Show CONIrICENCI IttTI Ma nI Grand > WIn 131licocy For the SmlAnnunl Conference L D S andS Womns Conference i D and-S at Salt Lake City October 3rd to Gth Inclusive the following rates are i authorized to Salt Lake City and return re-turn via It a W Ilyi rnom IRATF IIOL CnATP Ogden f N 114W If a 00 It 1 W I114nola 3 A vI4VGP1 1 10 Milburn 3 M L It on lLj j j j 71 Iil r ni a Ou 1 yRvlII 0 111011 i 11 3 40 Vrininattin rA I111111 2Y 300 1Lo tohoo 4 J hrlm 310 st o 1 c Intl 80 i klary MSterlinir I 8 M Melilla lerailisda June olAt allow 3111 4 00 Hit liaiu J Wlfclirup 4 41 t ly M Hfciin 1 id 4 1 l4crIon foil I Hlno 1 o IIll l 1 CSlJosepI American lurk 115 llelkn p 5 Al liencra I hoc to ur rk 3 Provis I 1 11 V Junction 4 Wit li11 jill JI 2 15011 le 0ie 500 Ilay A I N 1 = Mlti 1 Ile ulnlyllld r r River 700 A 0 M u I inmil P A into 3 I Ut 10 00 N1mirA2 3 E Pro fit I 10 on Castllla 2 Melranel Junction 1000 11011 A 73 Tickets will bo sold on follow Ing dales rrom Ogden Ulngham Spring villc Silver City and Intermediate rolnH from October 2nd to Gth inclusive inclu-sive tickets limited to October 11th 1837 Prom all other point Oclober Ind to bill Inclusive tickets limited to October lth 1837 except Grand Junction Junc-tion Frulta and Cisco at which point ticket en sale 1 only on October 2M IImll1 1 to data 01 Issue on going trip with final limit October 15th The train service ot the Illo Grande Wester 110llwny Is I unequalled for ilkNolle Speed Safety and comfort Notice TITIV ILXVIllSION 4200 lie tIo fraud 11t on Halfway On Sunday next the IUo Grande Western runs n specllll cllrslon 10 all Tlnllc Points Tun 300 round trip Hpcclal train Jellve ot 811 > a m A view 01 the tarried double circle Is I alone worth price ot fare Illl AND lllltlltN I is I Via Oregon hht Un Sunday Sept cth train leaves at I 815 a rnVisit the beautiful Ogden Canyon nnd toke dinner nt the HermitAge Hermit-Age only 75cts nTh n-Th direct line to KUIIa City St Louis and Atlantic seaboard is I Via the A1134DUT Pacific I1alhvn from Pueblo Throuh sleeping and chair 1 cam and all connections mild In Union depots In tho daytime 1 you 1 going East and care for are allay light ride throlKh thegrandes scenr cry ot the Rocky Mountains e roule Sea that your ticket reads via llls eourl Pacina nallnay liegnn chair cars posltttely free to the holders of regular llaln tickets II II KOOBClt C r P A bait Lake City Ill VrMWWTrQWTTM1 Saril tu9myfmivvvw5m MWLVTivrMvzvfiirrnyrwI 0 IS Se 1 0 splendid I C M J I 0 0 F 0 2 0 0411ils0 0 0 0 0 specialties I Just to pleaso tho Ladles and In ordor to bo In lead aa usual Z C M I offers on MONDAY I I TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY special lines In 1 t 1 t I I I I I GLOVESAND I HANDKERCHIEFS I I I 1 I I I I Handkerchiefs I I I Ladles AllLlrion Embroidered Handkerchiefs worth regular 25C arywrioro from 50c to 75c for I I I I Gloves I I I I 2clasp oTrtbroldored bacl Kid Glovoo 111 all I leading shades strorq serviceable aTd 75 C beautiful worth 1 for 1 k 1 11 Three days only 4 Those specialties go for three days only They will be followed by others Please watch for thoTrjl 1 1 C Mt I T G WEBBER SUPT H jAAAaiiihifficluillifficalAhfif2t I I > AXASAVVN HOME = MADE THE BEST AND CHEAPEST GRAY BLANKETS 275 BOYS SUITS 350 WHITE BLANKETS 550 YOUTHS SUITS 650 MOTTLED BLANKETS 400 I MENS SUITS 750 UP We make Readymade Suits and give employment to Utah Workmen A big stoc I of Woman arid Childrens Stockings and Marts Socks all made by us from Utah Woolen Yarn Custommade suits F S FERNSTROM Cutter B First class big stock of Homemade Flan neis for Scl1001 Dresses CUTLER BROSe COeAgen Provo Woolell I Alills Main St Salt Lake City i COINFIFIFINVIC Italks Vs In the Orme 111It ITo I-To Salt Lak City and return as 101 IOW6 From in nt Huntington CokeMllo Ii 87S Or 12330 Idaho Idho 2330M r 775 Weiser 2215 Soda Wptlnui 710 f Payetle 145 Hisnefolt I 700 Ontario 0r 2125 I i Utah Idaho 5orJ Ogden 160 Caldwell 1070 Hooper I 4 O 1 Ilolto Meridian MiV 10 76 9yracuiceJuno Layton t Lie 15 11 i g f Nampa Orchard i 17tOFj l Tflle nrton to 61 MOIIIInllom 10 5OIOaIII 85 Glenns Ferry 1500 Wood Cros 5 1111 13 85 Murray 25 Shoshone I 1240 Junction 35 Ketchun ili9o Sandy g llalleyl I 15 75 Draper TO Bellevue 1101 Iohi June 120 KlOIII 1080 Lchl 121 lIl1ldol 8 gl Amoon Fork 105 Arnern Falla 8 00 ntGrote 150 Spencer 12 Oil Lake View 170 uhol 1100 Provo 1 00 Mrk Lake OOOIHprlnllIII 210 I Idaho Falls 860 Spanish I ork 20 i Blackfoot 740 Benjamin 22J Ito Fork 725 Iayon ial 110catello I 700 Stintatlisin in r X i McCammon 576 Mona 2110 Dowbor It Nephl 800 g I fr Oxford 4 JuRb 325 tatelluo l ernlngon auo Cannon 40 > Doti < 460 Preston 4 25 Clear Lake Hg franklin 16I lack Back 550 mh II hmllha Hunch 000 IIIcbmond 42 Milford 600 Smithfield 410 ro 322 1 Logan 3EO Eureka 3 5 Mention 3M Iranian 323 cache Jllnon 32 IN Silver City 325 Colllnlon 275 Mammoth 3111 Dewey 250 Dolorous 300 1I0nyIIi 225 nuh Valley Mo Brlghm 2OU Irllld t 225 Wlllsrd 17 Cellar For 103 Hot Springs ltdj ferlulnn 150 it rrltll t 50 1 > Tooelo 325 Wyomlng Krd 110 Orngr 900 llalfYIIZ U5 011 VfoLakn PoInt bo Dmmondvllle U 50 Garfield 75 Hams fork H25Nallalr June 10 retail I UOOlChlinberi 150 SELLING rIAU AND LIMIT Trom Ogdeu Nephl lermlmn rate knsndsll intermediate points October 2nd to Cliff Inclusive limit I octal or 12 b 1rom HarrlM IlleCalinon and Intrdl me points October 2nd 10 Ath tnelll 1 Ole limit October 15 b 1rotn all other slailoni Ooiohnr 2nd to fill IncUlfc = limit October 15 Itor For > eclollrln morTIco Koo bllI rnmoATrnN CONII ItER4 IXNC0LNi1NIB only 81000 for Ilound Tell illt Union Va critic Tlrk fail bl Sept 11526 27 jrior the neeommodntlon ot delegates nnii their friends the Union Pacific will place In service a special Pullman Pull-man Sleeper to run through to LIncoln LIn-coln Nh without change on the O > ellnnd Limited leaving Ball Luke City 7am nnd OKdcn 810 am Sept ICtli Only one fight on the rond ulth the further advantage of Dining Car Sen Ice and the luxury of a Bullet Smoking and Ilhrnray Car cleeate and friends desiring to avail themselves them-selves ot this operlor service should mllto Immediate aplllctttln Personally Person-ally or by wire for reservation 01 berths and tickets at the Union Pacific offlco 201 Main Street bait Lake City Knlll r Z C M I Stilt liki City Sopteniher 21 1SD7 The Stock Transfer Hooks of this In rlltullon sfll ho closed n September 25th and reopened on Octo > er 5 1S97 T a wcmrcii Sfcinury 1 TlT lludj hljuulll let and take home 0 cnn 01 ffl 11 Cap mans Patent lIare Oll It excels for all kinds of leather shoes and eer > thing In leather goods Only onefourth the I rice ot other oils Pint cans HO cents half pint U cents fourthpints 15 rents Sold by store only anti Z C 31 L Clark Uldrcdge Co Utah Manufacturing Co and riu Brokerage PROFESSIONAL I JAMES H MOVLE JM M ZANE Gw I COSTlOA JR MOm NNE Z N COS1IG II Attorneys and Counoollorsatlaw I Rooms 7 to Z4 Deser National Bank mdg I I J L RAWLINS J H HURD RRWW S HD AttorneysotLaw Room 33 06 and H1 Hooper Building Sail IjLc City BURIN HOG AttornoyoatLow 149 Mile Sliest ever Alffl Store I M IBM IHOMfiS BUS Attorneys HiLaw and Land Attorneys = 15 McOoruck meek Self LV ro RICHARD n SIIAtO ALLEN T SA1fFCRn SHfrARD SWORD Attorneys atLaw Suite Ira to I 95 Commercial UIockSaH LaVe I city Ub RlClWRDS RICHARDS i Atlorneys atLaw Room SOL to Say McCornick Block R WNm Attorney at Law Room 3i > Constitution Building Main SIAm SI-Am MnSHR Atlorney al Law and Justice oft of-t o Peace Rooms 41 43 Commercial Block PRR111 P P USIENSEN Lawyer Recall 00 100 mmerelal Block until M UNNO11 c Dentist Rooms 333 and 339 Constitution Building DR LIHOMS J S Dentist 36 South Main Street Salt Like City Daniel Smithq L nto Porrmsn of Won Uro1 Is pot 11 pared to do any Lied of work la the Ill IdinwIl e Furnace DUlldlng 01 all Idndo Boller Settinj Bake Oven Concrete and Cement Work Tile Flooring etc All kinds of Job Work neatly oxecutcel Criarcjes Moderate 40 Years IxparlQnce ADDinctist om EOUTII Tllln WriT Rrncn AIT Tkl If NTV IIUDDlmT r FLORAL COMPANY I i rtr ins TO Joni Uniiisu 5141 JidNulh Ihoios 1160 tnko pleasure In 1 showlntf vUllaraour collectloii tinners anti platitu all lioma 1 arounin urnnu rovuboutatit Ir j Addrv ol I eat Wurl r 0 r 1 cute rnatims 11 thi r oil I fr I a I season Hpewlulliis IV etdjin decurutious Lustrial a mi SE9800 S n OX18 O WOW O I I ki 1 We hoe a mOlt cemplte tock 01 Shotgunc Ammunition fluntingCoat Boats anti i Shooting Equipage I at Bottom Ilices off O r sidN I K NMII Fresh Film and Photographers Sup plies Is complete Stnel for Illustrated Catalogue ROWNING ON 155 Main St 24G1 Wash Ave Salt Lake City Ogden ME l hol Y YU1 Y COMMW C r W And mo only tho Suit Lake city lIwln i Aspreadua Itilo I nper llee rachlct tlo U 1 pitu leled with a neat I vql lain I sluppr ffr provided manlpiluli cl Red cash I IIJJ the to me part of a bulllo of beer repUratej a rrfrfsUsnl stopper alit d Weep tile reaniqldersh Hire for uu Innrlliilli leiiKtl of Inie Telephone toNii 17 for a trial order AlT LAK GIIY BRING CO JArOB2iyGnMrf t 5 Call and hear the Talking Unmo Machines ChoIce Song NMI I I t and Pieces Band T 134 WIN S1Rm AS A REMEC OOSTETTE RS A NV CEL BRATE ANTIVOTF Fall I I MIS 1 f I ii I mu D 4H V 11 LlvrDIseA6o NoldrillO tl TOMACH F 11ls R31 r THE BITTERS Saponifie IcMMIn1A 1 be migandisid Oldleahi I I Concentrated Lye flif q ump m1dg ad 9w houschold us The cc I pounittleitl leigsd I 1 has of fill 911 I I unprincipled Pord wel Nonagenulnfu sS Pennsylvania balt MauI to g Ca P Mau-I I I IIhict 1 Slampd an if your To for it And U116 DO 0 tb1f |