Show SOME lEN liD hardly lets a failure as prlz ashlers then as city council men yet they essay both role to everybody pity and disgust Cough nII4 at Close Ana every bit of roUI is part of It cure thatwIllattly micure Use BIIrll Horehound Syrup and note bow quickly quick-ly you are cuiai low wall you leel 1 afterward Bps also for Whooping Uou b and Croup John Coffln Kir win Kansas sari When I began to usa Ualiardt Horehound Syrup for Consumption tbe Doctor bad mold that I would die In a low days Am now up and around Have no more rain la best or lungsP 1rloe 23 and 50 cauls I No benefit no pay Bold by ZO II 1 Drul Dept Full stop to slates llheunmtUm Nonfatal and other painful sffilctlons are now at easily uied as they were once hard lo cure science hat learned what pain Is I and Ilallarde Scow Liniment Is I the result Cures Shuttle Cut Bruises Htm Joints and Contracted Muscles Penetrates Pen-etrates to the very Bone and relieves almost from the moment It touches When a liniment It needed you owe It 1 lo yourself gel the beet The dealer authorized I lo guarantee this one Price 60 cents Bold by Z C MI Drug Drpt The Liver lietps People WII Wbn too liver Is I sluetlsh all other organs ere Involved You sutler from Coastlpallon I Biliousness Jaundice Headache Indigestion Fain lu Back Chills and loss of Unetgyi You will never know how promptly these rr = berel troubles can be cured uulll you use IlEBBtNX II curn quickly when other remedies utterly fail Itegulates the Liver Furlllts the Blood I HER ril lodihj HIKE Is a Utrmleit Vegetable Itemedy that gives new life and energy almost from the first dose File 75 Cents Free Trial Bottle at Z C M I Drug Department Tbe bt vuJnllle bow Is I at Coldeti Park Who tie Know It Is I lolly to build upon a poor foundation foun-dation tltntr lu urohlieoure in In eallb A Inundation of sand Is I logo cur and to deaden symptorus by net oollc or nerve compounds la I equally angereus and deceptive The Hue way to build up health Is ID make Join bland rate rlcb and nourishing by taklig Handle tiariaparllla llools Fills act easily and promptly o m the liver and bowels Cure sick headache STUDENTS 0 flail college and public school win will loud in tbelr narao and street number stones will eland on equal chance to obtain ooo ol the two scholarships bookkeeping and pen maoeblp which trill be dnn away Uolulely free of cost We ate doing this to Introduce Mowei new alum method of bookkeeping and penmanship penman-ship here ratio fully and to demon slrate lo our school pupil that It It at Orion the most practical every way Ib1 bog et 1p8treJ In look ing a cuol nlnlt In Ibo time and upou ot learning and reducing the labor 01 keeping accounts over half Tin course can be completed during the summejr vacation br Btterjuirjg morn Iw I sessions only thus aTolillDit the hot t II you arn unending guy school sand In yiur name today It costs nothing end my secure a eholrohlp ftee Adul4am M T blower room 5 commercial buololl DAY Urfa Transit cu sun 10 Calder enrylIlIeen II II It o Tlnllo Mining Excursion via It O W Sunday next Train leaves nt 800 am 2 roun I IMp J H Fielding < < one 01 the mOil famoui oomedlsns In tbe world may ba seen on the CaMer < stage nightly If you want a days noting take the It O W eicursloa to TIMID at 800 a m Sunday next 2 roun 1 trip AIIlIl1AL VACA A ION XCVIl1I Klo Od Waaiern Railway On Jones 5th Ob and Tib the BID ramie Western Railway anoouuces te following eaatbound excursion rates Tickets Rood until Sept Mill Omaha and return ISO 00 Kansas uay andreluru 30 00 Si Lenta 1 and return SIM ChICAXO 604 return it 50 Atelice1tand ret a 7 j e lisaver AD r Stan 230 Two lot 1 through trains daily carry Inv all classes or IIWt qulpmul at 750 srn and 70 pm Cool and do jl tlnl rlao Iboub the Rocky Mono 1101 Magnificent toeoery Unexcelled Unex-celled acoomo tationr Oily Ticket Office Nu 15 W Second H nth street Ripe walking blub diving slid i slide for life every day at Caldeij NPIlllAIi LX UIINIOV To Soother vb Idh ADd OrM natudy Jn 1911 n7 Via Ibe Oregon short 111a at tot lowirit low UUu To nI Limit coifmiwn 12 23 15 days Mason 3 UO 5 days flsudon s a 19 daya Logan 3 M la days a 73 15 days Richmond = on toN 4 to-N It do FT 4 50 Is days lord Ildy 1 71 11 d 0 Is a 05 Boon a 2V5 30 a day I W dy I 1 111 Ion 80 d Market Las 7 10 93 on diyi Unbol U1 aodaya lleaver Canyon 1111 so 3n days American Minions Falls 920101 101dd dd hboahows a 4 Bev0 o Ball Mo HtieSi S IS 21s S Natup vr 1825 So days not city 7 39 go so days 1360 30 days OntartoVVVVtoVVso 00 sa daya Oette 220 23 10 dly alser I I a days HnntlngtonV li M 30 days lUlfi 01 from Ogden iiI2 bo 1 60 less than abate ratio Corresponding low rates Irom points south of Ogden and Hull Lake D E BURLEY Uenl Inw ATsl Aol I WEEK p BEGINNING MONDAY Go I May 31 JOHN D ROGERJ RoctManag FOURTH AND LAST WEEK OF THE I Wright H unlIngton Stock Co 10 the Greatest WrTliyEver WrllllI Odtll Heldoy the EnomylMRUINL Uonpanv and Auiillarles nnmberliiIt A great pro Conn Uatlneo Saturdaynest seats 85e HUDDART FLORAL CO Cncceisors lo Mr job Reading III Eo Second Booth Street Tbons 17 ticocbolce aowsrlnc plants IP Mseboir 0 a Warled rl aa 4 Y IchoOp Ire a a i is mJ sid Tr a be te I doa I m ell VIoII om Call and hear the Talking H OIlle Machines Choice Songs and Nod T a 1 t Hand Pieces 134 MAIN = = = wm STREET A COMPLETE SET OF v Millennial Jf Stars FOR SALE Apply to hont D Rim N Pd111h1gg4II 1i I i KALI IAUC CITY tTAlI ik h AIMAMAAAlaboad < u Greatest Shoe Sate of the Season HONES VALUE IN EVE INCHu Until furth e1 notice in these columns col-umns all Laird Schober Cos Sunl = nler Oxfords will be sold at 20 Per Cent Discount VE BltELY ASK AN JNSPEOTION To G WEBBER Supt Z Co7VV Inn I-nn 11 n r WANTS TWmly words or 9 lines hutrted < mdtt Ma funding enu for ISO tw < et for 25cj one week lor tOo a m moiUA 1 r 600 per Una No ad L taken lor Iou Man Ko UanU of own users I < mu < am > j > ropor Ill r ar l L JMrt < a Had got rtitilU T AH GOING TO SELL THE IIAIFV I GOi 3 8r 10n r i house That means lam olnt to agll 1 II rhl O 1 w r1J iN r zeTbSiS In this country doing R bell business to thl Raley Boom Ify0 WADI im7 W610 Norcur stop few day nudism UIwl the house is doing If the r it II tloralOry and Ton have a little money you ad I Will do business W K LAtlB PO Dpi 871 a Pro ram Block Tr YOU COULD SEE flALTAlU COTTAGE Ir city two years hence you would certainly I take a couple at blacks at 10 nor lot I am lao nx 00 a contract for I OuO brittle trees to b DID this ground in 110 early I spring W U LAUD tea Progress llloO TO THE CITIZENS OF SALT LAKE I HAVE NEVER ritKf ENTED BALTA1R IBAVK Cot 810 city to outsldera I If Ton oould 001 this pro I it cad Cray I 1 00 therowculdtot be a lot I hUI cottage city for sale at IR W I Black Vjot reaa Block YOU EVER STOP AT THE BOIEY D 9101100 I at Slareur IT you o elation of the bon and what lliwaaelv WN I the ume to Those game Monty it you Want a DOW n bo poIbO ompl d 0 i b lb w IT 2Ja 19 u t roo = Itlou talua culandseene W E lAnn 111111 tOi iretress niock I TOCISS SOME or YOU WHO WANT I Ub Fr oA Do u a afraid to come 10 Too to questions as yen keep wrltlnr to tbe Holey on forialomation 1 Your tits lari warded to me to answer If yon want a hotel dme ltCOMG meand212DIT b us arse W p Box 871 fj agrees talk WANTED MIS CELLA NEOUS I OmiON BY 11EO1STEEEIJ AI PHAIt pO macUU Best reterenCOL Address No 16C T ff BKCOMlIIANI WIIEKLB S55 WHEELFLeP325 JLJJ to West Temple Losgue Kepa r bhop I TVTANUFAOTnitEllS men In state WANT to Till At Ibe 8ALES trade I side line IlberI commission I also Tell obi I 1 10 0 it Oooooho In every city good from tXrlUlTe DOI occurile r quick y I StrIltifflDOI r mVr t 1 oomap sii far tlOus tt Chlcaco I ANTED YOU TO MAKE AND SELL WA Tlko eloy soap T o Sorter Baker City Onion Out CLOTHES TO CLEAN II FEB YO month uMaara block ea W Second so I A THOUSAND U > FK1KU3 THOM BPI A11ilklattion Ota to call on or address J J flalght at S3 Market St mud got cured Anew dIeor A palovs 1 core guaranteed COUNTY WAnitAMu STATE WAKHAM3 out ecitir EUBStL L TRACT Commercial block rilO Cult H1IEN1 I MATSON BROIL THE lIoOih rro 1 ° Of the let flre I lumKSant to 5ll < Jbtate St wtere laoni will be attended to bIh It 1 nil I factory manner CU 00 us At too new stand 212X State Mlloo Drum Ibolorb I VTEW AMU SECOND BAN TUBKI lfur baljet 1 ture waions bogxicf harness etc at n ebber Sll state btraau ALL KINDS OF SECOND HAND GOODS Abourb 1 lllcbast ckshprices paid t atH03 gisto bl tied in beforeyou III AA WANTED MEN AND WOMEN P 1D A younx and old to work for us In their owo homes in puom day 0 r Wo pay 110 to 115 per week N tocanTassmg Any frJ datterweek J J il child Can a Tork tend dote Oda U e send urork at once U A brlppfuept M Tyrone Im tURTOMEUS GrocetybyllWNalibitk7SvetrrBt AT THE I NEW CASH south SoC BEST PIJtCX IO BUY AND C119APEST l eUezcbamte ecoodbandswaa22obtate 1TOMAHS1 CO ifmr WEST Fln T VOu booth btyllh millintry Do tire makinq suloreylm cutting Bud M119 2his UUPhL Is the On fast Ta I suit most retail method Yorhom meal it It Is I Invaluable Ali 2 ample requisites Alary 1 0 hood WANTEDAN AGENT Ii VERY > ECT1IN 10 CAN > At ILOO IN lollto adaymade6611 at agalalioa win I 6016tople goods to dtal I beat Ids 1 ID 11 MU60tt 8010 r I = corXM M 1 viode ezVernotte unnecessary tr 19al I crattleatore to d too ILI Worn tufallurvir COTUPy litelfiti oli FOR TRADE AL10HT SINGLE BUGGY TOIt A GOOD X Young horse O leis than l r o pounds InnelffOU JNO A ItOllUSaei 0 Uain 244 City Q 0 ACItI8 WITH HOUSE OUT11UIUD OV r Inf a coca and ample water right Will trade lor CUT property or acreage close 4 lu I Apply Do ons53 County Tuiltrrego WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LARGE SHIPMENT OP RUBBER AND CANVAS HOSE We can give you any quality or prion you want and are belling these goods at a small profit Examine our stock before you buy Those NICOL FILTERS Are just the things to clear this muddy water They tire going like hot cakes at The David James Co 67 MAIN STREET WANTEDHE P A EAT UOUIT GIRL OR A I I u A sited woman preferred to do general k mnll b 000 fOod < < 1 tf site d home to rearit Oneon or Addis olm I If L mel Rari ri Unlas 9 mUe VOLh of Sal Lake CITY on VO U 1000 Itud GIRL To COOK AND DUOUNEIIAL AbOU0work mMrI in a small family Witty as Sat Es as trig A btreot WANI EIDAGENTS 210 TO 125 A WRKK rJ Ao sureto vorkmn 310 capital needed a o new pl 11 Iobl COLI IAN Y ad itt lOUeltnOLD ItO COli PANT Ilas424 Cincinnati Ohio SALESMAN WANTED Gfr Zldl I j e b in l IbLY 3ii W8rdouth KALE HELP WANTED V A ifa MKN WISHING TO TAKE lot soon In falt L City o Balitl61 11 olertS d other beveraneet VuRKA c3rwm rmxtion Irm U 8 OF LNYOUMArl ON Oil nelituatto SALKBUAKln 1 daily made xllinc our naebhiei for cooling refrlisrslorsi rVirmateed 73 cent cheaper than Ic J r Far r t Charged like a a ki rsire batterr f keeps pariah able article 6 flidtanittITF Iriptioructable overIsging I every oe or A toltUIO bay am exclusive agent as good a Add Nell garlers A TIOIlj IIIUIIIInou co sclanau Ohio WANTKDMKN FOK UOVKtMBNT positions aa railway mall clerks carriers car-riers lancers Inspectors nclnasrs watch mjn Janitors eteto write at once for valuable information free i examinations occur soon in eye rr Mate I a 11UKBAU 1 or IrirOK mrrtltl Its maltt g rI9N1aJmrL ilAIlOM liept a Cincinnati o TN IJV1KT LODGE AND COMMUNITY rood axon canvasser man car r lUff par steady woik Address Cp station no rolo HOUSE AND GARDEN PLANTS BE8T STOCK OANE AND PAIIIS Ih CUT floral designs on ehort notice I at Branford k boom Car tough Tmpl v and Ash West PHOTOGRAPHERS IIAVE I TOUR raid0 PICTURE elewtph TAKEN Gallery I AT aatcb block corner of Main and ks = d BOb Fn class work from LOU and up ver doz Avail yourselves of this chance w hll h price last I SALT LAKE SILK FACTORY TO Ilic PUBLIC I Krultig 1U11UI1AS TolZor Inir I btrtbdtr or other present AAi 11 01T 2 East third toulla bt Sao u aureole di Callum In kilt Ties and Ilandkir eblet PATENTS AND PENSIONS F ITZUEIIALI ATTORNEY OMEAHA un look On IMAOUIS free No pas t I 0 POT REPAIRING TTAIDRELLAS andrtpiired AND tlilayer PARASOLH l E COVEDED bi a doors fast old City Hall ITMJllMTUlm llAUlf UAU111AUI3 WASH irLaf ° or Ile ° e Jana nDM ifii w > s utbne otn L UTt A11AU A 1AILLIONU UU JaInist dyeing ad repitnruir Sam ad ooNt I Illn It lot kO A J 11011 him MONEY 10 LOAfJ TJL a uaVieilarorion ° M AIAIN ST I bay Lee money toloanatiourrates three la can years on ball Lake reldenco properly close In ON commissioncharpeit rmTCLAk SECUI1ITIESI Andrewdllrlxon NO e U w 0 In Q C1IY 1llOIEKTY OIM idJo 1 Miller 4 Vista do l alcuor ollIook O X lUOIEIlTr 01 iisuitsNec OVI NolIMorl W BtIS lecVdSifeit1 bought DOT N DUW hnoO booth BIL BILONLY N ONLY NIV UWN MUNWET I oo Ior InteTilo no do advertising I your wot no 1 milk a it tj EiiAJr f lack LOST I A itt K BOA EETwEEN SECOND AND Flrh v in oil son Bill or bnasmO n nd anil flflh couth and Main RtuiaM one bo Towards REMOVAL JOliN F WELEr IIFUIUI 310YED p0229 Vast Sixth oungb City OPTIOIAN T 104 lr V Alker UTAH artlacial line 01110 lightfroo 1 ask AL ion Co Manufacturing WASIMENT eye v6 04 1Ilnr T ° NOT Timer YOUK EYES TO UX Do JLJ AU tram killed V expert Have your COUGUStion gi as l Ids AN KltLLeiVE OPTICAL STORE eight yesrs espcrlenca W 1L2 Itnssmsr I opt u at West 2nd aoDla trett t Va examined for AlseM 1 trod 00111 aTOdt9ttb6y ELECTRIC FIXTURES QO 13 orr93Y FEK CENT DH ° at the a L Electrical supply uw III sun tit FOP SALE 2 NIT JII rUnNITUBB AND CAKPKI9 Zlon I tod llaad More No 7 w I t aontn H GIT A HOME WHILE YOU CAN I trJI few t i lili left In isrdea J L Lily SO inlDun walk from Poplar UroTeur Interco lot I 11 down balance 12 t er month > o Interest Apply tu 0 Street mil IUK WILL UK A HOOM UK UK IN Till JI JL uenrfuturo Than you will wish you Bid a coupleot those lot In Garden CHy terms the w 150 per lot Is down 13 psrnonuu N 0 tnferrei Apply is 0 street VTO rOOUNO THIS YESB ItIEclO JLN s f il sperm 11 toed Totk No boll IT Lock L 0 and ln e aleomlDlnir I It eloILet I iftrllmIn terior decoratora Kt mouth state QHEAK WS I ambl > r Bicycle in perfect J COnditiom IlOmbl care News FOR RENT rrll REP Ott FOUR HOUSES IN BIIINTOV Laka Couat cheap Apply to D II Bloo Brloo I O K K HOUSES I BEE TUTTLE RROr UeJ Locatlonsmces I UO Main 51 BICYCLE REPAIRING B ICYULM llllAIElSG WORK FIRST BICYCLH elans I Eteyelea Henled IlCTsrHie 1arkerJtCa 90 south llaln TIN AND SHEETIRON WORK MAIIKFPKNCZIIRloZfAltlgBTEZZT I MA11K 8 r m All kinds 1 tu and anesttron work BICYCLE RID I NO SCHOOL fjUARANTEE TU LEAKS TOll IL Beet GUVUASfKB ildlnit scbool t9t11t daneini academy I o o I ball A H Meredith 531 Wain street HnsU leisons I He PLUMBING AND TINVORK BIC DAVID I JAMXS LO TIN AND Oil rllI c3 f a zed 100 work No 67 Man street t1EAM HEATINO rpllK DAVIDJAMEJIJ08IUAM I rlTIINU T111cold1jr1urnbing rh 1 and plutnbinff I lu all their brnCbC XO i7 Main Street p J MOBAN STKAH AND IIOT VtAT Meeting end veswating oppsrstos 0 Treat btd boom CITY SCAVENQtR TJEFOnE HAVING TOUIt Ogbopool9 Bytioo1gre Inoclined 010 City Door V go 4 ca work done KuVcworfli bctW oods t to IST fail |