Show MonOlUenl for sim SInn Andover MAPS Sept 2IA cross of Scotch granite 12 feet high has been erected over the grao of Harriet IleecJier Stowe It Is copied after one In n t te the Veneration I of the dtiko of Argyle which I Mrs stono greatly admired while visiting In Scotland Upon the eroo 10 the Inscription Tribute of Loving Remembrance lrcetcd lIy the ChIldren and lower down rehrllr 1811 Harriet l1eecher Stow 1801 Upon the white granite pedestal Is I the Inscription Her Children lllso Up and Call Her lllessed Thb grave of lira Btowo it I In the private cemetery of the trustees ot Phillip a ncndemy In the Paine lot axe bUried her hubband and son |