Show CALHOllli PUZZLED HU Report on Cuba Will Recomminfl That int War Be Stopped NOHEN AM II CIIIM > ltfcN UlUEIIED I Chirgsof frAud In fho Atrralnl tratlou lircninl < alut ttejltr bj Out or Ills Jr1 nJi NEW Yom Juno 3A tptmlal to Ibi World rrom Uttvaoa via Key West mil Mr Calnouo goca homo puzzed lie it I lo tall on the Win line steamer Many contradictory alorlcs 01 Ihe Insurrection hay been poured Into bl > can lie bti declined lo be Interviewed but your corretpondcnt boo au absolute atturauce aa to the nature of hit view Mr Calhoun la I for peace If peace potttble and If need be for war He will recommend that Ibo war bro bo atopf61 nt all hazards He will urge In tupport ul tile position Itie cju dlliotaof Americana und American Interests here aud will more force frIghtful condition of tUu country lolk weirdo he knows from personal eiperlence nod eo In Ibo long ruo Mr Calboun will Ie President Mo Klnley cud wilt wbatei wlllb be hoe the IocsldoLe personal rtpie a > tatlve will tuft en that Spain be mlil Ib1 War au women and cblldreu 10 tbe Inland of Cuba mutt cease Ienoually Mr Calhoun Is not In sympathy with tbe Jlucccn But bit besOt bus bnu silrrcu ly Ibe woes ol the welcb drying rtCDocptra does lie ba Belt at luuob end when he OtIs Mr MtKlnleye car bo will urge tbat bjaln tit stOod diplomatically arkHa lf ally lollop Hie war Ue will dwell i I upon Ibe poislblllty of the good oilier ol tbe United States government but lu the cod Mr Ualooun with tbu memory of Matanzst upjn him with the memory of the dyluR end tne lick ot oifflnt will eugBuil thnt 1retldent MclCiuley what moans be I can to ttou this war uf extermination bbs Americans who met Mr Ca bouo aDd lur lOot matter the Hpantab tsel that be will tell Mr McKtuley what be fell wben be went nit tuo reconceutradcos at Mantaozw where a man was lyle ana learning tbat the weeping woman cad her oblldrou were not given food because II was repried that they bad relatives am inK the lu turnout Mr Calboun mId that while ho wit merely ouinel for Uin Lee 10 Ibo Plus oate be ould not be rupposed to lem ln bore wllu eyes sad ears doted foal InletpreteJ nooses Itiat ito it to report on tuo progress of lbs IDlurrc tine tbe condition of Ibe 000110011 suggests possible remedy fur Ihe aisle which have lotion upon ttrlc < ell Cuba CubTb The Ilult InvestIgation 11 closed Ae predicted toe matter li exactly wbtru Joe lite lull li lu Feoruary lost AI the couilutloa ol Ibe luveallifatl Dr Congotloa pieparea a report Wblcb be requested lieu Lee to ago In II bo ala lilac flute bd bO Irld ItS a guest or the nation bad a maliro uuu plllcwr good loud the attention 01 numaanu all In tutu Itaat any woe could wili This in really WM ban ufioo evldeucu which Gee Los do cited 10 cuimlder Ho 1 Joe lee de dined positively to sign the report which Lr Cunsottoa euumlttoj I lien Joe Lee submllicd a report retting fuilb > tr ugly the fact mat Plots woe kept 316 boor lucummnul coon thai It win known that le wan w-an Amtncaa cltlzun and that aa these lion am admitted tue oUliu must bold Mood Dr UooKOttot declined lo sign Ibis report lbu at tacli bad declined lo tluu Ibo cttbeid luion an uttomnt nat load to draw up os report which would merely cover Ibo aLknowledgi uienttsf can other Ihla was doll Ibo roper emoJd710 what every one kuowi Thai Hull Was arreated on a certain dole auo dleu un u certain date Ihliboth rlgued but with floe under standing that uitti would report lo bit loT rmuoul bla vernon of Ibo Invtuti gallon Uoutral 1 Lets report goes to WaDe ri II Wb iKKtouat ouce lie iaya lhat abtc lute evldbucu earluK 0100 the nice nit In which lluiz received Ibo blow which kllleJ mm It unobtalnablr Ldcauio of ruling condlttuca but a < lie would hove ceen alIve probably had be only loom kept 72 boors lucoui munlcado aa the treaty provides tlm American claim la proved Tbal lo l Ihe whole story of tbu Itulz Invettlga liDO Mr Ualnoun will tuiport leo Leo aboluly lDuw r for food baa tugun In Havana Ha-vana In A abs lllcolo ttre lon May 31 lour email shop beupera were nor dortd mom brutally one being decapitated decapi-tated and the skulls or the otbera crutbed with a nimmor The monvy Wos left In the tllln bloc Crimea were committed for loud A captain lloutenant and 68 tol dlert bave been brought bores 1 lirittmeri from Camp IlorlUo ana csodnteed to be bOI Locul they old cOco alia medicine lo Ibo Cu taut It It I now ulcl thai Ibo telllnK ul oanrldgea tci the Iniurgenta hoc loon lo Havana province oa tbe sol else lack money for mod Use Weyler bat aunouncol that hit ruconceniratlou decrees apply 10 Hintlaco do Cuba aDd Fuurtolrlriclpr A dlntlniiuuried Aruerlcau jtoldler 00 tUg IbIs calltd atleuilju lo Ihe tact tbat wulle the fonr wattera pro vlnctt wee declared I raclHed Joe Weyler kept live lImes at many troop lu them he l did In tbe eastern pro vlnoet which worD adIUed to be lu lbs baud Of Ibo robots A UANIAIIDS lORTIIAIT Oi OEN WJlLllt NEW YORK June 3Tbe Herald tayu Beuor HaulIng llarroeta wbo u111 recently was a deputy In lIe irovlnclal I assembly of Hunts Clara roTluct Cuba last proieul In Ihlj Cilia while the agenll 01 Uen IVey lee are 1111 looking for him In order to brlig him boor a court murtul In U vjui ills address in Ibis city u known to ooly a few Iruilecl frlenda rleuor Barroeta la I a native Spaniard and bat durlrg tbe Ian rourtaen irtatt bid Imptiuot judlolal yotllloni I J 10 the upper court under lila BpJIII government Cuba An editor and iroprletor of El Ni tonal n 1 Spanish neweputer mL ibod In Clenfueuoj ha bat ata aye wigij a fierce camualgn agalnat floe oppjnenla nt Span nh rule lu Oaba Ditpllu his otber uuuuiti Senor Uarroota joined ties Bpiulih and ea a caplalu 01 gorrllllflolM agaloat tbe lauriienlt lu many vuijagementt Bencir B or000la 101llloq lu lots ex perlenos to a clott friend sold I My tioubltt with Oen Woyler be gau ejruu limo ago I refused to ridi > with him a alifithU bitter loo Ibo ollqais uf Ap zlejuf tbe leader I 01 tbe conservative party lu Cuba Alter vainly tryliu tool lIst mr co operation in Ills fight malnit the leaden uf my oWn party the general jUjlit to hOVe reveue on me by Im llcallngme In fraudi dlacovered In lola own military ndmlultraUou lu lanla GI lari pnvlnce lu which Senor Mtneta Vldel epp carves a 1 IMlu chuct Orders for my arrest were Itaued by Jell Weyler woo brought oil tbe irjeshociuU think of against me eVoo bal 01 lol arebelsympithlier aliI 1 urjerud that 1 bo brcughl before Min M-in mania pf lilt own ptllltaor Worod by hlllh onllol 1 was nbo I to hide until au opportunity DOd and I boarded at Cleufuegjt a venel for Boston While I WAS In biding I received a note aenl > to my loom by Ueu IDI Weyler ofljrlair to forgive I sos forget everything I I gave myself up 1 did not however hted hit oiler bi taute learuoJ lOot only ibo day ba fords bd 000 01 my ow oseeva ale tortured lu order to extort Irom him a confeitlon of my whereabout ° Arriving In < sOD a few tisys ao latoncetouk the train for this oliy where I will lemaln only a tew day before Billiuir for Bptln I where I will lay bIDre Ike gevofnwsoit the proof ol Ihe frauds commltiej In tue military mili-tary nJmlnlttrallon lu Cuba lu wulci Gen Weyiar has a great Oslo My object In remaining a low daya bore it I i for the purpose of Issuing a pimntilei exposing Ibe frauds and corruption of Ibe administration under leo Weyler I In Cuba I will mill a copy ol my t ob j1jlIorllrt01 boob lu overy loidliog political mao Ia II Spain as well as lu Outs batore hay lug thli country The Herald has obtalnel a copy of this book It appeals to tbo Spanish premier to appoint a royal commission aud tend to Cuba lo Investigate every charge he mates In the book Benor Barroeta nisi makes a fierce attick upon Nicolas Kivero editor of the Dlarlo ue la fIction whom he calls Ibo subtlulzad a < ent or the Havana cuitom House ofllulali Kelerrlug u Ueueral I Wryleij report re-port as u the pacification 01 provinces provin-ces Senor Barroeli ridicules the Idea and declares ibat Ihe alleged paolHoa tlon Is I only part olaacheme between Weyler bis eupportert m Madrid lo keep blat in power Senor Iar roeta quotes 10 bit bcjk oOlolal aa well aa private documents wulcu bo IY bllwlllloll 10 produce t3 up purl nil his atsertions Amoug lOose ducumsnta be cpro ducel a letter purporllug 10 00 rrute by Heor nIOD a uepuly 111 lbs Bpauitb Curios Jeneril Weyleia trutted agent In MnJrld In the letter Benor Ratano warD Weyler that ub lots bu la obi to Impress puollo opinion opin-ion lu Spatu with the Idea tbat the pacification or Cuba la near at banJo banJ-o that the luaurgenta are dermral Iztdaud aurreuuenng lotbe Bpanlah aulhorltlea be will ba recalled uy the borne government Beuor llotanoj says that the report at tbla period of the death or capture of Maxiuij UJM z the Cuban Junior would help n lelardlnj his recall Ulaln I oboclloucuio oruera from Mi drld Seller Bur eta diolarerthatdiin Weyler baa ueclareil 5Ibo provlncea Plnar del lllo Havana Matatzia and Bola Clara paollled acm be will Boon announce the pmlfloallon ot Cam Soy and Santiago ue Cub Honor I Barroeta deoarti In bit pamphlet tbat tue revolution la 1 new more formidable than ever He qjotea General Arolta oammauder uf tbe JacaroMoroj Irootin ai sayIng that Ibe only gtneral lu Cuba It Maximo lumen Benur Barroeta then relate the 1m puolty with which the Inturgouia move all over Cuba and collect laze Iroin all properly owuere Cubans and Spanltb alike Hu cltos caaei where Cuban ireaaury ofllclali bave collected boo at ettatea while the Sraulsh troop are uucompod at Ihe place Bonor 1 Birrueta diclarea tbat under Ibo adrnlllllralluo 01 Unral Vfryltt uvery clUoiul ulaoa In Cuba oriole Every tcclteiattlcal poalllon ecu lou price Inferring to the troctiat Bouir Bit dooms declare that the purputo or lueir ojustiuctlou la I 10 enable Uuo Weyler and hit parllsaca 10 appropriate large autos uf money without bavlui loose oiuut for them Ills gnateit azure of fraud and jobbery bo says It I in I Ihe boa llali lu Cuba which are miluly In me baudt ol Gee WeyUra favorltti lu foal upurlut boroorhtna are oosou fur p0110011 1001 bllVo never cxlllJ cud lor olbere who have bog bu dd Tueauflorlugof the slob aoldlera Is tucb hooijs Iuther Julian Va dieivtz a privet loll him that many muy tolulera utforo iiylog nnJ OJL lo BiU to inurilerlug ifllcurs who boot Inflicted upon them the aeveretl ciueltlet Benor Btrroeta declarot that while operating lu lbs country under Wey Kr le haa acdu cUldien hacked 10 piece by the Upanith troopt and tbat ut as a Spaniard fell aahamed and troleiled to Ula fellow tlllj rUe r-Ue cloeta the book with u declaration declara-tion Ibat Uen Wujlot la I really a loot eler well detcribej by the Amenciu I ooso Ult ollouoe 110 ssyO ao a dl nouor lo Stale 1 and uulers Ibo evils are carrtited be regard at certain the IJBI 1 01 Cuui 10 Small |