Show CONFERENCE ItT > VLi Kii Unlade VViurn Italliru ror the SemiAnnual Conference L D S and Woman Conference fc D S at Salt lake City October 3rd to Clh Inclusive the following rates are authorized to Salt Lake City and return re-turn via 11 G W Ilj rnmL 1Trt rnov nATt eaodca troy ar I 14 71 1 are 3 a tx On CA U to u art a a X Lake Shoo 41 in a 49 1ood Cf ZI tariff ffllrlli II I 11011trant 4 JAIII VZ ii 1 111 A Clon t it a to 1 1011 V Jiluellon 4 16 2 Is I 6 40 wan or a I ftly114 2 I Ill cl u r are 5 Moln I uunyZIj 1 N irmco 4 111 hin I I 00 50 Ihlktlo MlorCity nstllla > 2 IliGianditatiction j i low too i Tickets NIll bo sold on following dote Fom Ogden Bingham Spring vllle Silver City and IntpomPellata pointS from October 2ud to 6th facto calve tickets limited to October Jlh un From all other point October nd to 6th Inclusive tickets limited to October 15th 1E37 except Gland Junction Junc-tion Frulta and Cisco at which points tickets en sale only on October 3rd limited to date of Issue on gaIn trip with final limit October 15th The train service of the Rio Grande Wes torn I10llway Is I unqullled lor pep < 1 safety nUll comfort Notice smllll bills for departure or peclol I I trains from Ogden etc ul1rn Ira uch or 1100 Vtuh ul Nor m1 hool Cur CIt t 10 The first Academic Year begin Sep tember lth JS97 Graduates of the district schools and other qualified persons over fifteen < yearn of age will be admitted A preparatory course will also bn offered for persons over eighteen years of age who are i not able to pas the entrance pxnmlalloll to the Nomal Course Tor further Information apply to EDWARD J PALMLU Cedar City Utah 11 1t > JT tltIICI1 Oregon Sl t Laos nnno Moved to rornc Second South and Wtsl Temple streets under Mon hall A Core 100 tlllo Collo nourco Saroven Co OILT have been Object to attacks 01 blllou calls for several recta Chamberlains Colle Cholera still lorrhoea Remedy Is I the only sure riflcf It acts like n charm Ono dose 01 It Oven relief whoa oil other remIs fallG D IllIarp For silo hI druggists Iiyscrilneet or nlloo ult In Imported and domUo 1lItelal beautifully made unit trlnllno l just ro elvi dot r AunttiiAcii nno Notice Z C M L Salt Latl City teptenili 21 1S17 Tho Stock Transfer Hooks of this In Ftltutlnn will bo closed 1 beplembei Z5th and reopemil on Octifjer 5 19 T O WLUm I Hicieiary Utensil N Olwn II the price of perfect health Watch carefully tire IIIt ymplom of IIIIue blo 1 Cure boll pimple bUIlls and ofnla by taking Hood sarsa larlllu Drlv away the Plains and other or rheulllolIm malaria and stomach troubles steady yr nerves and overcome that tired feeling hI taking the same great medicine ITrods rills are the best family cathartic and liver tonic Gentile reliable sure 7 CRio itelled at Oric Anil cery hit cafr11of to I Iaet or 0 cur If tat w III stay n cure Use aan a lIorchoUIII Syrup nnd noto how quick Go You arc cured nnd how well you feel nttcrwrrd specific also for onsaouhtr VAliooplnffv Couch and Croup John CoCTn Kervvin KrnW tale Ulion I bejanto Ire Dallardc tort 11 iound Ill 10 o tlic doctor htd I thtYpOlnlludm1fit1111a lIi 03 1 1 I gr a few days in now uIIJahd Atoned Hovo no more pain In client or lungs Price 25 and 50 cents No ben 01 110 pay Sold hy ZC AtVDrdg Dept Put a St 10 Palo ralnfi afilctloni l are now as easily cured no they were once hard to cure I Selected lien loartivd what pain Is I and Bollard Snow Liniment 10 the result Cureo Strains Cum Irulces Bt ft Joints and Contracted Muncie Pen tratt to the very Pope and rllpvo alma from the moment It touches I via allotment Is I needod you rwe It to yourself to get lha beat The dealer io authorized 10 gunrant this I one ri Ico CO cent Iold hy Z C M J Drug Dept I Tile Liver terl > 3 100110 Well When the liver I 13 slugglnh nil other organs ari InvolvedL yU suitor 110111 Con a Llpatlon JJlllousness I all ndlo lnUflgl i fl dt ei I ache Indigestion I Ialn In I Back Chills and Lois of Energy You w 111 never know hoW Promptly thee troubles can be curd uolll you use IICnIl1N11 It cur < luleklY I hn ther remp < lIe utterly fall ItpculUa he Liver Iurlflei the Blond HEll BlNI1I a Iteration < getahle Remedy hat I gives new life and one rgy almost from i tho first dose Price 75 Cents Free Trial Bottle at Z C Ill I DeiTrial Drug Detmnt It Suite tile Croupy ChIldren Seovlew VnWo hove n splendid ao on Chamberlain a Cough Itemdy and our customers Coming from far and near speak of It In the highest term Many have said that their children would have died of croup Jf Chamberlains Cough Remedy had not been given Kellnm Ourren Iho K ana HO cent sizes for sale by drug Blsts ImWTWS CON G R1 LtMtHXXr1I only SICIOO tot Untold Trlpvli a Union ra rldi TIchctH in tie I Sept 25 SB 37 For tho accommodation ot delegates and their friends the Union Paclllc will place In service n special Pullman Pull-man Sleeper to run through 10 LIII ooln Neb without change on the Overland ilaiilled I leaving Salt Lake 21ty 7 am and Ogden 810 am BIt 2f1h Only one night 011 the load with Iho i further advantage of Dining Car Service and l the luxurj of a Buffet Smoking and Llbraray Car Delegates and friends desiring to avail them selves of this a superior service should l make I tralperlor Cation person ally or by wire for reservation 01 berths and tickets nt I he < Union settle omce 201 Main Street Salt LIke city Evr3lo4y8houldt and tale homo a can of W H Chop mans Patent Ramona Oil It excels for all kinds of loather hoes and everything In lcuther I goods Only nefourth the pelee or other oils Pint cans 60 cent half pint 25 cents fourthpints 15 cents Sold by stores only and Z C M I Clark lldredee Co Utah Manufacturing Co and Flte Brokerage Tho Ntwr oooY Store No 73 Wet First South street A small store n mail tock small ex penses and small protlts I should IIko my friends and the public 10 award moa mo-a here or their patronage In the above business Only fintclass goods II W NAIbltlTT Manager Illd all 1 110 style Silk Wasta In neweart effects also L tll evnrete nubby 1 lancel Velt just in at F AUJlItllACII t 1 btO golenlto1 College 1gan 0ptcoa bp lembrOOIS01 COURSES OF STUDY Agrlcul ture civil englneeeing mechanical engineering 1 domestic arts bookkeeping book-keeping and general science MANUAL TJtAJNINQ Tarmlng dairying blacksmithing and mechanIsm mechan-Ism carpentry cool < lng and dressmaking dress-making Tuition free Entrance fee J5 Board > 225 to 13 per week Address J M TANNER Ireshlont Salt Lake Theater CHAS S BURTON Mgr Curtain at 8 15 p m ONE NIGHT ONLY WEDNESDAY Sept 22nd 97 mImfSI YOU SBRE hThe more onnouacenut 01 a Yale ohow com = euns Its uorthy of v our Imuieuhuo uUeailon On the above date CHAS H YALES GREATEST SPECTACLE THE 1 lmh W W 1 InNIN li WUIt a COIIIPO of M eOIIO Will bo VI tat You Tho Prlomne Embraces ell Kinds or SIgo ememenlo SlIully ood Deftly Rohl R IM9 I I 0H O Q0011C Whk Soat Rile open MoodY opto rrIc5 II 1S We NEXT ATTRAOTlOl itTwonIghtnand t tUdAY msllneo begin iHrE An AmeIn Beauty 111ceLienitur i to val 114tince s orr f n alu ot beat ttli li NVcdno day NEW6RAND T EATER II V Mca 1IVIK Lesarns ud Muaugr Openlna 01 SIOCk seosoa 01 189198 Wk Connedng WIDE t SfPUMBfR 20 Augustus ROW1111110 Wa Drama IN 11m NOR JU nell direct om Kow orl Till PLAYFR9t David 1lnray TaTilarlndon IAAlIIIn IlIan < len Ihd Brundon I ad Heare 11101 lf tlH Urfa 011 Iloff I Illor I juk Ill111y mj1kT01 aks < hse 3 Iory 11011 I Truuy ltuv I 11 USUOI smurtlfiY MOlinee rOPUIU PflCeS Box olliei OIS Tits p4 Kfpl 1 ill I 10 n rom A ro-m eI will IMI prit ut U tueueu lady visitor during tile upeklnif vtuW I GRAND t MILLINERY OPENING I a at Ze C fl 7 lo I Today and Tomorrow r 1 ALL THE NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON T G WEBBER SUPT HOMEMADE THE BEST AND CHEAPEST J GRAY BLANKETS 275 BOYS SUITS 350 WHITE BLANKETS 550 YOUTHS SUITS 650 MOTTLED BLANKETS 400 MENS SUITS 750 UP We make Readymade Suits and give Employment to Utah Workmen A big stock of Wome and Children Stockings and Men Socks all made by us from Utah Woolen Yarn FItclcs Cutom1ade Suits F S FERNSTROM Cutter B big stock of Home1ade nan rels fpr School Dresses CUTLER BROS CO Agents Provo Woolen I Mills J 36 Main St Salt Lake City PROFESSIONAL = = = = JAIFS II MOVLE Jolt M ZANh ow P 1 COTtOAK JR MOm ME GOSIIGMt Attorneys and Counsel lorsatLw Room 710 14 eel National Dank IllJf J L RAWLIS J II IIURD RAWliNS URD Attorneys at Law Rooms 33 36 and ij Hooper IJuilding Salt Lea r City BASKIN HOGL Attorneys at Lav 140 Mai Street over AUfs Sore I M W0111 Y MOMS S RDRMS AttorneysatLaw and Land Attprneys 127118 McCornick Block Salt Lk Cot RICHARD II MrUD ALLEN T SANFORD SERI SANfORD Attorneys at Law Suite lie to 125 Commercial Dloclc lt Lake Citv Utah RICHES RIC103 Attorneys at Law Room SOl to 503 McCornlck mock R MINm Attorney at Law Room 33040 Constitution Building Main St mx MRsnR Attorney at Law arid Justice of the Peace Rooms 41 41 Commercial Block rAmy r mJRISHNSm Lawyer Roomn 00 100 Commercial mock GHAS M GRNNO Dentist Rooms 333 and 339 Constitution Building DR J IHOMAs I Dentist 96 South Main Street Salt I aU City Daniel 5n1tl1 Late roremanilt ATtI1rmX LSuf1tl tl 11 oIO do ally kind or work In the Furnace Building of all kinds Boller Setting Bake Oven9 Concrete and Cement Work Tile Flooring etc All Undsof JobIVork ueutly eiccutod Charges Moderate 40 Years Experience APDIICSSI TJ7 SOLTn Tninn VCST StncrT SALT LAKE CITY IIUDDAltT FLOIUL CmlPANY Xvo I IM11111 1 1ultr6 t In 1 tunilll our I1tlo lit und lul all 1 hooo 1 row 10 OOWII < < r lit tile b0no uddiCsH Ril rwli cut ros tier doz Tc rcsli eut curimtl > iw5fl Alloilitrctit llowcrfl 1 In Kt auou n111I1 SpecUltlc a l v I fddlui dccortitlou I N6 ION li Row S Opos O n MOM O 11 I We have a most complelc lock of Shotguns Amraumtinn Hunting Cents 1 Boats and Shooting Equipage at Bottom prices off O r 81A 11 I B091 K Fresh Film and Photographers Supplies Stnel Sup-plies for is Illustrated corrplcte CatalogUe 1 I HOUNG BROS IBS Main St 2461 Wash Avo Salt Lake City Ogden The Average Woman I < hrlnnlno to thlak I1bollt tIe nernEO fall 1000 elonnlo and ut tho t IInulmo wondering IOur 100 clln pu llio money for now illwts I fnolpunis I loul rt Jrt ln I oil Cloth Wall 14 ers end Upporutlon that will 100 nee < led It he buy her Fall Goods at Z C fl I ihociin Tliatlssnn W a bllo every Ihlno that I need id to mukeltomu racily nnil all w uk Is I that you uUw us 10 I to ° ore 011 Iho fitoelc v 0 hv on halid tteVliinalraiS1ii 11I0 uent H iiotlccfitrnlih I I ooneroom cuttWe or a 300rooris j ostel lm GURIAINS WINDOW SHRIS s Frcry IInp I lull and comfit tm Wo buy In carload lou nnd will nell at the lowest also res zcnl i TQ WEBBER Superintendent L Everett House Union Square New York Favorite Hotel for Utah people In Kew York Under new ° nluiirn Thoroughly rc m 0 vac Perree oltluo And all modern 1m I Prove set In the cry Tina 1 01 the popular shopping district I convenient to places of ujfCmeut and readily acccssabla from all parts of the city European plai VM It BATES Inm Awo Your CASCu r And nsn only the Suit IitLo < lly Mrenlnu l < Irriiiluin 10110 I Luirrr Ileer Pileh bol tlo Isprovlili d wlUm in liljicircirlnln stopper rrr1 i1r i 1r l t lm I to rise part of a fill its of btcr VJiloi lain stopper and air ti vr rush ad nrotor auln Ic illVTiiIltfiotliou f lelcphono 1011 fur a trial order sm LAKE CI1Y BREWING G CO JACOB IOlUJt OOILln Call and ha the Talking llnmO Machines l Choice Songs f I 1 and Pieces Band J 131 nN Simi SO U 8Wfll l HIM I f ll s n I Await you here We have gathered ar u Immense stock for you to chooie from this season The VERY LATEST STYLES from clothingdom Th prices are not near what too ollid ex peellor good their equal Tk for Fcalor Inslne our 1750 Suit a know it cant Ie duplicated for la and then we have them at 10 f i jf 15 > 18 20 oed 125 In Cheviots Caasimeres Woriteds etc all cuts doublebreasted round and square cut Come in this week and let u < fit jou Money back OU know II you are not suited Itou about childrens clothing Have your children chil-dren been fitted out ve Some aIuIIY swell things In school and fancy sum tar Sao Our South Window ONE PRICE JPGAllDNER III Ei Pt 136138 Main Street IHI rm HIS 11111 m m Saponifier E rcnnIvanIaa saporalleill and old J Is a original ConccitarithdL Wu onsi roaking sand 911111 household usev IIW910 counlerfeltS Th Sure at of this article hIs induced unprincipled parties is ftala UIC li None genuine onj a rtoniylwla I Salt Matu aring Cx > Tl hiladelphU U stamped on the I d Ack your srocer for it and ule no other |