Show Will I Solve Ills Sentence TheBufrerueUourt baudxddown an opinion ymttrday the case of the State of Utah va Itrlgbarn Spencer alllrmlbg the judgment of the court below boloTbo The opinion la written by Justice Miner Real concurred In by OhUf JUB UceZiuo and District Judge Charles U Mart The defendant wai charged along with another deondant named Divl > with the larceny of several bead or cattle In Oral county In May o last 1 year Tbo complaint was dls missed aialnit Ibo other defendant when be was used an a wliuens against Spencer 11 wa allegal aft ground 01 error that the te4timovy of the other defendant was not corroborated by any olber Witness pod that It 1 was never ahov at the trial that defendant defend-ant wu bound over by the committing magletrate and that the Judges charge to the Jury wag unfair lu the defendant defend-ant Tbe court hold that none of these grounds were well Inn and affirms the judgment of the lower court Defendant Woo sentenced by Judge McOarly to one year In Ibo elate Bison His term began on the7th of December laet |