Show tun rl qusgiaen UUILta ohs Cnlr 1k7n UQ roo auu Ilou NEW YORK June 3At flood time thlt I luoruiu Ibe armored Crojlssr 1ba Brooklyn tailed for 1 Boulhamplon nor speod aoroit the ocean will be about IS or 14 knott Ibm being uo with auu need 10 preaa her Bna will reach her damnation In about leu days nod will then clean up and r touch 100 p111 wIlt WIIra nsosary Bf < Is I > Urn me naval review corn I U 01 Sfiiue lueBroklyn will have low I any nvlt at u mudel 01 CII clellne cUaullneit and beauty I Admiral Miller nld thaI bin never had icon I a tbouiht of pushIng Ibo Brooklyn to hor belt ineoj on boec run 10 Boutbtinpioa block an i x porlmoot would czhiuit Ibo cmcts and crew OOflt Olesa oIly and would leave the shIp a o dirty at to babe lIce I uupreatutab doling tuo nImbI oero mDuln Wbon Commanor Emery chief of ttall returueJ Irma Waah laden ylroy bo brDoMb Adlll MIIIr heel p 000dailso I Ibo 11 dent aud Mrt McKlnlsy and 11001 pbollropb ba tbo plc 01 bUllu at the after cod ui theidoulra4 cable No rccretenlatlve of ocr ny could have beo cbonn hlr ho Ih ltroblyo said so olibuen leoboy Oar tatllethlia would not kaYo 50 much Itfluonue upon J uropean om rcfees tbe Brooklyn will have |