Show OUT AT 1AT AAqT Senator Elkin It A7 ot Hlon 22 aod t Iood ot I Washington Kept 21 Senator Stephen I Klklns of West Virginia acknowledges ac-knowledges that he Is I tho hitherto unknown un-known author of section 22 the m > s teilous paragraph In the new tariff bill putting penalties upon gOd parried into the country by foreign transportation Elklns In tation companies Senator Ilkln talon of the section said today I am not ashamed of th part I have played I am proud of I The section nul1 have meant for the Ocean what the tariff does for the land I think It h trt wn American and for that reason I puvhed It I This country Is I bound to be he mltro of he SB just ns soon air Te get time 10 attend to I I wanted to hurry It along There was no trick about It at all I simply worked to Sao crest or course I wn not going tn tell those opposed to tho scheme all about It In Ireeldent Harrisons ndmlnls I I ration we amp near reachinK tills end Fecretary Window two days before he Iecretut died drw up a resolution lit pencil with thin end In I view Hnd he lived It I wlh have hon pushed I Bm going tn push I now I hal be sorry I Attorney At-torney deniral Mcenn finds fault INCA11t he discriminating clause n1not dlclmllBtng rauso Should he do no I think he villl give Americanism and American shipping I set back oC wnylv years |