Show lib JiOl rMTIUUS A y onq man wrItIng rrurn a town In Moigan county a > ks the NIMS If ii Ic I In Irmouy with Ihu order of Ihr Chlllcb tom anD man 10 loiN oovel1 cccledasllca calces In ISo sum ward for Instance supeilntendsul of the Sunday school leader of he ward choir and ptei lent of tlio Daaconj quirum who there la a number ol other men In Ibo ward holding Ihe Priesthood and lUll aa capable 01 fill lug tbs ofllcoi aa the one referred 10 but who are not holding an ecoIeeUatl oil t fllce Tbe question la I one which properly might have been tubmltled to Hit I IIIhop of Ibo ward where the Inquirer uould have received a more thorough explanation than can be given lu a short ceivipaper aitlcle to ooabl him t ojmprebend tbe principles oinnecltu wIth hit Inquiry for every Bishop or other prealdlng i Ulcer ought to be ready to reply 10 uol qulool lu Ibo woy of Imparting kindly Instruction without sharp re proof In reply to the oorrearoodent we will my that the holding 01 Ibu Mien named la I not Inconsistent In-consistent wltb tOo Church ordtr and aimetimea the placing upon oue person vuu more ol1loe may b a oooeully o circumstances lu tv ward When there la auflloienl available material It la I always bitter to distribute the olli oaaoe lo get aa many workers at polble and 10 gIve everybody a fair ohanca to Improve on the talent poI po-I taut In small wards circumstances circumstan-ces tomellmes makj an exleudsj distribution dis-tribution Impracticable 1u lbs Inquiry Ibef euwa la be a spirit of complaining becausa one par sou holds two positions those of Sun Jay school superintendent and choir Inoderla addlllon 10 au 0oI01lIc1 ordlcatlou which la I alto poisessed by oihere Those two position are not Inconsistent with voch Uher cud doubltas when appointments woie made Iho presiding clUoera couiUond tie anpolutee lila most suitable ptraoo for both places Ulher suitable person per-son may have been there or miy btvc come In since but the out selected aud acllug will not be removed re-moved uulets overburdened of for other good reaioi j roe ably a nit whim lor chanju or to gratify ai coo hltlou ol siuieine tleo fir ifll I i ought not iu be a moving ia uto 11 la I olwya a policy nf l won clUms lo give worlby euir etlc perioua Itupouslble poelllous whey whe-y can b > ufolul I j ihelr fellow tciisI hat > tuch irrtons iBrilyfm 1 jealous oi otbiri 10 uilHn htlnir pjeltlou keliu to help I auitill 5 lit in who have a presiding rcinimll lili rather than to outS Iho place tbuu I olveo aIICrcb hIlIOlOOWlO I Ih portoufr wb are envinu of ot itu II ptisllloua mob as Ihutu ulerred to 00 would like to euppUul tlihtru not aware 01 Ihe fact thai there Ii l tn work aud worry than teuipir t iwa I aOl glory I gUgkCo long 1 i C or Illey ale toot e mrelilllol Illllng tile 51 one aspire I ID no mailer bow high II In tttlinatotlmy place ou Ihelr own nolllly People who lIow Ihcmielvcs to grow uvioul 01 onILOI rroeleln 1loroo like tho efirred lo I iitti a ols lake cuu roe they IInler Ibewehu anl nthcrr II la alter to cultivate the 1 0511114 thaI nothIng r too god nor Ihu faithful tamest worker In doing tool ID millir If I he hold K di IOn posllions 1 > anil ma nlllea them they thould txlena lo him Ihelr aid Lear up hia Uands In I nrble work aod help him In every way as they would be helped Ibemcelvrelu a tlrnlltr million If they do the faithfully they may be sum theIr own light will nut be hid unutr a Linhfl but their talents cot ouergj will ha apprrclatedni whenever when-ever they are ready to occupy It Ii higher place will be open I > fur them III It by liolpluc and bringing success lo olhirs that we aehluvo u like mull ouraelver but tho envIous porsou wbo would auppluut or retard anolher lar his own Edvai cimeiit or who builds on Ihu ruIn 01 that oilier full will miLt wItS difeat In the mJ Help > anU be helped bleFB laS be blesied mtnuiu encouragement aud brothel ly proferLunatootbere to reteivo like I 205100 In rlllrotbili It I the eater ruli I |