Show 11611 j Tol r o I 1 i ft t j CYANIDE SHIPMENT i I I The CeyserHatlon Snds In Eleven i ThousandI I I j JUNE UIVIIIENI THUS ASSURED I i I I I I Flemlif of In I Mammoth En ptoue to I I Austin Frank Jtoorei Sopplilro f I I I Uuzto Do Mercur I i Colonel 8 It Milner the able man at I J ager of the fjeyierMarlon company came la I train Merour today after bayIng bay-Ing made a cleanup of cyanides amounting to about 11000 la value A The oleaoup In question it laid lo be I the richest turned out ot tbe com panys mill since the consolidation of Interest not to may the moil valuable t I ot the gathered In I for any like period comps 13YPs existence Ill materially lion at this particular time makes posItIve pos-ItIve the payment fa dividend for a f the current month and strengthens f s2alra of the company moit materially At The property work on the I strengthening of the Geyser mill capacity It I being pushed vigorously and when completed the Marion mill I I will be brought a itandillll that li If Batteries UyrMarloD cum pRoy 10 concerned Tbe Geyser mill will have a capacity of 160 tons dally and < an figured out by the corupiny opei AUDIT alone will says them In Ibe 11 i neighborhood of from 12000 to 8000 A mouth I |