Show TIJIKS UUNGE I rond > loI8 I If 7 1 11 JgD Cniupir tI Ilb tins if lidij Ihe slow plodding of the stagecoach coach ol fifty years ago though at tha I line it was called remarkably fast lime K > or those who could allord the luxury really it was as much a luxury to travel n tnat style as now in a silver palace Cdr Jllng over the smooth sletl rails at the tale ot i mile a minute A choice sean sea-n Ihe ccach was much sought alter and i seat with the driver was only obtamec through mild lavor A gentleman 01 note or some beautiful woman could ob am this lavored place limevvasmad ind ckse connections ol intersection I In e were calculated so well that one tould have his team lo meet him at the itatlun and convey him home A broken ixlr a tick driver or a balky horse were I Ibcut ihe only obstacles that would pre rint making time connections but now ll U the nolcfup with his dynamite bomb his dark lantern and shotgun i broken rail or the train going through a bridge i But nevertheless they arc most elective When Davy Crockett started on that I noted journey lor there never was nother journey of Ihe kind ever made r rn u et 11 rn lh I n America or In the world I a fu as that Is concerned he saddled up hU favorite ininal his trusty rifle in front ol him and hli glittering sheath knife at his belt his fox hounds eagerly listening for that velcome sound Equipped in this way be started on a journey flC sceral hundred hun-dred miles to the cliy ol Washington to attend n session of col ress to wmc i he lad been elected to mal e laws lor his country Bbte the members elect today seated In a magnificent palace car surrounded by every luxury for his comfort speeding speed-ing along at the rale ol a mile a inmnte What a wonderful change It was once necessary lor a man to practice ilmsell with gun and dogs liON the country is almost a woven web of steel ltlr tSa ell ew rails or bands crossing the country In many directions Then w e were practlc ng ourselves ngsmst wild beasts and reptiles now njimut the man with a mask on not always at night but it tu full glare ol the noonday sun I can hardly realize that I live nmong the same people but U is nevertheless a act Then brides also testimony murder and suicide were almost mil nown now if any of these crimes arc commuted nt cur next door neighbors It hardly creates a ripple In ihe great ocean ol iclly bull onwtrd 11 the march ol cduci lion side by side wit those great evils both making wonderful strides It Is not possible tint education and crime are connected In iny my but who i II be the master II the former prevails treat will be our reward and glorious results will follow II the Utir prevails pre-vails woe misery bloodshed and the devastating of the country will follow All good people should rally to the support of education for in that line lone lies the remedy While we must admit the factjthal there arc many noted criminals who hive attained to a high state ol cduca lion yet they are villains at heart and only use the education to assist them In lluir villainous work Then the mAil coach was our swiltest messenger ol conveying news now as the thoughts mature in our brains they are waited on their journey at lightning speed and as each sentence is completed in our minds it is known thousands of miles alay To converse with another and hear Ins vOIce nd ecoKnle it hundreds 01 miles I away tow is of dally occurrtrcc The staling away of sou nil In speaking or singing and transporting U thousands ol miles avviv or lor an indifferent length of time and then reproducing the same is I nn assuied act and is no longer looked at as a fable Then a man would walk about twenty five miles per day wearied and foot sore now he will ride a whrelandvvl lithe motions of the leet he will covr five limes the d s lance and next day he can repeat the tame task with little or no inconvenience Then our street conve > ance was by team at a snail gallop at best now ny hirneslng up electricity there is no push no pully but it goes all the lame Then our western hills and valleys val-leys and plains resounded with the herce noise ul the wild beast the red man of the pla us pitched his tent where night overtook him happy and content lie deer went down to the waters edge to queneh his thirst no cricl ol the white mans pile to break the silent gloom wild llowers adorned every hill and dale the meadows waved with the mylve grasses resembling the colls ol our national Hag which unfurls her folds ash sh proudly Ho us to the gentle breeze I one the emblem ol natures noblest gilt the other the emblem ol liberty and the nation wherein resides the good Irce and brave Then the mournlul howl of some lonely wolves the sly lot as he crept from his den on Ins round ol pleasure in outgeneraling anv thing he chanced to meet the eagle as he i erched himself at the lop ol some wild and crajy cUll or uttered his wild and piercing shnel as he passtd though some djrk and dismal grotto where the midnight owl and the bats had their home now beautilul cities towns and villages ore seen Ihe Iron horse as It is called goes rumbling along can illg the swift exchange ol commerce a person can take breakfast in one place and supper in some distant city The lofty spites lot the magnificent places of worship where all can assemble with none to molest nor mike afraid the clang ol the school bell to call the young to the place of education the busy hum of machinery wherein is prepared the manifold articles lor the use and bench of man the brown fields ol waving grain the fruil Iree with its loads of delicious fruits the low of the cow the bi ol the sheep the neigh of the horse one the scenes of mv childhood the other ol old age J R U |