Show JAR1IAN WKAljTH CANARD The Old itid 1 KnrliltUrril 1roptr Story ICeioirictid lu San Irauclkcu BAN FitAfcieoa Die 19Ira James Jaruianu packer at the Km po rlum and formerly fireman In the cmpUyof the Boutbern Pacific rail costs bass lust learned that Ilia father I 01 whom he hd not board for over nineteen years I alive and a multimillionaire millionaire Twenty odd years ago Norman William Jarman a young Ungllah man of an adventurous spirit Joined a band ef colonltrs I that established themselves Salt Lake City Shortly after him arrival In the laud of lb > treat Prophet young Jarman Joined Ibo Mormon Church and Incidentally Invested lu mliiee and sand loll lie married a comely young woman and tuo fruit alIbi uoloo I youPI defense familiarly known at Ira Hall Tutu n u years later Jbtinin find Mi wile separated end thu buy heard from his father for tho lint time since Ihoa I 100 ytrdo J aUAo suit Like properly Is now said to bu north 111000000 C Tlio property story la I untrue as Is rilno the statement that Jarman senior had nol ben beard fr1 lor Ilmlof 3 are Lie 1 the botorlon Jarn a3 01 liseter England 00 which 1100 ho Is often heard of thrcufb nil wild tales about Ulab Had Eyesight and Innocence Contrary to expectations the Slye counterfeit case got to the Jury last nlRbt and alter an hour and a haW deliberations returned with a verdict of not guilty Blyis line or defense was that the apparatus which I was charged was used fur making counterfeit money did not belong to him rll was left at I Ills Italian by some Unknown mail l xprt witnesses were also put on the stand to Prove that tbo proper use or the apparatus w as lor silver and gold plating euch as spoons forks and other articles Hnaccouned for paaalng the coun levels 15 gold pieces by claiming a defective eyesight |