Show JOIlD treat CHI nln A formidable rival of It up 3 Ian oil la I promised shoul 1 the project bo completed com-pleted and mining be begun In tho Kodzukc province of Japan where extensive deposits have been discovered discover-ed Costs gi Kljuro has for over three YC rronsubeell engard exploring the environs of Tone district In Kodmkc province and after suffering consider able hardships tins succeeded In Undo 11 ng IIn xtnlv petroleum vein After rccelvlng tho support of Rome thirty Toltlo men and others he applied for parm Salon to lease a rat tract ot land where the Ferrous la 011 a xam Inntlon I un expert of the agricultural and commercial department ties round tint that Is I the blgest oil vein that ban ever ben dlrorred In Japan |