Show SILI Fit STICIE4 11113t < 0 Sal In the lii liar Figures Itoln Sit Start ry Sh11c I slivorp Titans recovery of jratonlajr find Its buoyant position of today had the effect of holding that clans of mining min-Ing curltles In Rood shape at this morning call on tho stock cxrhnnKe While no transfers were negotiated In the Ill there Yell a TmOd feeling among the broke anl I they posted quotations V Ith a will and In a manner Indicative of the expreslo There a good time I coming IKIJS Of the listed sloiks UalyWest was Intone ritoa In-tone and Jot a hid or 13 as Against ptordRy figure or 82 60 Dall llo Beck was n trlllo higher in the bidding being quotEd at 140 while Iercur and the other stocks oMmport Race raved fairly well all get I Ing what could be truly formed good figures In the unllt1 claps the laORn were the favorite > both of them re rordln wry encrnln odnn In the hlddln g Chloride POInt fill back n little rind rtonl at 11 cents In the bid ding Nstill I c Little Plttsburc was freely Iandld and remained firm at enter days figurg The closing figures were as follows LISTED STOCKS Clock Old Asked Anchor 40 Mnx 2t 7 111 IlullionUeck 400 4175 Ilrlck Consolidated TO CentennialKurekn I ID OD 500 Daly 110 15Q DalyWest 200 000 Dalton lArk 7 12 1UKta 2 5 L art Golden Gale 1 ollr Ac a 2 5 11Ina to 15 1 leyserMarion 115 12 I Hoorn Silver 100 1Z llerschel 10 llercur 1 r63 jg Mammoth 125 160 I rorllicrn Light Hi CO I Onlarli 175 Ontarl16 fclrtrr Klnej 1200 Sunshine 21 r hh g Utah CO 75 UNLISTED STOCKS Stocks Did A ked BnnMen 175 lHS 1 1 booth Swansea I 135 ltO uckey 3 6 Ph brklge i IJonanza 19 111den Star 4 1 0 Chhride Point I 30 I U i Pines k Is 1 Pittsburg 2 m UchmondAnacond I 2 hunger IF Omaha 15 274 fever 7 1 60 |