Show Tile Indepeaden Strike The people ot Ophlr are considerably XlItNI OVer lho discovery ot rich Hit rer ore In the IndIndellc group Inlng the old Battle mine hhn phlr and Dry canyons vihich III Par days Produced Rome phnumnnlly lch ore Tbo Indpndnco I opert Id by Atessrs Conrad 01 Mcgntll tnI rise strike was made III the short It n d1 let ot n hundred tt The ore ill full or horn And nathe lIver and here In I no doubt but that It I Is I very rich At loot report the extelll of the 1trIkevOs not let determined but It = = Is believed to bo extensive The tile covery Is I three miles north of the 1aClCTlc and Is said to be on the same mineral zone so that the development I In ot much I Importance proving that the eln 19 I rontlnnou t front lowlAton to Dry canyon If not forth and guar nePng the development at mnl nor mnrrlllncnl mines along tile toolhlll Mr Conrad came out from ton Wednesday to Inspect the strike Ireur Iercury |