Show Items from Moib Grand County To the Editor The general health of the people Is I good though Alma Lutz Is very sick The lob justice or the peace Is I reapIng reap-Ing a rOnu rrolll Colorado for performing per-forming the marriage ceremony as the law ot Colorado prohibits divorced parties from contracting I marriage for a Year after a divorce Is I granted So thy step over to Moral and are mle happy oe more There has been smeral cuses at late where two from Colorado have been made one There has been a Ions In the fruit business this year Tho crop has not laid the expennes at shipping Tons of fruit lies rotting oa the rounan1 II Is I given to parties for the taking of It away Where II Is I sold It Is I for tl cent a Pound grapeq arid peaches oro offered for 110 per Ion There has been a rat deal or rain hr during the summer tire drying ot fruit Jioa been failure So far a great deal has rotted I O W WARNER |