Show Ceoeolpooo Im ow rrll0000r fusIon TIC iuloou of Ii oocot deeallol of ilioseoa uloul oo tIc dr I viureitlu mtli watir we blot In tlie I money M hindl lerfcclH liarmlcu in a Iiea1tt body they arc nljwlutcly density wliereer weakucsn cxlsb The IHIIRS ire the must tensitnt of all the ntal orgaiu The delicate lining of the tong cello and pawaKes is isil > irntatcii If the blood Is input and Kimifnl tlie lung lining toon Iwiomes iullauied Un tioif genii it In Ito boiy it ItHlKistlure and propatratcn boon the entire booby is full of bacilli oct consumption hai finrt halil Man i doctors my that consuiupUou is incurable and nrcemscnl fatal The aictrnshiktn lr Pierce Golden Mdl loot mwoeo OulIt lure oS nr cent of all cases of consumption IflaUn promptly prompt-ly I according tu directions II boo iurt1 tlionsan U tOil qnickU absorbed hv tlii blood MA searclies out every ilieT Ktrm in the both It nsajsls luturi to throw > ff gcnns and oIl elTcte mattir nnd reitore tile oIly lo perfect liciilth and strenKth WI hen tlir howel urf clotfnl they unload tbrlr tmpurilifit into UK tool toot hi turn le Hvim thna ihn uhout th < mti r Mttm Th ktlm tfthiic ud tlon suilrrj n n lin c rs r ston titart hur 1m i ul t li Ice lH lunl r lfetV nW tmtloauna thetc mte J nt ill Oil Krnlle Uxative Thcoesylpe IXtig U KU tiaou Uuls00aleo loon gutro000 I 700Ff j JhY > GL 1 J r i r I DANGEROUS i nod difficult mountain climbing done I in nHo hours by Prof Pressoir bcc I Trench Alpine Club and l ai 1 others on 110 suslellance or slimlllaot sae the tropical nut from which Kolafrn n I made ii hero as no vI hunger t 110 hort breath no fatigue lagging no sub scqucnt exhaustion In great and I I protracted muscular effort the African Afri-can tonic stimulant is indispensable I Armls march olblcle WID games I alld fRees and bicelhlo rldo bobber faster and with los exertion under tho inspiration of I VinoIolafra Tho heart pulsations nmplcr and fecr thei nerves steady Olin head l I clear nnd cool nnd thu body full tif elasticity and visor YinoKolafra I protects agalnsttlic dangers of exposure expos-ure tochanges weather and has no reaction or bad aftereffects A snfo and certain tunic and vitnllzcr for tho feeblo and depressed lien arc of imitations 80lJ n Brunswick Pharmacal Co Jonuos II < nsos Mhng gla Will blrI Iw Yu POZZONIS CO1P1EX0 POWDER VOZZ4CNIvi flTS CM ED IT Jrnl Vdl royw III e0lpeclalt101rplllJ b thn is IIhllIIndcUlO1lmorU ri Ili 1110 I IiuocewIcuoeobice w dl I up ° Cr0 total I 00 ceO rhl 0 l1w IcoicnvkroOOirdleooect hh 001 0mb 1 brltlLof i Itabtolutoci refrceto csycor00oe II alIt li nlrjrc iie dN eod n sieOoeIoobIou tBullLpammoLbbt00odnob1yiwyua 5 o4Aus t S = ra irii j J 1 J enoW JJ so II1lJii Ih I iIIIIIHlliI TWO OPINIONS IIIIll J iy OF THE BEST JAPAN TEA IN i4l1io0J S PACKAGES IMPORTED INTO THE U S t f IJ The U S Government Chemist ol Sin Feooeieoo boocoo lb V hi Hu crcmiially arulytej the Pride ot Jipan 0 ud finds It putt uruauImteJ sid free from any injurlo 1TII mixture Thomas Price Son Analytical Qiemists e Sin Princisco sayi We rue nude a searching cheinlul analysis cf your Pride of Japan Tea ad find It to be free from all rrhcril and organic adulterations con stitutnc a perfectly pure tea eight a pound packages 200 cups to the pacluge at your grocers M I f NDFNSTOH ti CO Sin t j JKU I ui h A FAIR fACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BARGAIN BAR-GAIN MARRY PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES SAPOLIO E SELL W EE = STOVESS S STEEL RANGES SlEDSI wm Examine Our Stock I I Consult W Our Prices r Coop I Wagon Macnine Gom an S LEADING IMPLEMENT DEALERS State Street Salt Lake City a V1 rr Oraefenberg Pills CURt HEADACHE BILIOUSNESS INDIGESTION Act Mildly but Surely Boat Llvaf Pill Cure all l t mach I I Disorders Constipation and Kldnoy Troubles Sold by Druggists and Wholesale and habIt by Z C M I Silt Lak City S GRAEFENBERG COt CO-t 11 Cluiiiburs N Y II I I GENTLEMENWln not buy nice < ir i I Home Made Shoes When jou can get lh Famous Goodyear Welts In so many alt leo and at ttst possible prices i Solomon Biiost Hoys > nd Children SCHOOL ShOES a specialty Wholesale retail 70 south Main deed i = Breathes There a man With a Son So n 1 That kind 01 he cannot alpeciale the think not Clolbin 10 nell Ue Most every mn thinU the best is good aW enough Copectallv j ln cube the best is beol cheap Every man Who wo1I new suit lor Chrlstnm a end what man docs not will fid i better selection n bstter fit better styles of cloths and more patterns to pick from Ihao he can find in any place In the city tailor shop or clothinj cloy ° We fit better than any tulor od save suit you from ft to Jt5 uo aIN a-IN BOYS CLOTHES Our stock is matchless You must come here if jou uant to reach the very best slob ihe shortest price In Hoys Outfits ONE PRICE J P a Gardner 136133 Main Stroot lt5 I Lwii u 1OLIDAYT ONUMBER lOUT l-OUT TO = DAYI tffo ALL NEWSSTANDS Cents Cenis v WII McKt I lo efiO m 1 4 t t < tat I Jy yIJ W blJl N y UitnneillaAm 1 l I r 1 a eotrrcolsf 1 5 Arthur Ulllli Colton tOhlm dholl5s r Mildred Aldrich at 7t thtj H PI ° 11 K thlukI lb THE l teYCLINQ l1 bMRTI1EllT i < r TIIII CYCLISTS WIVIER Vwllhthe nin al l ntuabereHiliuUlI A noui and a UuhiU > le iloiy ibcul > t j FAKED BlOTOUi RaCI J 1 h te are other good srtlclu tnd I l I no t I i w wllTlrll VFl nu < aa the f f r Vj onithama pit oh doft J kl4 woTkthl V 1 A I Holiday NiuuticrP tI l OUT TODAY j d 1 Cents S Cents J I tJ AM Newssu > asr tt O 1 Jr Horses Kick ll 00 1 ee olOoeoiv1ollliy I 00110110 on hc 10 Uckmllh no UM uh al In 0 1 hc or I Ihil hi to lollw M Thlal U whst hippen l OKI p rl cam out where U hud for lIn < ha t nlu f matt1 I tn o CoUKoli i anJ Shearing Process f byohiohlOhetu of nutal m P J ndean oflen b pried part JJHI 1T finger tklly nail diitlnffuU Tht t na emn M Putnam t Nails BSjtB1 < ii II ir ra ttu lvely Motrorjeil il Hwj I I l iI h i iiS I O J fi a SpUir suMrcr Bresk nJ l I Absolutely Safe t 1 h 1 1 It lnllh ii II o i i k 1 1 tho h 10 I I nbneot dee nletol plol nalitd 0 copl 1 00 p U J rl PUTNAM NAIL COMPANY Neponitt Boston ttr c = For sale by 7 C M I I Clark Fl dicelgcS Co f Western llardWarr I cAL Salt take 1 liirdwarc Co and Geo A Lowe Salt Lake CitjUIll C A CfiHLQUIST UDmnLKr n I rl I I n I I o Oa r 1117 So laiD SISall Lak ollr I |