Show S CTlON TWENTY TWO I AtwneyGcncrals Opinion on the Noted Discrimination Dis-crimination Clause HE DECIDES SQUARELY AGAINST IT fRAO rlklo end lichoras Till Mantissa color rp he Ih tor Thlr Con rurUoo ut if Section Wathlngton Sept 21 Attorney his McKenna announced General I Meenln oulnwn today In the matter ot section 22 of the new tariff law Ho holds In directly Into coming e Te I t that goods g dlreIY the Unltd States from foreign countries coun-tries h through Canadian ports are not object to the discriminating duty of cen and also holds that for 10 per atalAo den goods shipped front countries 1bnRB h pan blast nre at ether Irllh ubj Let 0 th dlcrlmlluln duty qutlon ere BIe1 Ih BUor TM tralLed the IIrj Lvr0 = he tr W sc tl ero hether tile duly 1 oC 10 cnt is m 11crlmlnnll I secUnn 22 pja ornc Rasested against ni Involi ot lea from ell Ina Brhch had Brhed ul Yanoou In I nrlh 1 vc and Snca hllld throng Called to ChI the seoond wn NY other he 118 eogo amiseft4ed Cba Ills duty hoold he crlmlnnlng rgn ot manganese ale fit 11a I Chlo Met rnty ntl1 II a 111 Illiladelphia I hll at Ihladlphl Doth these questions tho attorney general answered In the negative TUB LOBBY DISCOUHAOnD The friends of the Westr conl nnt1 raille ad 1 ho Is live been watchIng netl watch-Ing scatter closelY were greatly IfnlnerfcOlnBT claa ell this trilng feeling that the oplnlf n ling to IS a galnat their c eoo I listing who line been here far Federa dilys In the Interest oC n construction con-struction of the section that will be favorable both 10 America rnlronl 1 And lite Amelenn merchnnt marine pacllelly gave up tVhe fight Yeller day I I ra at he White 10u a fill morning and mace n final appenl to the President In I behalf ot his Olin construction oC the section constucton lon |