 fn o I lilts Iorh order llo J nni Soitlly cellalnlleld I M J I AdFNllMViri Ito 11111c 1U IIIIM1 tho 1 A Pino lUvit Lnollb m intthli 44T I atented file rIvollor j ltntss ul j bLllhu 1hcry me I Hr oL Intel cro to CIlIOVOIS1 rall lit I fl I I lar per still sainple It ro I IVI F1 Here alulford nd far Salon ofell Olilo AOPNT1 TO HANDLE MFDS 4 SIFS 1Or Alternt nlokrlIId cHmulII I dur abli e Ulcicni I tIIIOI IllmlrlilMlTirleeliJt iiiiilmimplullllerSo I I < Wed il li nlec street New lork A OI NT orFNAIrLrlI 1 1 DOCTORS 1 bell ilentKnli II night bell pllh nnil poll I plitn sell mllitnllK lulu cniH loll n < rteil I tlt 1 in 1 11 ftI i leirant in ninelleil name plat I 2 i retail i 4 I ttlilhi enitnetleil I letters fir I VIM any quantity Ixlroek pM es A t Tel I Ir A Co Clnclii natl manufacturing mllcr LOST MONDVV FFN1NO SCAli TAIIFIl nocl IIlmn lonlnln Ioy lie fateful OmOIlIHI dTo cl1orcotel I roll NA1111 At It IHICEIIKltlF VKIirs enns borals harre I Ing machine org i t teel rf Tl T lonlntr = JK Itlele8 I It Hfc1l1 Vials CIi fne it t LhlcnituHcttloto Llile uo III A 111MMCk VMil IN II III Itr ondlllon Price n i 1clect bee J 1 llun lour lit till nlllco after 4 at I m i sum1 iNcmniNo VILTTON wellirv i an il I nviTil tnmiMiod atria vllh u a io r or I hllg I A Iyor sECONDHAND 1 lllNITUIX I ANDCM1 I lets Zion heeond hand Stare No TJ welt Kiutlittrtet iuK iMMnuvrr MVIIOM 1 OF Till Imn roitaant lit tire I Snflraelory nice jnon for It1J Apply I lf L I i Noths JmSt ti5iliniTTAqLNIIllA > nlQ lOrUr11 LI l r 101111121 I I 1 1YP I rl r ootl tI O 1 TIN 1 1m THE DAVID tVMP CO TIN AND OAL vant1tronsrks NG7 Nll n trIvt TIN AND SJOK171 lx wm MV1IKM 1 MCllWWUIAI I IHSTIIIF1 Ml kinds I I ut tin at d hi ei t Iron vu rk STM13t III 1T1MJ 7 TiirnvvinivMruo i uriNo rJI plumbing 1 i 1 II In all their brandies No 70 Mll te P J MOI VNTPVM AND DOT W VTFU 1 IJ fI I ceo Ing pparta N 70 cat Soad ootb OII UYIN TESTED 1101n1 1 I MFCTVIIFS orrKT11 and ciil In ii to nt llm even IIOHII an I lute W LIiIllillILl11111 f ht sevond INi itli Direct I Tilt IITMI on lew 10 HVIMINT Vulk Itroonrli Dank Yor eyeli emim Ineil by liifltlcliillRlillret N uuuratlurlnir it I rlrlng MllOOUSOlFNiOON 11 lOUUlllIIDS I beit lit tollybt I Y u team Moody expert Ce n tltutlon blijir 1 AN r CUMrCIITIII VI tTOlFl K1IIT r orlo n Itu0mronnalae MringaI j 4 NLnid snithlttrVel Eyes exminA II i for ghovIes fro Special knwgruuind I IfiLtheeye Imx WO > IFIFr HAIR 1rTIIFU mAY hair I JinnnlusreeliH inado ilarU luxnrlint Mr1 irlnssy 1 Cambolts eiirlyi I MOU I Cilr olnt CI TO TIM I VDII < i IKKMTI Itim I pli blnck beans null patch Bl r ItIV 1 rll yrimmnl ty Ma I mo on iwney si acei g Ilchl 0 = 334 trectDenrerColo IIIL hllBII AIL III ALIMI TKI VM IOI I holy < ors ceem phnpl 1 rhoeal and InlfslTin t riubiePle maliiw < k 1ly eufoil uyiiin Inlnl i t sstiii t tKisUruSI sic samples will eunvlnce you M Iu7 Door born level Vhicahk IIIrF ADVICE GIVEN TO rilOl SUI r5miror ° thIr rlIZI fits year by iitd it I Is I Ill hilw stir li bla z I r 1 t us to meth I I llrlyt 1 tIPu 111w I reo Iorlcl 111 luriro blo bottles onu Hollar Cnro ITU ir sntee 1i nclus 1 t Hlnmii for reply Vlilriss l cfilcaif Mklim l I Hi teller IH Vells I fet i UK UVNUK llTIIFIl AT IIOMI SEND Hlamps for buli DrJD l Harris I i ui 1 Ikoll ill I lit I e Cincinnati Ulilu 0 C = = = = = = = = = Pit TItun I MtM TO SI IL OU TKVDF l ON IcoN I-coN f r tlnfTOvrdmir F on I J tnoof tit I A I it In lj lrS Ill ICna am t ° for tit o trade or ranch 1 I 1 > I Ill it Hlll VIVO l clear WI I of 1 airumir s fj I Ie rebroalle It 1 I o 1 Pill cl r KySyfL I I < orlohl nUro fare O 1 lui IIANIMOIll I fun m ever 10 nUH I 5 II Er still r on a It IV 1 I 1 lll I COKKtIdOughtfe ortf sell lank irlhAlfilValual or other I C I I Oalfnllrtl b I I 17 1 h Ialanec 1 a t I me low cift 11 lin M i of WAk IlondIke rlt for det16 Lre bit I 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tiI I tIsol 1L 11OIVI Mi cloner of till kinds of tl tjxl 1 iTD41IAILIItS NIRS CAROLINE wIAT AND iw Eon ikchithrl 1 43 South AV ht TOo = = = J uric I VA 1 11 il Ic It MINt 1111 IS Uestear 0 l r r1t4Li t otith 11SENIENT unit Alain boVTIf I VII 1o U MINI VI1 Mill UNION ENIIILOYNIENT AND XT7 Ii Ajreney lloiimslviu III I 25I 1loth nlL 1Ioi1I1 1111 VLKIt < Ul UI I VN IIIANA Brain I i mr h t = = LI JJ Nil IIJfIMI TILC 31cOYI4 9TMII1 > M > W CFUNIIOITI L = mmI > I rI4Sr MILS I j < HUMI III Ull s m VI VTF ST MiK = = = = imiTii XNII i iioiuii 14 UTAII lOmTln NU PRODUCE CON rllol 1 Im I wot IJ S111101 11eL = mltrJ I al1161 114 AK D l lplnJc IKI rN 1 I 114 XVINT IIlliT SOUTH = Z = hTICJC ANI I IS I1iT31INT I blY 1 buy7and I O rlk r I h I Na tI ol i nk 1 ok htt 10 Bank or Ullh bok And a 11111 all 1 N1311 2Il I VV11Iht 1 an 1 sold r loll r1 for Home alaer State 1 at lt CUTLE1431t143bilefte ttt Ul VII llOUIt INII II tl > lO A SENSATION IN TOWNIC11 I nlAt ttittlotirt2CIrailglittiritle No 1 lilIt Patent rLij ja1 1 1 Balers graded r grade-d fof fi rneal ulw ABitffs i i I r y Oil kinds Of ll 111 Ie iuV11Vio hay rtlTiuiYiA i A Incern hay xe r ust cuillotl I lr 1k PIng iiiit and lump coal kV I f Ir it InI He InnntikllTill Lee ticionaliquits ocef f tthileiata nil reliill Lj 1 or iE iileummlinloii Utah II nr at Hcdto i bout Main tre ealt Lake tlty I = GOOD STUFF well made pays It pays In Totrlrg better than In floor coverings Carpets Lil101eUl1S Rugs Matting i The best rrado at the least price conslstort with good goods The larger the stoc the rrioro likely you are to find what you want OUR STOCK IS IMMENSE e1 el I = = = = = = = = = |